Friday, November 2, 2007

Storm's a Brewing

So tomorrow night we are suppose to have horrible weather with TS Noel blowing through bringing high winds and rain. Just to make things better, Elysia is having her birthday sleepover on Sat night. So that means we will have a house full of girls. If the power goes out the pump doesn't work and we have no we will fill some buckets in the tub so we can still run the toilet. For those fools like us who were stupid enough to go with a satelite as opposed to cable, you will know that when it rains hard you lose the signal so if the power stays on we will have to tv, so we are renting some dvd's for the girls to watch. Should be an interesting evening.
Graham is upset because he is banned from the basement, he doesn't think it's fair.
Mike and I did an emergency clean of the front gutter, it was full of leaves, oh my gross, those leaves rot in there and they stink bad!! But they are clean now, so we will see how it goes.
Heading to the old O tomorrow for a day of scrapbooking with the ladies. Mike gets to take the little ones to their soccer clinic tomorrow. Graham's is from 11 to noon and Elysia's is right after, so two hours + at soccer for him.

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