Friday, August 31, 2007
Work, Work, Work
The kids head back to school next Thurs, it would be Wed but the first day is an inservice (right off the bat). The kids are still in bed...Graham will be up soon but Elysia will sleep until noon if I let her....awwww, the good old day, when I thought getting up at 10 was early. Now I'm just thrilled if I sleep until 7:30.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Elysia has headed to the city (I know, I said last time was the last time but I always said I am a sucker). Mike has gone to the states so it's just Graham and I for a couple of days. I will probably go to the city on Wed to get Elysia, but go a little early so we can go to Queensland just once to play in the waves.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Last night it rained hard and the cable went out again. We have Bell Express Vu, I do not recommend it and I think we will be going back to Eastlink.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Quiet Day
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Shopping Adventure
I did manage something for myself, I went and had my eyebrows waxed...last time I do that with this girl, I am missing skin above my eyes...yeah, it makes for a great look. I thought it hurt a little bit more than normal, but I will admit, they were a little Sesame Street looking so I thought that was why, but then she put the cream on them and it stung...I have scabs growing above both eyes....but at least the eyebrows look great. For my own safety I may maintain them a little better.
We are babysitting Connor and Sarah's bunnies while the kids are in BC. I can truly say if I thought of getting bunnies, it is surely gone now that I helped clean their cage...stinky!! I may remember to post pictures of them so Sarah and Connor can see they are doing well.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Lunch at Grandma's
Mike was "on course" yesterday...Granite Springs to be exact. He was golfing with the Chef's Assn. Just one of those rough things he has to put up with ... haha...
Yesterday, Graham's friend Connor was over playing. Connor's little sister Maddie came over and was stung by a bee right by her eye, when her mother picked her up right away the bee stung Janet in the stomach. They stopped by later so Maddie could show me her eye and it was almost swollen shut. I gave them some children's Reactine to try, not sure if it was a reaction to the bee sting or just that it was so close to her eye.
The kids and I are heading to Halifax tomorrow for school shopping. Will be stopping for a visit at Russel Metals, of course...
Monday, August 20, 2007
Quiet Weekend
Josee and the kids head to BC on Wed am and are quite excited. I am, of course, happy for them and jealous. Jeff is heading there sometime at the end of the week. They will be visiting Tracey and the family and Jeff's sister Diane and her family. She lives on the north end of Vancouver Island.
The kids and I are heading to Halifax on Wed to do their school shopping. They get a set amt of money and a list. They are much stingier when they think it's their money. Learned this lesson last year.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Holy Thundering!!
We went to Lawrencetown yesterday to watch Sarah and Connor show their calves. Now, when I saw calves, don't picture the little cute things that are just born...these are huge, Connor had trouble seeing the judge over his, freaks me out a little to watch them.
Had a nice visit the other day with Patti and Tim and the boys. Hayden just turned two so I was worried about him and the stairs, my house is not child friendly. Keegan loved the big tv and enjoyed watching Scooby Doo on it.
Graham had a ball game in Middleton last night. Elysia came with us, much to her dismay, she did read the rest of her book though. We were short of players so I had to catch for them...I am getting old!! Graham did play really well and he caught a pop fly and the little boy called him a bad name when they were shaking hands. He told me this in the car, I wish he had said something while we were on the field and I would have said something to the other coach.
Gotta go and get ready, we are heading to Lawrencetown to watch Jeff show his steer.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Maria's Birthday
Elysia has run off with her cousins today to the Lawrencetown Exhibition. We will be heading down tomorrow, the kids are showing their calves.
Patti, Tim and the boys are dropping by later today, it'll be nice to see them all.
Monday, August 13, 2007
It's raining today so I am assuming Elysia's practice will be cancelled (not heartbroken over that).
Lawrencetown exhibition starts this week so we'll be seeing some of that. We will most likely go on Thursday, it works out well because Graham has a baseball game in Middleton to play that night as well.
Thanks to Mike, my dad and Darrell S for sponsoring me for the Walk for the Cure!!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Soccered Out!!
It was a beautiful day though to be outside, about 26 and a nice breeze, it wasn't humid. Elysia's friend from Halifax, Shayla was playing down here and spent the night last night. We also saw three girls from her teams the last few years this afternoon.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Tonight, Graham's team had their last soccer practice and it was kids vs parents. Let me tell you, some of those kids are quick and have some moves...although, I did manage to squeak out a goal for the parents' side. It was quick a lucky shot, but I'll take what I can get. Graham scored a goal as well, although I think mine was much better...haha.
Elysia went to her friend, Felicity's house and came back with hives from the cat, she forgot to take a Reactine. I asked her if she picked the cat up and she said of course not, but he crawled on her...
We went to see the baby chicks at the farm today, they are quite cute. Got to hold them, went to see the bigger chickens as well, they are the ones that will not live too much longer...the new chicks are layers though. We went into the chicken cook as well to see the egg laying hens. One let me pet her and I thought they were quite cute. I wouldn't mind a small barn to raise a half dozen chickens (just kidding Mike)!!
Sarah seems to be adjusting to her braces, her mouth is sore but she's eating lots of pasta, soup and ice cream. In no time at all, I'm sure she'll be sneaking stuff she shouldn't.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Sarah and Connor spent the night. Of course, the girls are asleep and the boys are on the play station. Sarah got her braces on yesterday, posts, wires and spacers so her mouth is quite sore. She had some pasta for supper and ice cream for snack. Poor little thing.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Elysia has gone to the city to visit her friend Kaylie. I am picking her up today. Graham had his soccer clinic with Wayne Evans yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it, there was a couple of whiney kids there but Wayne quickly put them in their place so that was kind of funny to watch. Graham's last soccer is this week and Elysia's is next week, they both play in a tournament this weekend...hope it's not hot!!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Graham lost another tooth last night, at 4 in the morning and had to come and wake me to see if it was too late to get the tooth fairy in...yeah....kinda!!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Hot, hot, hot!!
Heading to the 4H achievement days to see Sarah and Connor show their calves, I'll watch them in the morning but not when it's so hot this afternoon, if I could rescue them and take them to the beach I would...
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Run for the Cure!!

Janet, Steve and the boys are here from New Hampshire, we picked up Janet on the way to the game last night so we stayed up late chatting...she's still sleeping. Steve and the boys will be over later today.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Birthday Boy

My honey is 38 today, gotta have them younger to keep you younger...haha...Happy Birthday Mike!!
The kids, Elysia's friend Melissa and I all went to Lake George yesterday for a swim. I guess people thought it was going to rain because there wasn't too many people there. There was, however a fish, I don't know if it was a trout or not but it was at least 6 inches long and Elysia had goggles on...I think you know where I am going with this, she freaked out when it came right up to her. It was quite funny.
Graham had a ball game in Lawrencetown last night. He had a good night, three really good hits and he got four outs, three in one inning. He was strutting last night to the truck. Both kids have soccer games tonight so our cake will have to be at lunch time.