Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Life...that's what we've been doing...

Sunday night, Elysia and I headed off to Halifax to see Carrie Underwood...she's quite the singer. We met up with Elysia's friend, Kaylie and her mother. Had a quick bite to eat at Swiss Chalet and then off to the Metro Centre..."little big town" was the opening act...they were good. Elysia and Kaylie took their seats first and then half way through thought ours were better so they switched. I enjoyed both spots but it was more about them. Kaylie's mom, Kathy is crazy. I think she would run right up on stage given the opportunity (I don't think it would take much of an opportunity).

While we were at the concert, Mike and Graham enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with the Ross family. Apparently Janet makes the best potatoes for a non-chef, according to my son. They had a great meal and lots of fun. Graham even said he was thankful for his family and friends...but he was also thankful for ketchup so take that for what it's worth.

Monday I had to work...I don't have one of those nice jobs that gives more than the days required by law. Not much a girl can do though. We went to mom's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Josee and the family were also there. We only have to make sure we bring Mike's gravy and we are allowed in.

Yesterday Graham had his first basketball practice, he really enjoyed it and seemed to have no problem keeping up with the other kids, you can really tell the kids who have played for a while.

Today we took Graham for his cardiology checkup. We had his holter monitor put on two weeks ago and they still don't have the results for that...pitiful! Anyway...went well...heart function numbers are the same as last time...valve narrow but he's still tolerating that well. Dr Finlay indicated that the valve is fine for a few more years...we'll take that!! Have to go back in six months. Dr Finlay asks Graham questions about his abilities in sports. Anyone who knows my son can imagine those answers. Graham has alot of pride in his abilitities and has no problem sharing it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news all around! And yah, I can just imagine the answers, cause I have seen him in action.