Well...boxes of food arrived yesterday and as the same as last year, it's screwed up. We did not receive the box with the meat in it...like our turkey, etc. I called them and I have to call back later today because they don't consider it missing until today...whatever! The kids were beyond excited to open the boxes, which they were not allowed to do until I got home...it wasn't "Hi mom, how was your day" it was "mom's home, let's open the boxes". Should I be insulted?
Mike has to cook for Paul Anka so I am going to the concert with him...when I asked Josee to watch the kids, her response was "isn't he dead"...I don't have a clue what he sings, I remember seeing him on Canadian Idol, so it should be me and thousands of older ladies reliving their youths--haha...may see people I know there--haha.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Chrisco Order
My Chrisco Order is at the house and I have to wait until I am done work to go and play in it...500 worth of groceries (and yes, lots of chocolates too).
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Elysia has dumped us for the weekend. I took her to Halifax for Shayla's birthday party and I will run up in the morning and get her since we may be getting freezing rain in the afternoon. She was soooooo excited as we got closer. When we got to the exchange in Bedford for the 101 and 102, she said she felt like she was home. It was a nice evening, after I dropped Elysia off, I went to visit with Reta and Patti at Reta's open house, nice visit as always. I do kind of like Bruce's new bearded look, although his wife apparently does not.
Mike and Graham were having a "campout" in the basement last night. They ended up heading upstairs when Mike realized those cots are not so comfy. Graham was a little upset and Mike found him crying in his room over their move, so we ended up with a cot in our bedroom for the night...so much for my night of sleeping in the middle of the bed.
Mike and Graham were having a "campout" in the basement last night. They ended up heading upstairs when Mike realized those cots are not so comfy. Graham was a little upset and Mike found him crying in his room over their move, so we ended up with a cot in our bedroom for the night...so much for my night of sleeping in the middle of the bed.
Friday, November 23, 2007
It's Friday
My first full week of work and I survived (okay, so I wasn't in on Tues but that day was longer to me than a regular work day so let's not split hares).
Elysia had a great game at soccer last night, she set up a beautiful goal. I think midfield is more her position. The coach told her she definitely wants her on the 2A team this summer so she's quite excited.
Gotta do some work.
Elysia had a great game at soccer last night, she set up a beautiful goal. I think midfield is more her position. The coach told her she definitely wants her on the 2A team this summer so she's quite excited.
Gotta do some work.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Yes, I'm at work...what does it take to win the lotto, I know it can't buy you happiness but it sure would solve some things.
It's flu shots tonight, which usually also means a trip to Dairy Queen.
It's flu shots tonight, which usually also means a trip to Dairy Queen.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Day has Come
I knew eventually we would take Graham to the cardiologist and it wouldn't be all roses...well, that day was yesterday.
The pressure they measure on the valve is up a little but that was not unexpected, it's still fine but Graham has a new problem. The function in his left ventricle has deteriorated a little, not much but enough for someone with his problems to cause a concern. They are sending him for more testing...he's have a heart scan and metabolyic stress stress. Basically he gets injected with dye and pictures of the blood flow in his heart are taken, then they exercise him but this time with an oxygen mask on to measure his oxygen inflow and outflow then they take pictures of his heart again. They want to make sure that when he had the blockage in his coronary artery as a baby that it didn't cause more damage than what they are aware of. Needless to say it was unexpected and quite a blow. He's fine, he did inform the nurses that he was having trouble playing his PSP game with constant interruptions of tests. Today he is hooked up to a Holter Monitor, which he was going to have anyway.
We explained to Elysia and Graham the jist of what was going on...
The pressure they measure on the valve is up a little but that was not unexpected, it's still fine but Graham has a new problem. The function in his left ventricle has deteriorated a little, not much but enough for someone with his problems to cause a concern. They are sending him for more testing...he's have a heart scan and metabolyic stress stress. Basically he gets injected with dye and pictures of the blood flow in his heart are taken, then they exercise him but this time with an oxygen mask on to measure his oxygen inflow and outflow then they take pictures of his heart again. They want to make sure that when he had the blockage in his coronary artery as a baby that it didn't cause more damage than what they are aware of. Needless to say it was unexpected and quite a blow. He's fine, he did inform the nurses that he was having trouble playing his PSP game with constant interruptions of tests. Today he is hooked up to a Holter Monitor, which he was going to have anyway.
