Thursday, January 31, 2008


Apparently (according to my husband), I never mention Mike in my blogs...well, guess what, today is dedicated to Mike.

Mike, my husband, spent last night cooking cabbage rolls and bruschetta, my house smelled wonderful (not according to my kids though).

Mike has been very busy at work. He is getting ready for the big send off for the Acadia president who is leaving and then they have a CEO tour, where all the bigwigs from Compass Group come's a lot of work for him but it is the moment to shine for the top brass.

PS Did I mention my husband, Mike!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well now that is what I call an interesting Blog!! I had to read it several times. Just to be clear I happened to read my beautiful wife's blog from January 21st to January 31st and guess what I must have been living in the shed... because I was not mentioned... after all its a McKinnon family Blog.
Because of this wonderful show of thoughtfulness from my Wife.. I would like to ask her out on a Date tonight. I need everyone's support to get her to say yes!!