This is the email that was sent out to all of Compass Group:
Congratulations to Chef Michael McKinnon on being awarded the 2008 Chef Masters Green Jacket!
Congratulations as well to First Runner Up, Chef Wolfgang Leske, Executive Chef, Albian Sands Village, Fort McMurray, B.C.
The Compass Group Canada 2008 Chef Masters competition ended with a deafening round of applause for its newest Chef Masters winner, Michael McKinnon who joins the 2007 Chef Masters recipient, Chef Eric Evers. Chef Michael is with Chartwells at Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, as Executive Chef.
There was a lot of heart and passion in the Compass Culinary Lab Studio at Humber College North Campus, yesterday, where the 2008 Chef Masters 2nd Annual Competition took place. The six competing chefs began sharpening their knives at 12:55 p.m., and as the clock struck 1:00 p.m, Corporate Executive Chef Wayne Nichol's words rang out "let the competition begin!" Our talented chefs had just three hours to prove what they could do -- and then go beyond!
At 4:00 p.m., Chef Wayne called "time!" and the cooking and preparation part of the competition was over. Next came the tasting by the 25 judges who were focused on a wide range of scoring criteria, which broke down into technical and creative components.
At the end of the day, it was all about these six amazing chefs and the food they had created. Our competitors made Compass proud by entertaining and delighting us with their skill and culinary talent. They poured their hearts and souls into the competition, which was clearly evident to all who had the privilege of attending the event. Six incredibly delicious dishes were presented for everyone to taste and enjoy.
As contestants in the Chef Masters competition, all of the competitors are winners. Congratulations are also extended to:
Pascal Born, Chef Manager, Sobey's, QC
Robert Hong, Chef/Retail Manager, PHSA, BCCWH, BC
Percival Morier, Executive Chef, Steelcase Inc., ON
Tim Lentz, Banquet Chef, Western Fair, ON
Congratulations, again, to Chef Michael on becoming the 2008 Chef Masters Champion and to Chef Wolfgang on his first runner up position. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to all of the Chef Masters competitors. You are all true winners in Culinary, symbolizing high standards of excellence and great passion for what you do.
Great people! Great Service! Great Results!
BRAVO Chefs!
Cindy Harris Director of Communications Compass Group Canada
Friday, May 30, 2008
Chef Master
OMG!!! Mike won!!!!!
He is now the Compass Group Chef Master of Canada...over 100 entrants and my little honey won. I am so excited for him, this just proves that they know what I have known all along...Mike is a cooking talent and hard worker. He has only been with the company a little over a year...this is really big for his career (I'm still not moving to Toronto though). The kids were so excited last night, I'm sure everyone at their school will know.
On a side I was driving home from work last night, I noticed all the green, the lilacs blooming (sorry Patti, know you hate the smell) and the crab apple trees in bloom and I thought...this is why I wanted to be here, then of course I drove by a freshly manured field, I guess you gotta suffer to be beautiful.
When Mike gets home, I will pilfer his camera and post some pictures...
He is now the Compass Group Chef Master of Canada...over 100 entrants and my little honey won. I am so excited for him, this just proves that they know what I have known all along...Mike is a cooking talent and hard worker. He has only been with the company a little over a year...this is really big for his career (I'm still not moving to Toronto though). The kids were so excited last night, I'm sure everyone at their school will know.
On a side I was driving home from work last night, I noticed all the green, the lilacs blooming (sorry Patti, know you hate the smell) and the crab apple trees in bloom and I thought...this is why I wanted to be here, then of course I drove by a freshly manured field, I guess you gotta suffer to be beautiful.
When Mike gets home, I will pilfer his camera and post some pictures...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Today's the Day
Today's is Mike's big cooking day...he's nervous and to him this morning. He said he has received all kinds of freebies from vendors and has no idea how he's getting it home (his wife isn't there to pack it for him). Good luck Mike!!!!
Elysia's soccer started last night and she was quite happy as she has many of her friends are on her team...much better start than last year when we had just moved here and she didn't know a soul.
