Sunday, August 24, 2008

Summer's Almost Done

The days are numbered for the kiddies. Graham and Elysia head back to school on the third. They are tired of each other day in and day out, it will do them good to see other people all day. Elysia may have some problems getting up early as she's had lots of sleeping in this summer. I think we willhead up to the city one evening this week to do our clothes shopping for school. Graham definitely needs new sneakers, he is merciless on them, we do get our money's worth out of them. Elysia is at that age where her feet don't grow anymore so her shoes last much longer...but she's a girl and of course, one pair is never enough.

This week at work was interesting to say the least. Earl was let go...I've sat wtih him since I started and will really miss him. Was told he was laid off because of economic conditions, I don't really believe that...I think they made a big mistake because he did so many things there and I don't know who is going to do it all...should be interesting to see...all this happened Friday morning right before the big Come to Jesus meeting and lunch. We were having one of our "town hall" meetings, which honestly have become a bit of a joke...everytime they have one, someone has been let go, even goked about it with Earl when the notice came out. Too predictable! Then at the meeting I bring up the fact that the owner/manger likes to kill the mesenger...had not planned on it bu the did it in the middle of the meeting. Needless to say it went over like a lead fart! Who knows, maybe I'll be let go because of 'market conditions'...yeah, like I would cry over that.

Mike's work has certainly been picking up as they prepare for the students coming back. He's hoping to get weekends off this year...this is why we made the move...more time at home and better time at home.

The garden out front is looking pretty good. Lots of sunflowers, some short ones, some red ones and a few really tall ones. A few are over 8 ft high and Mike thinks they are ugly...guess I'll have to plant more next year...haha!

Spent most of yesterday up at Josee's. Elysia spent the night with Sarah and they babysat Sarah's cousins, Keighan and Rylan...they are funny kids. Rylan puts on quite the show. They looooove mom's dog, Sofie. Think they need a puppy...have to mention to David (Jeff''s brother).

Hey, if I post early tomorrow, you'll know that the economic conditions were not in my favor (or maybe they were).

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