Thursday, January 31, 2008


Apparently (according to my husband), I never mention Mike in my blogs...well, guess what, today is dedicated to Mike.

Mike, my husband, spent last night cooking cabbage rolls and bruschetta, my house smelled wonderful (not according to my kids though).

Mike has been very busy at work. He is getting ready for the big send off for the Acadia president who is leaving and then they have a CEO tour, where all the bigwigs from Compass Group come's a lot of work for him but it is the moment to shine for the top brass.

PS Did I mention my husband, Mike!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

End of Jan

I cannot believe the first month of the year is coming to a close...

Elysia was not feeling well this morning, but being the wonderful mother I am, I packed her off to school anyway. Hope she doesn't barf in class or something equally embarrasing. I think, maybe she's just more American Idol til 10 for her.

We have a new lady working here...she sits behind me...makes it difficult to blog...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


My kids were listening to the radio this morning and heard that the Annapolis Valley School Board had cancellations so they were all excited, too bad it wasn't our county...not so thrilled then....heehee...

My neighbor was kind enough to take his ATV snowplow to our driveway yesterday, saved alot of time. He's a great guy and always needs to be outside doing something. I told him I could leave him a list everyday in case he gets bored.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Yuck! What a horrid drive this Kentville was okay but from Kentville to Booneyville (sorry, I mean Centreville) it was horrible...there was an 18 wheeler in front of me and his tail was all over the road. Anyway, I'm here, the kids are home, hopefully they decide to love each other today...hmmm...too late for Christmas miracles I guess.

Friday, January 25, 2008

She Shoots...She Almost Scores

It was a close one last night. I have mentioned before that I have been watching Elysia play soccer for years and she hasn't scored a goal yet (unless you count penalty shots). She usually plays defence, but this year the coach has moved her up to midfield and she's doing really well. Last night her shot rolled along the line before the keeper got it. She also had two other good shots, it's going to come soon I think. It's just as well she didn't score that one because I hadn't arrived yet (Grandma took her) and I would be upset to miss her first goal...that's the selfish part of me.

Tomorrow is sleep in day...had a hard time getting out of bed this morning, it was nice and warm there.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Good Morning

It's still winter...blah!! Suppose to be subzero temperatures tomorrow, may drive the kiddies to school, don't want popsicles for children.

Graham went to Adventure Club at the church in Kentville last night, he loves it. His friend's mom runs it and she does a great job with it. They play and sing songs, it's religious without being too much so.

Elysia has soccer tonight at 5 so Grandmother is going to take her and I will meet them there. Better remember your blanket, Grandma, it gets cold in there.

I woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday and didn't realize it was Thursday until I went to give Graham his meds (we put it in those little cases) and his Wed stuff was gone...what a great feeling!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Yesterday I was unable to blog, some security feature had blocked me...hope it works today. They cannot seriously expect me to work all day...haha, just consider it a "smoke" break (little pet peave of mine).

Elysia was not feeling the greatest last night, I think she may be getting a cold, I hope not, she always ends up with a chest cold and dark circles under her eyes.

Graham is in the process of reading Harry Potter, he says it's really neat to see what's going on in Harry's mind because you don't get to see that in the movie. He's also very interested in whales, he cannot believe people would kill them and eat them, he says it's very "disturbing".

Hung out with mother last night while Elysia was at dance, we had a nice chat. I think she was snoozing in the chair when I got there because I had to bang on the door for a while.

Monday, January 21, 2008


-25 with the poor BC nieces would not survive. The kids asked for a drive this morning and I was more than willing, did not want little popsicles for children.

The kids and I had a long talk about eating habits and how they needed more fruit and vegies in their diet as well as fibre. They are fibre obsessed now. Elysia packed her own lunch today and yes, there was apples in there! Hope we can keep this up.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


We have had a fun filled weekend here. The boys went to the Mooseheads game Friday night and thoroughly enjoyed it. The game was good and the Mooseheads won, Graham came back with the play by play. Elysia and I had girls' night. We had supper at the pub in Coldbrook, not Elysia's favorite place, but since I was paying, I got veto rights. I loooovvve their pan fried haddock. Then it was off to New Minas for retail therapy. Elysia got a shirt and sweatshirt and I got a bottle of Baileys.

Graham had soccer yesterday and then went with Connor's family to the Acadia basketball game. Acadia won but Graham said their coach needs "anger management classes". Not sure where he comes up with that.

We have been having problems with the internet so Elysia has not been on Facebook in eons (a few days) and is sitting here "patiently" waiting for me to be done so she can get on there...hmmm...should I finish up quickly or torture her....oh, the joys of parenthood.

Talked to Janet this morning, she and the boys are doing well, they have lots of snow in New Hampshire and the boys are big into hockey.

Guess I should put Elysia out of her misery!

Friday, January 18, 2008

It's Friday's Friday!

Mike and Graham are off to Halifax with Graham's friend Connor and his dad to see a Mooseheads game. Needless to say Graham has been excited about this for a while, you could get him to do just about anything if you added the phrase "if you want to go to hockey game". Mike is not letting Graham take his hockey horn, trust me Moosehead'll be grateful.

Elysia and I will be having a girls' night with Connor's mom, Janet and his sister Maddie. Elysia thinks some retail therapy is in order. Yeah, sure, why not? She has money but what about me, my only retail therapy seems to happen in the grocery store...woohoo, ham's on sale!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another Day

It's just another day in the McKinnon household.

Elysia had eyeliner on yesterday and Mike met me at the door to say "Have you looked at your daughter today?" He thinks it's too much. He's having trouble being the parent of a teenage daughter, perhaps he remembers too well being a teenage boy...