Elysia's soccer started last night and she was quite happy as she has many of her friends are on her team...much better start than last year when we had just moved here and she didn't know a soul.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Mike's Big Adventure
Mike's competition is tomorrow and he's getting a little nervous...there will be a few hundred people watching...there's magazine's a big deal!! I know he will do well, he thrives on it and I have faith in his ability...hmmm...wonder if there's a cash prize??
Kids are off to the dentist today...because of Graham's heart condition he has to take antibiotics before his appointment so Elysia has to give it to him when they get home. I'm sure there will be a fight there somehow.
Little Sofie is having her big operation today to make sure there are no more little Sofies...poor mom will be worried all day, I'm sure she will spoil that little dog rotten when she gets home...
Kids are off to the dentist today...because of Graham's heart condition he has to take antibiotics before his appointment so Elysia has to give it to him when they get home. I'm sure there will be a fight there somehow.
Little Sofie is having her big operation today to make sure there are no more little Sofies...poor mom will be worried all day, I'm sure she will spoil that little dog rotten when she gets home...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thanks Josee!!
Josee was kind enough to come with me to Graham's cardiology checkup today. She said it was no big deal, but it certainly was to me...I am always leary about going by myself to Graham's appointment but she came to hold my hand if necessary but thankfully it wasn't. Graham's numbers were back up and things are going well.
Mike is in Toronto at his cooking competition. When we first found out that he was going, I realized that it was the same week as the dr appt, I tried to change the appt but it would have been well into July before we could go and I am very superstitious about changing stuff like I wanted him checked out before soccer for the summer. I didn't tell Mike about the appt until after he had booked the plane ticket because his going on this competition is a really big deal (as is Graham's checkup) but I reallllly wanted him to go (and not only so I could sleep in the middle of the bed)...
The dr talked to Graham about healthy snack choices, which was good, Graham's not a big vegie lover but he does like fruit...all the potatoe chips are out of the house because of Mike's high blood pressure anyway...told Elysia and I said healthier choices wouldn't hurt us long as she can still sneak down to Scotian Gold for the occassional ice cream, she'll be fine.
All in all a good day!!
Mike is in Toronto at his cooking competition. When we first found out that he was going, I realized that it was the same week as the dr appt, I tried to change the appt but it would have been well into July before we could go and I am very superstitious about changing stuff like I wanted him checked out before soccer for the summer. I didn't tell Mike about the appt until after he had booked the plane ticket because his going on this competition is a really big deal (as is Graham's checkup) but I reallllly wanted him to go (and not only so I could sleep in the middle of the bed)...
The dr talked to Graham about healthy snack choices, which was good, Graham's not a big vegie lover but he does like fruit...all the potatoe chips are out of the house because of Mike's high blood pressure anyway...told Elysia and I said healthier choices wouldn't hurt us long as she can still sneak down to Scotian Gold for the occassional ice cream, she'll be fine.
All in all a good day!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Busy Weekend
Whew...busy weekend...lots on the go...Friday night we went to Josee's house to celebrate Connor's 12th birthday. The kids had a big "cousin" soccer game...let me just say if it was real soccer the yellow and red cards would be flying, especially when siblings are near one another out there. Sometimes it's better to not watch as a parent.
Sat morning took Graham to the Michelin bike rally in Berwick...what a great event. Every child was fitted with a new helmet, it was a sea of yellow bike helmets. Every child received a "goodie" bag with a water bottle, safety book, stickers, etc and then got a little snack as well. Michelin did a bang up job and didn't charge a penny for it and there was over 400 kids there, it was bedlam but it was great! Then it was off to the hair dresser to "return my hair to nature" as I like to call we are back to our "natural" brown with no "white" highlights and we are happy.
Sunday we went to the McKeil household to meet their newest member...little Madelyn. Christopher and Brenda were down visiting with their new 3 month old baby...she is a sweetie, good baby and she is cute (and I'm not just saying that). I will try to post pictures of her later. Got to hold he while she napped, fed her a bottle. Graham even fed her a bottle...both kids held her and were thoroughly impressed with her. Mike enjoyed just sitting under the canopy at the poolside and enjoying relaxing, I think his eyes closed a couple of times under his sunglasses. Nice relaxing day for him with the family before he heads to Toronto (today) for his cooking competition...good luck, Mike!!