We explained to Elysia and Graham the jist of what was going on...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Off to Halifax
Graham and I are off to his appt in Halifax...all good!!
I am trying to convince him to cut his "soccer" hair...good luck!!
I am trying to convince him to cut his "soccer" hair...good luck!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
It's Monday...Graham and I will be in the city tomorrow for Graham's checkup. Mike, unfortunately has to work so it's just Graham and I. We will certainly be stopping by Russel Metals for a visit...so be warned!
There's a new guy starting at work today, so I am not the newbie...
There's a new guy starting at work today, so I am not the newbie...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Nothing too exciting this weekend. Mike and I went on a "date" Friday night, just the two of us for dinner. We were going to go to a movie but it didn't start for a while and we find that Elysia and Graham have a certain time limit as to how long they can be alone together and since she had been babysitting him since school was over, there could have been some problems, so rather than have them get in trouble we came home.
We are heading to Connor's hockey game and then mom's for lunch. It's our first game of Connor's this year and it's my first game watching him check and get checked...hope the mother bear auntie in me doesn't come out, because he might be embarrassed when I jump over the glass and take out some 12 year old that may have knocked him down.
Now that I am the working woman, it's back to cleaning and laundry on the weekend. How glamourous is that?
I did go to the Sommerset craft fair yesterday, it was the same old stuff. One of two new things that were neat but I didn't buy a single thing. I did buy a couple of things at the Acadia fair but again, it was the same old stuff for the most part. Although I did find that Acadia had alot more different "artsy" things.
We are heading to Connor's hockey game and then mom's for lunch. It's our first game of Connor's this year and it's my first game watching him check and get checked...hope the mother bear auntie in me doesn't come out, because he might be embarrassed when I jump over the glass and take out some 12 year old that may have knocked him down.
Now that I am the working woman, it's back to cleaning and laundry on the weekend. How glamourous is that?
I did go to the Sommerset craft fair yesterday, it was the same old stuff. One of two new things that were neat but I didn't buy a single thing. I did buy a couple of things at the Acadia fair but again, it was the same old stuff for the most part. Although I did find that Acadia had alot more different "artsy" things.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Day 2
Well, I survived another day...understanding things a little better, perhaps enough to realize "OMG, what have I gotten myself into?" My little pea brain is fried again and now I am heading out to get groceries, Lord knows what I will end up with in my cart...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
First Day
Well, I survived it...had my first day at work...wasn't too bad.
The first thing I had to deal with was their morning meeting they have every single day to tell what you are doing...I was hoping they would skip over me today but apparently it was a great opportunity for me to introduce myself to everybody, yeah...just what I wanted to do. Spent the day working through the system they use and looking at payables and the paperflow system...certainly different than what I am used to...if my old boss, DWR could see it, he would have a Sh*&fit...
The kids didn't kill each other and my list of what they were to do was done...
Mike lost a windshield wiper as he was driving down the highway today, I laughed because I kept picturing his face and reaction as it happened, he didnt' think it was funny...I'm still chuckling about it.
Just got the date of the Christmas party for my new work and guess what...it's the same day as the Russel Metals one and as much as I would loooovve to go to the RM party, I think it's best to go to the one here...it's a family affair, the kids are invited to attend as well...should be interesting, of course, Graham thinks that's cool and Elysia will hold judgement until she sees how much chocolate there is involved.
The first thing I had to deal with was their morning meeting they have every single day to tell what you are doing...I was hoping they would skip over me today but apparently it was a great opportunity for me to introduce myself to everybody, yeah...just what I wanted to do. Spent the day working through the system they use and looking at payables and the paperflow system...certainly different than what I am used to...if my old boss, DWR could see it, he would have a Sh*&fit...
The kids didn't kill each other and my list of what they were to do was done...
Mike lost a windshield wiper as he was driving down the highway today, I laughed because I kept picturing his face and reaction as it happened, he didnt' think it was funny...I'm still chuckling about it.
Just got the date of the Christmas party for my new work and guess what...it's the same day as the Russel Metals one and as much as I would loooovve to go to the RM party, I think it's best to go to the one here...it's a family affair, the kids are invited to attend as well...should be interesting, of course, Graham thinks that's cool and Elysia will hold judgement until she sees how much chocolate there is involved.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Last Day of Vacation!!
