Got the Christmas lights up on Saturday...wanted to take advantage of the good weather. Mike and I were having guests for supper and I wanted the lights on the house for when they arrived. So while Mike toiled in the kitchen, I did the lights (some may say that's a bit of a role reversal but it works well for us). I had bought some new LED lights...colored ones, per Graham's request. I had great intention of hanging them on the I sat there and attached all the plastic hangers to the lights, then got up on the ladder and it was then that I realized that the wonderful new rain gutters we got to keep the leaves out will not allow the clips to attach...okay, plan B. I pulled all the clips off the lights and hung then on the railing with the garland, and then used the old icicle lights on the top. I thought it looked nice, but Elysia informed me that they don't match...she liked it better when they were all white, Graham likes the colored ones...I think it's actually a good comprimise.

We also have the polar bears that I love and the little Christmas tree on the step. This year we added these little LED snow flakes that change color along the path...I think it looks nice, with just a hint of tacky (not too Griswaldy).
Elysia spent a couple of nights in the city with her friends from Halifax, they still keep in touch. She came back last night with Josee...who was picking up Jeff and Connor from the airport. Their flight was very late, so my tired little daughter arrived home at 1:30 in the am...stumpled into the house, up the stairs and fell into bed...hmmm...sounds like something I used to do in my youth.
Graham had two birthday parties to go to yesterday, which he loved. He was out while we had our little dinner party. As usual Mike pulled out all the stops. We had a lovely meal and apparently some good wine (I'm not much of a wine person). My husband did partake in the wine consumption and was feeling a little glow last evening which was evident in his snore volume!
Today Elysia had a soccer game and scored the winning goal. She did really well, especially considering she was ready to have a nap, this late night thing is not for her.
Oh yeah...the worst thing happened...the dishwasher is on the fritz! Not exactly what you want to happen when you are having guests for supper...I was up until 11:30 last night cleaning the dishes...all the while hearing my husband snore...not exactly a mating call! Just kidding honey, you know I love you. He did say he was sore this morning, I may have "nudged" him a little to try to get him to stop. He says I snore but let's be honest, it doesn't bother me because I don't hear it!