Life seems to be a whirlwind lately...
Graham had baseball this weekend, his first double headed and their season opener...they lost but made a decent showing...Graham said it was his best day of baseball ever. He made some good plays, caught a few balls, pitched a little...
Elysia managed to squeak out of working the canteen. She spent the weekend in Halifax at her friend, Kaylee's house and was quite excited to see the girls. It's been two years but they are still as tight as ever. I'm sure there was some squealing and giggling going on.
I have volunteered to run the fund raiser canteen. A fair amount of work to set up but the on going part seems to be okay...between ticket sales on a small draw and the canteen, we sold over $400...couldn't believe it...BBQ was the big hit and those cursed ring pop candies (I hate them).

Mike had a great time at the Chef Master's competition in Toronto, I think it was a little more relaxing as a judge.
I am curious to find out what the other Bag Ladies think of the book as I knew it was a bit of a toughie because of the language!
Hi Annie, I just bought tickets to Rockbound - a musical adaptation that will be at the Chester Playhouse in August. I don't know if you were aware but it is said that the book is based on the writers time on Ironbound - the island in Mahone Bay that is just a little outside of Tancook. Bill Avery's Roots are in Ironbound. As I remember my Mother telling me, the Author went to the Island and was made welcome by the two Families that populated the Island, the Finck's and the Young's. After leaving, he sat down and wrote the book I believe originally call Ironbound but changed the name to Rockbound. I have the book but never read it. If you get stuck on some of the words, call me. I grew up probable using most of them. Darrell S.
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