Here's a picture of mother's poor dog after she had to walk in the rain...and no, I am not choking her!!
Mike and the kiddies are making a gingerbread house, I had better take a picture before the fight breaks're copying me, your part is not the same, that looks stupid, you're using all the, the Christmas memories. I'll post pictures of the masterpiece tomorrow. The kids actually want to eat it, it's one of those cheapy superstore kits. Some year, we will actually make a real one...Martha Stewart I am not, oh yeah, I married a chef!
My name is Annie McKinnon...and I am a bag blogger! I have been a bad girl this month and barely blogged...not to say there hasn't been much going on.
We've certainly had a good share of snow. They even have snow in Nanaimo...Tracey said the roads are terrible, they don't have much snow removal equipment and they concentrate on the main roads. Last night we had another dumping here. Drive to work wasn't too bad, I seemed to hit a good window but as soon as I got to work it was a white out. There was this little bird that tried to take off in the wind and got hit by a gust, he ended up in the other direction pretty quick. Drive home wasn't so nice...when you work in the middle of nohwere, you drive along roads that go through alot of farm fields, nice open farm fields. You know the ones that the wind loves to travel over and then deposit the snow in the road. Josee said it was so windy up on the mountain last night that she has a new address on the valley floor!
We have our
Christmas decorations up, inside and out...the tree is done and the village is complete, although I didn't have the right snow for I improvised and used some pillow stuffing I had...looks like there was either a major snowfall or alot of fog, or being in Nova Scotia, it could be a lovely combination of both. Mike and I want to name the village and we need something with a "Hollow" attached to it. Elygra Hollow, McKinnon Hollow, MikAnnie Hollow...not sure.
Mike and the kiddies are making a gingerbread house, I had better take a picture before the fight breaks're copying me, your part is not the same, that looks stupid, you're using all the, the Christmas memories. I'll post pictures of the masterpiece tomorrow. The kids actually want to eat it, it's one of those cheapy superstore kits. Some year, we will actually make a real one...Martha Stewart I am not, oh yeah, I married a chef!
The Christmas preparation is pretty much complete. There's a package on the way to BC, one on the way to Ottawa and one on the way to Cape Breton. I have a bag of gifts for the mountain, one for Halifax, one for Cherry Lane...still have a little wrapping to complete.
Mike and I did our Christmas grocery shopping the other day, it included a turkey, all the trimmings, the Christmas crackers for the table, plus the regular shopping and lots of marked down pork and chicken (gotta make the trip there at 7 am worth the while). Anyone who knows my husband knows how much he hates to spend money. I told the cashier to be prepared to perform CPR if necessary when she gave him the total, she thought that was funny and I think she took a little pleasure in giving him the total.
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