Wednesday, July 2, 2008

They left...

My family has headed to Cape Breton this morning...Mike, Elysia and Graham left at about 6:30...good thing I got up, Graham didn't have "Scratchy" (his blankey) packed. Elysia had a blanket packed since her father will have the air conditioner on high and there may be frost on the windows. The kids were very excited to see their Nan, Papa, aunts and cousins. Graham wanted to wear his bathing suit so he could jump right in Auntie Collette's pool.

Since Mike and the kids were leaving early this morning, we didn't do the fireworks thing last night. Our neighbor had given Graham some sparklers for his birthday so the kids played with those in the front yard...they didn't last long though.

We took Graham for some batting practice yesterday, he was backing out of the box as he was afraid to get hit (he got beaned a couple of games ago and has been afraid ever since). He did really well, also worked on his pitching. I explained that everything in baseball is about a routine...all the players have one. So he was pretty psyched for his game last night and it ended up being cancelled due to the CND day celebrations. I was trying to convince Elysia to come to the game...don't think it was going to happen.

My house it too quiet already...gotta head to work in a few minutes. Have lots to do at work and at home to get ready for the trip to BC...we leave on Saturday.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

You'll be OK, Annie :)
Do something indulgent.