We bought a lawn mower the other day, our yard is quite sloped in the back so we wanted a self propelled one...had to be rear wheel though. We checked the sign at Sears and asked the lady and she assured us the one we bought was rear wheel...well, guess what, it's not!! It's a piece of sh*& and doesn't work on hills...I'll be making a trip to Sears this week to discuss their options!!
Sat morning took Graham to the Michelin bike rally in Berwick...what a great event. Every child was fitted with a new helmet, it was a sea of yellow bike helmets. Every child received a "goodie" bag with a water bottle, safety book, stickers, etc and then got a little snack as well. Michelin did a bang up job and didn't charge a penny for it and there was over 400 kids there, it was bedlam but it was great! Then it was off to the hair dresser to "return my hair to nature" as I like to call we are back to our "natural" brown with no "white" highlights and we are happy.
Sunday we went to the McKeil household to meet their newest member...little Madelyn. Christopher and Brenda were down visiting with their new 3 month old baby...she is a sweetie, good baby and she is cute (and I'm not just saying that). I will try to post pictures of her later. Got to hold he while she napped, fed her a bottle. Graham even fed her a bottle...both kids held her and were thoroughly impressed with her. Mike enjoyed just sitting under the canopy at the poolside and enjoying relaxing, I think his eyes closed a couple of times under his sunglasses. Nice relaxing day for him with the family before he heads to Toronto (today) for his cooking competition...good luck, Mike!!
We bought a lawn mower the other day, our yard is quite sloped in the back so we wanted a self propelled one...had to be rear wheel though. We checked the sign at Sears and asked the lady and she assured us the one we bought was rear wheel...well, guess what, it's not!! It's a piece of sh*& and doesn't work on hills...I'll be making a trip to Sears this week to discuss their options!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Birthday Party
We are heading to Josee's for Connor's "cake and cash"...told him I would give him money because he wanted new golf clubs but his parents got him that for his I made the comment that he didn't need the cash now..."that's okay Auntie Annie, I can still find something else to buy", no doubt on that one!
Graham had baseball last night and it poured off and on, both Mike and Graham got a little wet, the young one enjoys it but I don't think the older one does. Elysia was going to dance and had straightened her hair, so I had to drop them off as close to the door as possible so it the rain wouldn't get at her hair...poor child has been cursed with the beastly head of curly hair. Someday she too will give in to the curls!
While everyone was out, I went to see my flower lady at Glad Gardens and got some climbing annuals for my front porch. I had one last year and loved it so I got more this year. So while it rained, I played in the time, cause there's no bugs!
Graham had baseball last night and it poured off and on, both Mike and Graham got a little wet, the young one enjoys it but I don't think the older one does. Elysia was going to dance and had straightened her hair, so I had to drop them off as close to the door as possible so it the rain wouldn't get at her hair...poor child has been cursed with the beastly head of curly hair. Someday she too will give in to the curls!
While everyone was out, I went to see my flower lady at Glad Gardens and got some climbing annuals for my front porch. I had one last year and loved it so I got more this year. So while it rained, I played in the time, cause there's no bugs!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Connor is 12
My only nephew, Connor is 12 did that happen?! I "borrowed" these pictures from Josee's blog (see Josee, for once I gave you credit). Connor also enjoyed the Man U game last night...
Man U Champions!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Champions League Final
Tonight is the Champions League Final~Manchester United v Chelsea...should be a great game, of course I want Man U to win and win big!! If you don't follow the English Premier League, this may mean nothing to you, all I know is, I will be glued to the tv tonight...God help someone if it rains really hard tonight and we lose our satelitte signal (which by the way, I hate the satelite).
