Monday, July 21, 2008

Bad Blogger

I have been a bad blogger...we got back from BC last Sunday (no...not the one that just past) and then had to head right to work the next morning. Kids got the sleep in but there was no rest for the weary.

My friend, Jane's son Mitchell turned 10 while we were in BC...Happy Belated Birthday Mitchell!! That's double digits!!

We had an amazing time in BC...after we went to Victoria we headed to the west coast of Vancouver Island. We stayed in a beach house in Ucelet. The house was amazing...will try to post some pictures later...all windows, right over the water, private beach (if we don't count the bears...didn't see any on the beach, just their pooh!). We spent two days on a place called Long Beach, absolutely beautiful white sand beach. The first day was pretty windy and your legs got a good exfoliation from the sand blasting so we hung out in the drift wood at the top of the beach where there were little shelters made in the wood, kind of cool. The next time we went to the beach it was a perfect beach day, the kids had a soccer game with Tracey and I as subs. Lots of fun. We watched some surfers, kite surfers and wind surfers. We went into Tofino, nice little town, lots of shops and restaurants. Mike and I found it very California...lots of people just hanging out discussing the surf...very rad! Thats my cool hip surfer dude talk...

On the way home we managed to sit in the wrong seat on both flights...once cause of Mike and once cause of me...I had to swallow my foot cause I had given him a really hard time about making a mistake on the first flight...then I kind of tried to oops thing but he gave me the look that kind of said "haha..." The landing in Toronto was quite bumpty and we felt a little green, but Graham did see the Roger's Centre on the way over Toronto so all was not lost.

I had made arrangements for someone to clean my house while we were wonderful is that? Come home to a clean house...not!! They forgot! I was sooo disapointed, they came in last Friday instead so thankfully no one came over until then cause it was nasty.

I had to head right back to work on Monday, took me a while to get to sleep the first couple of nights, my body was still on BC time. was a great trip...we saw so much of the island (PS...Josee, your kids would have hurled on the drive from Nanaimo to Tofino!) and we had a great time with Tracey and the kids...managed to see dolphins while on the ferry and a bear on the side of the road. On the ferry they had a "man over board" drill and Graham thought that meant we had to get in the life rafts...

Elysia managed to wash her IPOD...let it in her sweater when she put it through the machine...believe it or not, it still works, took a couple days of drying though and the light is not 100% but it plays music. We both got sand in our cameras at the beach and the lens is stuck on both...even tried to get the "geek patrol" at work to fix them but no go...

Would love to go there every year, it's great to see Tracey, Kaylie and Hannah in their "natural" environment and it is beautiful there. Every turn in the car is a postcard.

Now I have to go and figure out why Elysia is breaking out in hives...Lord only knows with that child. She's in the shower and I am changing her bed and she's taken's only her so it's not some bugs or something.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

So glad that you had a great trip and that you are all home safe. Sounds like you had a terrific holiday!