Our visit to Ottawa was great! My dad met us at our gate when we got off the plane...guess there are some advantages to working at the airport. I cried of course, sometimes you forget how much you miss a person until you see them. Mike headed to the hotel because he had a tour to go on with some of the other chefs who were there. Dad and I headed to his house and had a nice breakfast with Evanice. Dad needed a little nap as he had worked all night. Evanice and I went for a walk, in behind their house (within a ten minute walk) are all the box stores...agh...I would be broke! Evanice wanted to make little gift bags for me to take back to the kids. It was nice, gave us a little chance to chat.
After dad's nap, we picked up the twins, Patricia (Patchy) and Vanessa (Nessa) and then we headed to the high school to get Maria (Ma-e-a).
..they have grown!!
We went out for lunch and Evanice's sister, Rosie came along...she is quite the hoot! Her and dad like to tease each other alot. It's that Evanice has her here as the rest of her siblings are in Brazil. After lunch we headed back to the house and looked at some photo albums. Dad showed me the master bathroom he redid...OMG!! I soooo want that bathroom, it looks like something from a magazine. Dad drove me back to the hotel where I had to say goodbye to the girls...only had a few hours with them...short but nice. I think I waited until I was inside before my eyes gave me away...
That night Mike and I went to the big gala...they outdid themselves. It was their yearly meeting and awards dinner. They had it at the Museum of Civilzation in Hull...if you ever have the chance, go and see it. The First Nations Hall makes it worth while. The room is hundreds of feet high and filled with the largest indoor collection of totem poles...part of me thinks they should still be outside but part of me sees why they are there, they were spectacular....most of my pictures are quite dark but you may still see them.
The whole gala had a Mardi Gras theme, complete with a band and people dancing on stilts...okay, there were also beads but you didn't have to "earn them"...there was alot of great food and wine. 

After dinner was served the awards started and Mike's was first...he got the coveted green jacket and a nice pict
ure of his original presentation. My first thought was "where's the cash"...haha...he even gave a little thankyou speech, which I will honestly say was very good and heart felt...although he forgot to mention his wife. It was funny though, we were seated with the CEO of Pepsi Canada (beside Mike), the CEO of Compass Group Canada, the CEO of Compass Group North America (beside me)...when the rest of the awards were announced, they said there was a 3 grand prize with them. The CEO of North America looked at Mike and said "all you got was a picture??", said he would have a chat with Jack (CEO Canada)...come on baby, momma needs new winter tires!!
Long day but lots of fun. The next day we got up and rented a car and headed to my dream place...IKEA...we were limited in what we could get though as we now had this picture to take back. We met dad and Evanice for a nice lunch and then headed back to the airport. We were both pretty pooped when we got home. It's nice to go away but there is nothing like the feeling of crawling into your own bed (which by the way is very high...just ask my mother who stayed there with the kiddies while we were gone).
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