Mike took the kiddies to see Prince Caspian last night, they loved it...Mike had sticker shock after he paid for the movie and a few snacks. It's not a cheap night. I stayed home, I was going to play in the dirt, which I did attempt. Unfortunately the wind had died down and the black flies were hungry and they took one look at me and thought "buffet!" I'm still scratching, so what did I do...laundry! I know you are thinking...what an exciting gal...I am so jealous of the things she gets to do!
Mike went to the dr and his blood pressure was down...he has been working really hard at it though. He's lost 10 to 15 the dr was pleased with what he was doing. It's shocking though the amount of sodium dumped into our food...we don't have potatoe chips in our house, we have pita chips...which are not bad. None of us will suffer for that. Keep up the good work Mike!!
Mike took the kiddies to see Prince Caspian last night, they loved it...Mike had sticker shock after he paid for the movie and a few snacks. It's not a cheap night. I stayed home, I was going to play in the dirt, which I did attempt. Unfortunately the wind had died down and the black flies were hungry and they took one look at me and thought "buffet!" I'm still scratching, so what did I do...laundry! I know you are thinking...what an exciting gal...I am so jealous of the things she gets to do!
Mike went to the dr and his blood pressure was down...he has been working really hard at it though. He's lost 10 to 15 the dr was pleased with what he was doing. It's shocking though the amount of sodium dumped into our food...we don't have potatoe chips in our house, we have pita chips...which are not bad. None of us will suffer for that. Keep up the good work Mike!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Man...I had to come here again!...AGH!! I wish it was last summer and I was still on employment insurance or as I like to call it...the good ole days.
Kids went back to school today. Graham was tired and cranky this morning and I told him to buck up because Mike is taking them to see Prince Caspian today (the new Narnia movie)...Mike told me I could go or stay home....hmmm...see a kid's movie I don't really want to see or stay home and play in the dirt...I choose dirt!!
Kids went back to school today. Graham was tired and cranky this morning and I told him to buck up because Mike is taking them to see Prince Caspian today (the new Narnia movie)...Mike told me I could go or stay home....hmmm...see a kid's movie I don't really want to see or stay home and play in the dirt...I choose dirt!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Victoria Day
It's Victoria Day and where am work...that's what happens when you work for a company that only gives the bare minimum that they are required by law. Don't get any extra pay either for being here...oooohh...lucky me! Graham asked why I was working on Queen Victoria's birthday...cause I work here!
Did get lots of dirt time on the the manure and black soil added to the vegie garden before it rained Sat...also trimmed the bush in the front (sounds bad)...there was this horrid bush in our front yard that was like a Hitchcock nightmare...would get full of house flies, well, it met it's demise yesterday. I was covered in mud and scratches but I do feel that I won.
Sat night we had a lovely supper. Mike BBQ'ed ribs for mom, Josee, Jeff, Sarah and Connor. Collette...when he's there you must get him to cook them for you! They are delish!
Mike is home with the kiddies today, Elysia was quite happy about that...not so much about spending time with her father but the fact that she got to sleep in!
On a sad note...yesterday when I was heading to Josee's I wasn't able to turn down Windemere was blocked off, there had been an accident...friends of Josee and Jeff lost their 22 yr old son in a car accident and another person was seriously injured...
Did get lots of dirt time on the the manure and black soil added to the vegie garden before it rained Sat...also trimmed the bush in the front (sounds bad)...there was this horrid bush in our front yard that was like a Hitchcock nightmare...would get full of house flies, well, it met it's demise yesterday. I was covered in mud and scratches but I do feel that I won.
Sat night we had a lovely supper. Mike BBQ'ed ribs for mom, Josee, Jeff, Sarah and Connor. Collette...when he's there you must get him to cook them for you! They are delish!
Mike is home with the kiddies today, Elysia was quite happy about that...not so much about spending time with her father but the fact that she got to sleep in!
On a sad note...yesterday when I was heading to Josee's I wasn't able to turn down Windemere was blocked off, there had been an accident...friends of Josee and Jeff lost their 22 yr old son in a car accident and another person was seriously injured...
Friday, May 16, 2008
Sunny Friday!!