It's my last day of my six month vacation...I am heading to my new job tomorrow. Little nervous...hope I do well. I will certainly miss being home with the kids when they get off the bus but I won't miss being here alllll day long.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Well, I guess we got about 8 to 10 cms of snow last night, it started in the early evening and is still falling a little. The kids were thrilled and went out to play in it. Josee wasn't so much thrilled as terrified. She had to endure a long drive back from Sackville where Connor had a hockey game. Needless to say it wasn't her most pleasant experience to date, but thankfully all is fine. Here's some pictures of the snow.

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
We might get snow this weekend...OMG!! It's that time of year I guess, it's certainly a little colder when the kiddies head out to the bus stop in the morning.
Elysia's team tied their soccer game last night, I think they did well, considering this team has won both their previous games by large margins. Elysia didn't have her best game, she's been fighting a cold, sore throat and headache and wasn't feeling the best.
Not much on for the weekend, Graham has soccer on Saturday but that's about it.
Have a good weekend all and get the snow shovels out (okay maybe not you in BC, Tracey).
Elysia's team tied their soccer game last night, I think they did well, considering this team has won both their previous games by large margins. Elysia didn't have her best game, she's been fighting a cold, sore throat and headache and wasn't feeling the best.
Not much on for the weekend, Graham has soccer on Saturday but that's about it.
Have a good weekend all and get the snow shovels out (okay maybe not you in BC, Tracey).
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Dry Run
I went on a "dry run" to my new job this morning...22 minutes there with a stop at Timmies (there's no sense in checking it out without the Timmies stop) and 15 minutes home...not bad.
The other day Graham and Elysia were arguing and I told them to stop and Graham's response was "We're not arguing, we're having a creative discussion"...huh?? Then we went to Grandma's house while Elysia and Sarah were at their dance class and Graham had homework to finish. He was working at his math and informed his Grandmother that I was working him like a "pack mule"...huh?? Where does this come from??
Last night I went to Adventure Club at the church in Kentville. Graham's friend, Connor and his family have taken Graham in the past since Connor's mom, Janet runs it (can you follow that?). Last night they were packing up donations to send to needy children around the world and I was taking the kids' pictures with thei boxes. It was pretty cute to see how excited the kids were to do this, it was pretty serious business for them, they wanted the boxes to be just right.
Here's some pictures of Graham's group packing their box and then the
picture with the box completed. Graham was suppose to wear a Christmasie hat, but we couldn't find one so he wore a Moose hat and said it looked kind of like a reindeer so it was close enough.
Elysia has a soccer game today at 5 so it's a good thing I didn't start work this week!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Next Week
Well, I better enjoy these last few days...I start work next Tuesday. I will be working for a company called Subtotal POS Systems. I will working in their accounting dept. They sell the computers that you see used in restaurants like Subway that the workers enter the orders on by touchscreen. They are in Centreville, which is only about a 15 minute drive from here...thankfully there is a Tim Horton's on the way...haha...I think the bookstore will miss me, since I have been reading so much while I was home.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Job Offer
So...that job offer has come back to me. I hadn't heard anything in a while. They met all my requirements so I am to call today with a response, I will be taking the job. As much as I enjoy the time home, I cannot pass it up, this may not come up again before my EI is up.
Do you like the new Christmas Tree on my blog, I bloglifted it from Jill MacDonald's blog...I'm sure Angie and Natasha would love it.
Do you like the new Christmas Tree on my blog, I bloglifted it from Jill MacDonald's blog...I'm sure Angie and Natasha would love it.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Circle of Life
I usually don't get too deep on my blog but here goes...
Recently a young boy was killed in a car accident, he was only 22 years old, his name was Danny Gallant. When he was an infant, my mother was his babysitter. When mom heard of his death she was very upset. She had a conversation with his father the other day and the dad told her how the family had donated Danny's organs and tissue. She then told him our story of how we almost lost Graham but it was because of someone making the same decision they did that Graham is still alive. A child that I had met at one point in my life (and regrettably do not remember) saved someone's life last week, just as a stranger did my son...
