Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Crazy Martins

Here are some pictures from our trip to Patti and Tim s house Sat night. I will post more later, they went all out for this and the kids got a kick out of it. PS the first picture is Scarey Dawna (if you remember they put her in the bathroom at night and sent me in there to scare me...now you see why I screamed).
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Birthday Girl
Friday, October 26, 2007
Elysia had her first indoor soccer game last night, the won 1-0. She played centre mid part of the game and had a really good shot on net, which was her goal for the night. She played defence most of the second half. Auntie Josee was playing right after her so she watched some of their game.
Speaking of Elysia, she will be a teenager tomorrow (officially at about 2 pm), hard to imagine, seems like only yesterday they sent her home with us and we didn't have a clue as to what we were doing...sometimes, I wonder if we do even now.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
For Reta
Just a note to Josee, I did not have to pay the kids to sit close for their picture I posted yesterday but I did have to take the picture quickly. I did tell them though that I would make them sit together until I got a good picture so I think that's why I only had to take a couple. Graham of course as you know, kept making faces so Elysia was getting ticked off at him. So I'm not sure where the smile came from.
Still haven't heard anything about the job, don't want to guess one way or the other about it.
Sarah is spending the weekend with us. Connor has a couple of hockey games away. So Sarah will come with us to the "yard viewing" at Patti's house. It should be fun.
The kids have no school tomorrow, it's a provincial inservice. Elysia is just happy that I won't be waking her up early in the morning, she's been doing pretty good with it but I know by Thurs/Fri, she's feeling it when it's time to get up.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Leaves Leaves Leaves
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Wonderful Day
Yesterday was the most spectacular day here. It was 22 degrees, the sun was shining, the leaves were beautiful...amazing. I have a couple of chickadees that were feeding on some birdseed I had put on my back deck. I could stand really close to the seed and they would still come and pick what they liked out of it.
The kids had a ball in the leaves. They raked up a pile and were jumping into it. It amazes me though how two siblings can argue over something as insignificant as a pile of leaves. Graham and his friend Connor wanted to take the wagon with leaves over to Connors house...as much as I would love to get rid of them I don't think Janet and David would be thrilled with my delivery of leaves. As it was they shoved their shirts full of them and carried those over. They pile them on the trampoline and jump in them.
Next week there is a family dance at the school. Graham has apparently asked a girl named Emma to be his date. Connor was a little shyer and got Graham to ask his date for him. When I asked Graham what this meant, he said it didn't mean they had to dance together...just hang out. At what age does that change??
Elysia had band yesterday so Graham and Connor and I went to the school early to kick around the soccer ball. When Elysia came out we all played soccer for a while. I think Elysia can kick the ball harder in her barefeet than with her shoes on. I told her to save some of that for her game Thurs night.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Elysia has her first Coldbrook School dance tonight, yes, there will be boys there too..AGH!! Ask Mike how he dealing with that!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Cross Country for the Last Time
- Be at the start when the race starts
- Head in the right direction
- Don't trip over anyone's head
If he can do this he should do well...
Elysia and Sarah have their dance class tonight, they seem to be really enjoying it. It's Parent week so I have teased the girls that I would attend and do my "Pussycat Doll Dance"...the fear in their eyes is hysterical. The joys of being a mother of an almost teenage daughter...that's right in less than 2 weeks.
Mom is on her vacation. She was in the states for a couple of days and is now in Quebec visiting her brothers, she may be cracking their skulls. She talks tough about them but I know that she melts when she sees them...she's a softie for her brothers.
Tomorrow Graham's class is heading to the corn maze at Noggins Farm. I am going with the class...an awful lot of paperwork to fill out just to help out a class, it's sad what this world has come to. Graham thinks it's pretty cool that I am going to be there, Elysia wouldn't be so thrilled if it was her class. I do have to leave early though since we are having our chimney inspected and cleaned tomorrow, this has been booked for over a month so I don't want to try and reschedule.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Patti is getting ready for her big Halloween extravaganza, looking forward to all their decorations. We'll just carve our pumpkins and be done with it.