The sun is shining and it's Friday, which only means one thing...rain for the weekend...if this was high school I would sooo be skipping this afternoon.
New fella started today, I think his name is Bambi or something, I could smell baby powder as soon as I walked in and all I wanted to tell him was "RUN!", doesn't matter where, just "RUN!"
Not much on for the weekend, I was hoping to play in dirt but looks like it might rain, as long as it's not too bad, I'll still play because there won't be any bugs if it's raining.
New fella started today, I think his name is Bambi or something, I could smell baby powder as soon as I walked in and all I wanted to tell him was "RUN!", doesn't matter where, just "RUN!"
Not much on for the weekend, I was hoping to play in dirt but looks like it might rain, as long as it's not too bad, I'll still play because there won't be any bugs if it's raining.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The sun is shining
The sun is shining and it will shine tomorrow too and then rain for the weekend...what's up with that...and of course, the "generous" company I work for only give the statutory holidays required by law so I have to work on I a lucky girl?!
My husband bought me a box of Lindor chocolates for our being the good wife I am, I ate them all, didn't want him to think I didn't appreciate the gift.
Have a wonderful day, enjoy the sunshine...I know I would...maybe I should check my lotto ticket and then I could go home and "let" my husband work...haha!
My husband bought me a box of Lindor chocolates for our being the good wife I am, I ate them all, didn't want him to think I didn't appreciate the gift.
Have a wonderful day, enjoy the sunshine...I know I would...maybe I should check my lotto ticket and then I could go home and "let" my husband work...haha!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Today is my wedding anniversary...Mike and I have been married for 14 only seems like an eternity...haha!!
For those of you complaining about how cold it is outside, we had wet snowshowers the day of our wedding and our old chauffeur got tired of waiting while we had pictures done and left...he probably couldn't hear when we said wait because of all the hair in his ears.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Digging in Dirt
Last night I was digging in the dirt for was great, it was cool and windy so that meant no buggies, so that was great! Mike and Graham had gone to the Finland/Canada IIHF game last night, which was the highlight of Graham's life (according to him). Mike has promised Elysia that just she and him will go to a movie, I told her to pick the sappiest chick flick ever...hahaha!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Well...again the weekend wasn't long I really have to be here...AGH!
We babysat Sofie all weekend. She is quite the character. I told the kids they could each have her in their room for one night but she had to be in her kennel. The first night, Graham had her but she was making too much noise so she was brought into our room. She slept in her crate on the floor by me...not a peep out of her until Graham decided to "check" on her at 6:00 that's when my Sat started. Sat night was Elysia's turn and she kept her in there until 6:15 am when she started making noise so she brought her into my room where she started to that's when my Sun started.
At least my soccer team Manchester United won the Barclay's Premier League title...I know most of the people who read this don't follow soccer but I have become addicted and thoroughly enjoy it...!
Mike was busy all weekend with graduation functions...he's pretty tired.
Went to mother's yesterday for Mother's Day...Josee made her a DVD with pictures put to song...b*&^% made us cry...she said she's going to make us a copy and she better remember...there was some funny pictures as well.
Grampie Morse came home from the hospital this weekend...he's pretty sore but holding his own, he better not show up in the barn this week or I think Connor and Sarah will drag his butt home.
I was involved in a Survivor pool and my girl made it to the final two and I sucked!! I would have won $190 that I could have collected and shopped with! AGH!!
We babysat Sofie all weekend. She is quite the character. I told the kids they could each have her in their room for one night but she had to be in her kennel. The first night, Graham had her but she was making too much noise so she was brought into our room. She slept in her crate on the floor by me...not a peep out of her until Graham decided to "check" on her at 6:00 that's when my Sat started. Sat night was Elysia's turn and she kept her in there until 6:15 am when she started making noise so she brought her into my room where she started to that's when my Sun started.
At least my soccer team Manchester United won the Barclay's Premier League title...I know most of the people who read this don't follow soccer but I have become addicted and thoroughly enjoy it...!
Mike was busy all weekend with graduation functions...he's pretty tired.