We went to Jungle Jim's last night for wing night. There was a table of hockey players by us about 15 years old. They saw the girl bringing out a birthday cake to the table next to them and were all excited for the birthday song, but I guess the girl didn't want it...the hockey boys took care of it, it was funny to see them all clapping and doing the birthday song for this girl. PS it was all you could eat wing night and I don' think they made any money on that table.

Hey check out my new links...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Nothing like seeing seven hearses with seven young teenage boys in them to put a lot into perspective. I have always said that no matter how bad something seems, someone else has it worse, doesn't mean you are not allowed to be upset over things but it sure makes you wake up!

Graham finally got his room cleaned up yesterday, according to him it took 7 hours, but if you include all the watching of tv and playing of board games, it probably took about 20 minutes. Elysia was babysitting yesterday so that pretty much means a movie marathon and board games.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Well, I got fed up and read the riot act to the lady on the phone at the Heart Centre, how frustrated I was because I had been calling, leaving messages and emailing and no one had returned any messages. I said that I realized Graham is not their only patient but he is my only patient. Guess what?? Ten minutes later Graham has his appointment...Feb 28th. It's an all day thing. He gets injected at 9 in the am, then the dye has to run it's course, then he has the stress test at 1, back to nuclear medicine for the heart scan, back to see the cardiologist...sounds like fun (better make sure his PSP is charged).

Snow Day

Well, the kiddies are happy (I can only assume Elysia is since she was still asleep when I left). I don't know if Graham was more happy that we had no school here or that Halifax had school. That was the icing on the cake for him.

But with all that snow, that means Mike and I get to bond over shovels. He was out earlier than me and had 2/3 done before I even got out. The snow plow hadn't gone by so it wasn't too bad, of course, that means it will go by some time today while we are at work...maybe the children will get inspired---hmmmm....I can tell you I would much rather be home with the fire going and a good movie on.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Well, Mother Nature is going to let us have it today, the January thaw is are hoping for an early dismissal.

Had to talk to my nieghbor across the street. Their son plows their driveway and he would come right down the hill and scoop it into our front yard. The snow I don't have a problem with but he picks up all their gravel from their driveway and it ends up on my grass. As soon as I knocked on the door, the lady said "You're here about the snow in your yard". She was very nice about it and said she felt really bad. Hopefully it is resolved.

Mom came over to our house to watch soccer with me the other day, I think I have her hooked...she slept through the first half (I think the wood stove did that to her) and watched the second half, where all the scoring was.

Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Friday!!


Got a call from school yesterday, Graham had been hit in the jaw with a basketball and as he told the lady in the office "he could feel a bone moving that shouldn't be"...he was fine. I explained his tendancy for dramatics, they gave him a pack of ice and he was fine. I talked to him on the phone and explained that if he could talk, his jaw wasn't broken, he wasn't so sure about that...

Elysia had a soccer game last night, they tied but it was an excellent game, back and forth the whole time. She played the best I have seen her play in a long time, her and another girl, Maddie play well off each other--lots of nice passing.

Have a good weekend all!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Mike, the kids and I went to see the movie - National Treasure Book of Secrets. It was good! By the time we bought the tickets and three combos, we are talking 70 that point I could not justify getting any more food...and then the movie "started" at 6:45 but with all the previews (one we actually had twice) and the "mini" movie the actual feature did not start until almost 7:05, nearly twenty minutes later...that's just ridiculous!! You are stuck in the movie theatre so they can put whatever on for you to watch. Mike asked at one point if we were in the wrong theatre.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


My mother has been back barely a week and she's already nagging me...apparently I didn't blog yesterday and that's a bad here's todays...

Not much to report. Picked up Sarah last night and took her and Elysia to dance...I think Sarah was hopped up on sugar or something...she was wound up, she made me laugh.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Heartbeats Graham's heart rhythm has changed seems almost normal...but is "normal" good?! I talked to the cardiologist today and he said not to panic that all was okay. He is trying to bump up Graham's test (he was on hold due to the isotope shortage) so I am to call him on Friday if I don't hear anything. It's not the cardiology clinic that books the test, it's radiology, we are spoiled in the cardiology dept. AGH!!


Had a good weekend...met mom at the airport early Sat morning, she arrived back from BC on a flight arriving at 6:57 (what's up with that?!). The flight was about 1/2 hr late, but the luggage came out quick so we were back to my house by 9. A little too late to make Connor's hockey game in Middleton so we went to his evening game, the got creamed but Connor had a good game and earned MVP.

We did enjoy watching Canada win the gold in the World Jr's Tournament. The whole family sat downstairs and watched it.

Yesterday the kids and I went to visit Grandma and give her the Christmas gifts we had for her. We stole Sarah and took her with us since Josee, Jeff and Connor were at the rink again (Josee was Chair for the tournament). We had a nice visit, the kids really missed Grandma.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Minus 22 with the wind...mother, you better bundle up now that you are acclimated to BC weather. Mom is heading back from BC later today, we have missed her terribly as I am sure Tracey will when she leaves....I am sending hugs to BC today!!

Graham wants to know when the party for Grandma coming back is...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to all!!!! May 2008 be all you hope for and more!!!!

We had a lovely New Year's Eve. We went to a neighborhood party that included the kids. It was alot of fun, they are a good group of people in this neighborhood...a little wacky and crazy but that just means we fit right in. The kids turned on the tv around midnight to do the count down, that's all they ever want is to be up for midnight.

Guess what? It snowed again last night!!