This week we have had mom's dog, Sofie for a sleepover while mom was visiting Tracey in BC. I get up early in the morning to take her for a walk/pee/pooh before I get ready for work...it's the only time that works for me and I kind of enjoy it. It's still quite dark at 6:15...this week has been especially frightening as people decorate for Halloween and all of a sudden you notice the ghosts and skeletons hanging in the trees. It's also been windy so you don't hear anything until it's right on you...like the lady running with her dog the other morning, I didn't hear her footsteps, I only heard an animals footsteps running towards me...I jumped! This morning though was the topper...let me back up a little though...yesterday morning I thought I saw something scurry into the culvert when we left the house, I flashed the flashlight but didn't see anything. So it's been in the back of my mind. This morning we went out the door, Sofie and I. I lock the door and start to turn around just as Sofie barks (she's never barked outside unless there's been another dog). Low and behold...a freaking skunk, in my front yard, not 15 ft from where I am standing and the door is locked. I grabbed the dog, not sure if I actually picked her up or hauled her up by the leash (sorry, Sofie). Grabbed my key from it's "hiding" spot and went back in the house. Then I tried to get the skunk to go away..."go away little skunk" "shoo little skunk" and then "GET OUT OF MY YARD SKUNK!" It kind of gave me that look like "you do not scare me, I only have to lift my tail and you'll be gone" (oh yeah, in my head as I am typing, I am doing by best fake French Pepe le Peu voice)...so Sofie and I went out the side door and I carried the first few houses away. Pepe was still there when we got back...Sofie sat on the back of my couch watching it for quite a while. It was gone when I had to go to work and it didn't leave any scents behind!