Graham has started his baseball, he's really enjoying it! He's pretty intense as anyone who has seen him play can attest we practiced some in the yard yesterday. Elysia spent Sat afternoon and night with her cousin, Sarah. Who is doing amazingly well. She looks great, almost all the swelling and bruising is gone, she's allowed to eat real food but she still has to take it somewhat easy...definitely no chewing gum!!
Started a new flower bed on the side of the house, this side is south facing and gets lots of sunlight. I "recycled" my existing plants. Split some hostas, lillies and irises and some other green things that I can only figure out once they start to really come up, who knows, I may have transplanted weeds....eventually I will continue the bed right to the's a picture...
I have also included some pictures of my tulips...these are the first ones to show their flowers. Tulips are by far my favorite flower, they seem like the sign of good things to come!
I drove to Kingston today to pickup Elysia and as I was driving down the highway, I heard this funny noise on the windshield...I could not figure out what it was bugs hitting the windshield...the blackflies are coming out and they are hungry!! The bugs will be enough to make my husband hide indoors!
So being the organized mother that I am...haha...I had it all arranged to take the kids for their appointments in the city on the 14th. Elysia for her breathing test and visit to the allergy specialist and Graham to get a monitor put on for 24 hours. I had put in the request for some bond money for shopping for all of us. Had made the necessary arrangements with the school so the kids could still participate in the spring concert that night. It's amazing how much difference a 1 makes...the appointment is for the I had to scramble to make sure I could get the day off, rearrange Graham's monitor. The bond money is not here yet so the kids and I are going to go back to Halifax on Sat this week to get shorts, etc for summer. My great day of organization has gone to the crapper!!
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