Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Last night, Graham's soccer team suffered their first defeat and it was a bad one, plus Graham took a pretty good hit. He went down pretty hard. I had to let the coach get him, but I was up and ready to grab my boy and beat the kid who knocked him down. I think I showed restraint myself. Tonight Graham has a baseball game in Hantsport and Elysia has a soccer game in Kentville, thankfully Mike is on vacation.
Elysia is still snoozing, she can sleep to 10 if we let her. I usually open her door around 9 to get some noise in. Graham is cleaning his room...hmmmm, we'll see how that goes. Yesterday he used his birthday money to buy a PSP, which he is not allowed to play with until his room is tidied up, I love new things for that reason alone. Elysia is great at cleaning her room and she is a good purger as well. Graham...not so much.
Lots of soccer this weekend as well. Elysia has a game Friday night, two on Sat and more on Sunday depending on how they do. Graham has the U10 practice on Sat morning as well. Hope it doesn't rain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All right I will blog tomorrow>