Connor played his first hockey game with his new team yesterday and they tied 2-2...good start. Elysia and Sarah should be starting indoor soccer this week, haven't heard anything though. Graham starts his indoor soccer next Saturday. Lots going on.
Friday, October 12, 2007
My honey
Cross Country Again
Elysia, Graham and I went to Josee's house for supper last night. Mom is heading on her annual vacation today. This is the first time in years that she is going to the US, with the exchange rate...why not? She will also be visiting her brothers briefly in Quebec at some point. Everytime she goes away like this she has to give us the drill...where's the will...who has the key, in case...AGH!!
Heading to Halifax tomorrow to scrapbook with the "ladies". The kids are coming with me and spending the day with friends. Elysia is heading to Melissa's and Graham is going to Jarrett's house, so they are both quite excited about that...not too thrilled that we have to leave at 7 am though.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Job Interview
They have an office in Manchester England...home of Manchester United...I'm thinking a visit / soccer game is certainly in order.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Roast Beef
Graham was tired this morning and didn't want to go to school. I informed him that I was tired and I got up anyway...you know what he said..."well, you can sleep all day if you want" Humph...I haven't had a nap yet and I have no intention of starting...
Heading to Halifax this weekend for a day of scrapbooking with the "ladies". Elysia is going to spend the day with her friend Melissa and I am trying to get Graham to Jarrett's house for the day so he can come up too.
Jill...tell your sister I got the idea for the closet space on the Two Peas in a Bucket website...if her husband is not handy, tell him I can come and wield a hammer.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Scrapbook Space
Monday, October 8, 2007
After lunch we all went to Dempsey's corner to pick apples and pumpkins. It's such a great spot and the weather could not have been better, I will post some pictures once my husband brings back the card reader...hint, hint...
My sister Tracey was running a marathon yesterday in Victoria, BC. It was suppose to be cold and rainey...imagine that in BC. Hope she did well, her goal was under 4 hours.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
I have finished my scrapbook closet and quite honestly I am thrilled with it...don't worry, Patti, I will post a picture as soon as Mike brings home the card reader for me. I reused the shelves that were in the closet before and a small desk. I added another shelf and a counter top. I reused alot of stuff I had so the whole area, including the counter top and under counter light cost me less than 100 dollars. I think that's pretty good.
I woke up super early this morning, just after six, had bad dreams about my kids and couldn't stop crying so I am up in the basement waiting for my soccer game to start in half an hour (and to think I was worried I may sleep in for it). Did put a fire on this morning as it was a little chilly.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Cross Country
I have my scrapbooking closet almost complete. It's painted and the shelves are up, I just have to find a pc of counter top or something similar for it...not so easy, here they are ordered in and they have no remnants laying around like they do in Halifax. I am going to call around to a few places. I would show you some pictures but I "lent" Mike my card reader the other day and I don't have it back yet.
Mike was in Halifax yesterday for the Chef's Assn dinner gala. I didn't go this year because of the track meet and Elysia's band parent meeting last night. Reta and I went last year and enjoyed a beautiful meal. Mike had some problems when he got to the city. He was getting something out of the trunk and set his keys down ( I think you know where I am going with this), the wind blew the trunk shut with his keys in it. He had some sorbet and ice cream in the trunk. He had to get a tow truck to open the truck and the stuff was starting to melt. Those of you who know my husband can imagine how he would have been freaking...hope he took extra blood pressure pills.
Elysia was thrilled that I was at the track meet yesterday and got to come home to an empty house. She had some friends over to play soccer in the front yard. Apparently her brother can drive her crazy when he's around--imagine that...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I was going to get the shelving for the space yesterday but Graham was not feeling well and stayed home from school. I think he was more tired than anything else because he was sent up to his room to lay down and slept until 11 am. No more late night baseball for him. Thankfully the Blue Jays did not make the playoffs so it's a little less of an argument.
Elysia had her dance class last night. They are going to be dancing in some sort of competition in Feb...which of course costs more money (yes, that's right Mike...more money).