Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Yesterday I was unable to blog, some security feature had blocked me...hope it works today. They cannot seriously expect me to work all day...haha, just consider it a "smoke" break (little pet peave of mine).

Elysia was not feeling the greatest last night, I think she may be getting a cold, I hope not, she always ends up with a chest cold and dark circles under her eyes.

Graham is in the process of reading Harry Potter, he says it's really neat to see what's going on in Harry's mind because you don't get to see that in the movie. He's also very interested in whales, he cannot believe people would kill them and eat them, he says it's very "disturbing".

Hung out with mother last night while Elysia was at dance, we had a nice chat. I think she was snoozing in the chair when I got there because I had to bang on the door for a while.

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