Recently a young boy was killed in a car accident, he was only 22 years old, his name was Danny Gallant. When he was an infant, my mother was his babysitter. When mom heard of his death she was very upset. She had a conversation with his father the other day and the dad told her how the family had donated Danny's organs and tissue. She then told him our story of how we almost lost Graham but it was because of someone making the same decision they did that Graham is still alive. A child that I had met at one point in my life (and regrettably do not remember) saved someone's life last week, just as a stranger did my son...
Sunday, November 4, 2007
We Survived!!
We survived Hurricane Noel and Sleepover Elysia. Not sure which one made the most noise though?! Elysia had 6 friends and one cousin sleep over last night. They slept down in the rec room. I was concerned they would get spooked if the power went out for an extended time. It did flick off about four times but thankfully it stayed on. The wind sure did blow good last night, I was shocked we didn't lose power for any time. I had trouble sleeping because I was worried about the girls freaking out in the dark, plus Mike has a pretty good cold on the go and it pretty much a snot factory (painting a pretty picture, huh?). I think I heard the wind speed hit about 120 kms here but we got off lucky.
Why is it that I always pick the weekend when the time turns back to have Elysia's sleepovers, I get stuck with the girls an hour longer (I mean they stay an hour longer). They had fun, lots of giggles, chips and movies.
Went scrapbooking for a while at the Old O with Reta, Patti, Lori and Alice...did I mention Reta, Patti, Lori and Alice (Patti told me to make sure I mentioned Reta, Patti, Lori and Alice on my blog). Didn't stay too long, there was lots going on here.
Graham's soccer was cancelled tonight, the power was still out at Horton High where he plays at, he doesn't think it's fair that they may have no school tomorrow and he will.
Why is it that I always pick the weekend when the time turns back to have Elysia's sleepovers, I get stuck with the girls an hour longer (I mean they stay an hour longer). They had fun, lots of giggles, chips and movies.
Went scrapbooking for a while at the Old O with Reta, Patti, Lori and Alice...did I mention Reta, Patti, Lori and Alice (Patti told me to make sure I mentioned Reta, Patti, Lori and Alice on my blog). Didn't stay too long, there was lots going on here.
Graham's soccer was cancelled tonight, the power was still out at Horton High where he plays at, he doesn't think it's fair that they may have no school tomorrow and he will.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Storm's a Brewing
So tomorrow night we are suppose to have horrible weather with TS Noel blowing through bringing high winds and rain. Just to make things better, Elysia is having her birthday sleepover on Sat night. So that means we will have a house full of girls. If the power goes out the pump doesn't work and we have no water...so we will fill some buckets in the tub so we can still run the toilet. For those fools like us who were stupid enough to go with a satelite as opposed to cable, you will know that when it rains hard you lose the signal so if the power stays on we will have to tv, so we are renting some dvd's for the girls to watch. Should be an interesting evening.
Graham is upset because he is banned from the basement, he doesn't think it's fair.
Mike and I did an emergency clean of the front gutter, it was full of leaves, oh my gross, those leaves rot in there and they stink bad!! But they are clean now, so we will see how it goes.
Heading to the old O tomorrow for a day of scrapbooking with the ladies. Mike gets to take the little ones to their soccer clinic tomorrow. Graham's is from 11 to noon and Elysia's is right after, so two hours + at soccer for him.
Graham is upset because he is banned from the basement, he doesn't think it's fair.
Mike and I did an emergency clean of the front gutter, it was full of leaves, oh my gross, those leaves rot in there and they stink bad!! But they are clean now, so we will see how it goes.
Heading to the old O tomorrow for a day of scrapbooking with the ladies. Mike gets to take the little ones to their soccer clinic tomorrow. Graham's is from 11 to noon and Elysia's is right after, so two hours + at soccer for him.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Trick or Treat
We had 122 little visitors last night. Elysia went out with her friends to trick or treat, she was a princess, which she is every day anyway. Graham was Frank Thomas from the Blue Jays, Mike and I took turns taking him and his friends out. When I had him, I had six other kids with me and when Mike had him, he only had Graham and Connor. I think I pulled the wrong shift. The kids had fun and got too much loot. We were ready for 140 so we did fine. We got lots of compliments on all our pumpkin carving. We had carved 11 pumpkins and we also had one fake one. It didn't take long for the kids to fall asleep last night. I know Graham had to run to every house for the first while, but he slowed down eventually.
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