Went to mother's yesterday for Mother's Day...Josee made her a DVD with pictures put to song...b*&^% made us cry...she said she's going to make us a copy and she better remember...there was some funny pictures as well.
Grampie Morse came home from the hospital this weekend...he's pretty sore but holding his own, he better not show up in the barn this week or I think Connor and Sarah will drag his butt home.
I was involved in a Survivor pool and my girl made it to the final two and I sucked!! I would have won $190 that I could have collected and shopped with! AGH!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Well, I am a little behind in my blogging, it's been that kind of a week. Graham had two soccers this week, Elysia had her band concert, Graham had baseball one night...took Elysia for her breathing test and eye checkup yesterday...Mike has convocation this weekend at's been busy...oh yeah, and work sucks!!
Elysia's breathing test was fine...wasn't as good as last year but not as bad as the year real asthma attacks this year just a cold in the last couple of weeks that I think contributed to her test. She does not need glasses either so that's good, she was quite worried about that. She does need to "exercise" her eyes because she is slow focusing when reading at her desk and then looking up at the board...she's suppose to practice reading and then looking up at home, told her I would make her an eye chart for when she's in the bathroom...she didn't think that was very funny...what else are you going to do while you're sitting there...I know she's not going to put toilet paper on the roll, that's a proven fact in my house!
Graham had his first baseball practice with his team, he did pretty good, cracked a few balls and made some good catches so he was pretty excited. Between baseball and all the soccer it's going to be a busy summer.
Mike has convocation at the university this weekend...h'or deurve functions, sandwich functions and then banquets...he'll be busy, should see him sometime on Sunday...
Elysia and I may have done some shopping yesterday while in the city. She got a dress for her semi formal, Mike wanted to know if she was wearing a turtle neck underneath it. She also bought a bathing suit, I told her she needed to cover from her knees to her neck~she didn't exactly heed that advise and bought a two pc (I rather call it a two pc as opposed to a bikini because she's my daughter), Mike didn't even want to see it in the bag. I may have bought some new stuff for me too (Mike if you are reading this...just look away).
Elysia's breathing test was fine...wasn't as good as last year but not as bad as the year real asthma attacks this year just a cold in the last couple of weeks that I think contributed to her test. She does not need glasses either so that's good, she was quite worried about that. She does need to "exercise" her eyes because she is slow focusing when reading at her desk and then looking up at the board...she's suppose to practice reading and then looking up at home, told her I would make her an eye chart for when she's in the bathroom...she didn't think that was very funny...what else are you going to do while you're sitting there...I know she's not going to put toilet paper on the roll, that's a proven fact in my house!
Graham had his first baseball practice with his team, he did pretty good, cracked a few balls and made some good catches so he was pretty excited. Between baseball and all the soccer it's going to be a busy summer.
Mike has convocation at the university this weekend...h'or deurve functions, sandwich functions and then banquets...he'll be busy, should see him sometime on Sunday...
Elysia and I may have done some shopping yesterday while in the city. She got a dress for her semi formal, Mike wanted to know if she was wearing a turtle neck underneath it. She also bought a bathing suit, I told her she needed to cover from her knees to her neck~she didn't exactly heed that advise and bought a two pc (I rather call it a two pc as opposed to a bikini because she's my daughter), Mike didn't even want to see it in the bag. I may have bought some new stuff for me too (Mike if you are reading this...just look away).
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Girls/Boys Night Out
Last night Mike and Graham went and saw Norway and Finland play at the IIHF World Championship in Halifax. Connor went his his friend Alex and poor Jeff was in the barn Josee, Sarah, Elysia and I had a girls night out...okay, we finished Sarah's chemistry homework and then went to Pizza Delight and the book store, I know...what excitement but we had fun. Elysia and Sarah are quite the characters when they get together. Graham had fun at the hockey game, I guess the camera for the jumbo tron was on Mike's boss and he was pointing over to Graham for the camera to go there, so it slowly started to move over towards Graham~while it was on his father Graham decided it was too slow so he jumped over into the picture like Superman and I guess the crowd got quite a kick out of it and cheered. Mike said the seats were excellent.
