Friday, February 22, 2008


Well...I have two sisters in BC right now (without me!) mother informed me that I am not to go anywhere. She has enough trouble with one chickadee in BC but now there's guess what...I'm her favorite now!

Mike (my husband...remember him) is back from Halifax. He was there for three days preparing food for the CEO tour of his company. He usually comes back with something and this time it was a 24 of beer and two bottles of wine...hmm...what does that say about us.

Elysia and I watched Survivor last night, she's hooked. We have a good laugh over it. She's heading to a birthday party tonight.

Graham said he wasn't feeling well this morning, I'm hoping it was just him being tired. He has his big tests next week for the old ticker and we wouldn't be able to go if he's sick. He did manage to get down two english muffins so I think he'll survive.

Have a good weekend!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Annie,
Got here safe and sound. The girls are sooo cute, they have been giving me all kinds of hugs and kisses. Drove Tracey to work and the girls to school, waiting for the mall to open. Have to pick the girls up at 130 and Tracey after that. Have to drive that freaking big tank of a truck, and I am petrified to hit anything with it. Traceyès house is really nice, she has such great decorating ideas, wish she would do my mine for me. Wish you were here us. Have a marguarita for me.