Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Next Week

Well, I better enjoy these last few days...I start work next Tuesday. I will be working for a company called Subtotal POS Systems. I will working in their accounting dept. They sell the computers that you see used in restaurants like Subway that the workers enter the orders on by touchscreen. They are in Centreville, which is only about a 15 minute drive from here...thankfully there is a Tim Horton's on the way...haha...I think the bookstore will miss me, since I have been reading so much while I was home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi annie...maybe i can get a deal on one of those computers for the jk
no, seriously how much do they go for...i imagine you can lease them. my old job had one and life was much easier let me tell ya. good luck again...colette