Graham was a little disapointed because he really wanted to see Saku Koivu play but he didn't but his brother did and he saw a few more players he recognized. Although he was miffed that the ref jumped right in and broke up a fight.
Elysia and I head to the city on Thurs, she has her breathing test for her asthma and an eye checkup (been getting headaches lately). So there will be no post on Thursday...
Graham was a little disapointed because he really wanted to see Saku Koivu play but he didn't but his brother did and he saw a few more players he recognized. Although he was miffed that the ref jumped right in and broke up a fight.
Elysia and I head to the city on Thurs, she has her breathing test for her asthma and an eye checkup (been getting headaches lately). So there will be no post on Thursday...
Monday, May 5, 2008
What a stunning weekend...they should all be like that...especially since I had a pedicure and have the prettiest toes in town...that's! Although she was a little merciless and had to "crush the crystals" in my feet that we causing my headaches...Jesus, I hope it helped cause it hurt!
Mike and Graham are off to see a IIHF hockey game tonight and Elysia and I are doing something with Josee, Sarah and Grandma if she can for girls night!
Congrats to Connor, just saw on the Valley United website that he made the U12 2A teams...way to go, the coach said he was excellent with his communication on the soccer field, imagine that...Connor good at communicating!
Mike and Graham are off to see a IIHF hockey game tonight and Elysia and I are doing something with Josee, Sarah and Grandma if she can for girls night!
Congrats to Connor, just saw on the Valley United website that he made the U12 2A teams...way to go, the coach said he was excellent with his communication on the soccer field, imagine that...Connor good at communicating!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Jump Rope for Heart
Yesterday the kids participated in the Jump Rope for Heart at their school. When they do this they have to fill out a card of who they are jumping for...Elysia wrote her brother's name down, her class asked her why so she told them about how he had heart surgery and continuing issues so most of her class wrote his name down...sniff, sniff...I said to her in front of Graham "See I knew deep down you loved each other" and as if on cue they both said "deep, deep down". That's okay, I know the truth!
PS Did I mention my husband, Mike.
PS Did I mention my husband, Mike.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Taxes the Sequel
So I didn't blog yesterday because I was photocopying the tax returns...agh!! They are done and sent, although Russel Metals head office sent mine to my old address, I know Reta won't be happy about that!
Cleaning lady is coming tomorrow--yahoo!!
Sent off the contract to get the driveway paved, I cannot wait for that...the kids want to get a big bucket of chalk to mark it up because it drives poor Mike nuts.
The last three days have been hell. Tim Horton's had recalled their steeped tea because the grinds were not fine enough and it was clogging their machines and the hot water was splashing back on the employees when they pulled the filter out (so I heard)...come on, make a sacrifice for your customer. The first day...after my heart palpitated when she told me maybe two weeks...I came to work and made tea in a mug~yuck! Any true tea drinker knows that's not the way to do it. The next two days I made a pot at home and brought it in a thermos...acceptable but not the same. Last night when I was in Kentville, I ran in and asked the girl and she said they had spirits were greatly now I sit and type and pause for a drink out of my brown, environmentally unfriendly cup and I am happy!
Cleaning lady is coming tomorrow--yahoo!!
Sent off the contract to get the driveway paved, I cannot wait for that...the kids want to get a big bucket of chalk to mark it up because it drives poor Mike nuts.
The last three days have been hell. Tim Horton's had recalled their steeped tea because the grinds were not fine enough and it was clogging their machines and the hot water was splashing back on the employees when they pulled the filter out (so I heard)...come on, make a sacrifice for your customer. The first day...after my heart palpitated when she told me maybe two weeks...I came to work and made tea in a mug~yuck! Any true tea drinker knows that's not the way to do it. The next two days I made a pot at home and brought it in a thermos...acceptable but not the same. Last night when I was in Kentville, I ran in and asked the girl and she said they had spirits were greatly now I sit and type and pause for a drink out of my brown, environmentally unfriendly cup and I am happy!
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