Wednesday, May 30, 2007
It's Wednesday
I always watch for the kids to go by on the bus in the morning, Elysia usually sits with her friend Felicity on this side and Graham tries to sit on this side with his friend Connor. As soon as Graham spots me, he smiles and his little hand starts waving...Elysia on the other hand...not so much, it's more like "OMG, it's my mother". Aw well, I'll enjoy it while it lasts with Graham.
Elysia and I are heading to Halifax tomorrow. She has her breathing test at the allergy clinic to see how her asthma is doing. I was concerned when we moved to the valley, there are some kids in her school that have horse farms, but so far so good, but we'll get a true picture tomorrow. We also have hair appts at Kristy's tomorrow. I need to get rid of the skunk on top of my head and Elysia wants to get her's straightened of course.
Enjoy the sunshine...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Ceiling Fan!!
Last night, Elysia had her first soccer practice. Because of her birthday at the end of the year and after the cut off for school, most of the girls in her class still play under 12 and she has to play under 14, so she knew no one on the team. She's sooooo shy but she went out and practiced, she still held back though, which can drive me a little nuts.
Graham was not too happy when he got up this morning and found out the Ducks beat the Senators, he put pins through his Ducks sticker on his bulletin board--voodoo??
Now I need to put up the ceiling fan in the kids rooms...agh!!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Lovely Weekend!!
Yesterday, Mike discovered that our yard is muuuuch bigger than the one we had in Halifax, it was mow time. Plus our yard runs on a slope from front to back. The grass at the front is quite nice but the back leaves something to be desired, but everything comes with time. We are planning a veg garden out back, nothing big though. I planted some ahead of time on in little pots on the step, some of that is coming up now. We may work on the garden part next weekend.
Jane, Todd and the kids dropped by yesterday to see the house, they brought us some lovely garden lights. I put those in right away and they were charged enough to work last night and looked really nice.
Elysia starts soccer tonight but it's suppose to rain today. I think she's excited about it but she's certainly nervous. I have not heard about Graham's starting yet.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Sunny Saturday
We had thunder and lightning last night and may get more today. We are heading out in a minute to get some bug spray and sunscreen, it's that time of year again.
Tonight, Graham and I are heading to Keegan's birthday party at the Wave Pool in the city. We are hoping to be back in time to go to the drive in theatre in Coldbrook...yes, one still exists. Shrek the 3rd is playing.
Enjoy the sunshine!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Very Quiet!!
We are picking Elysia up at 9:30 and then mom and I are heading back to Halifax. Mom wants a new dining room set (finally-I was worried I would get it in the will--haha). We are also picking up Elysia's friend Kaylie for the weekend. I am sure Elysia will sleep all the way. Probably won't have time to stop at Russel Metals but next Thurs I have to go back for Elysia's breathing test and hope to stop then.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Mrs. Caiger
Elysia's Trip
Must go and get the evil boy out of bed for school. Hopefully his mother won't dress him like a "dork" today (as he seems to think). Agh the trials and tribulations of an almost 8 year old (where did the time go).
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Not much to tell!
There was frost on the ground this morning and it was -1 when it came time to head for the bus. Graham was pretty p*&&^% off that I made him wear a vest over his sweatshirt, he told me he looked like a "dork". In my great mother words, I said "too bad", besides I know Elysia will tell me if he takes it off down the road, not to protect him of course, but to get him in trouble. Awww, such loving siblings!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
No Rain!!
I set up a blog for Tracey to use, the template and everything is there, even some pictures she had sent me of their vacation in California. All you have to do, Tracey, is log on and post...
Josee, Jeff and the kiddies are going to BC this summer, ok, I admit it, I am jealous. We could probably do the trip but with the new house and furniture I would be beyond broke. So, Mike and I are going to plan for next year, that way, it will split up the visits too (that's how I am justifying it in my mind). Wouldn't want Corey to get a summer off with no sisters, like last year, if Josee and I stagger our visits, we could drive him crazy.
Today, my nephew, Connor turns 11. He had to do a project for school about a country so he chose Italy. Yesterday, he came over and him and Uncle Mike made Bruschetta for his display. It was delicious and Connor was smart because he counted the pcs on the pan so Josee and I could not steal it, we got the leftovers though.
Happy Birthday Connor!!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Ottawa Wins!

Well, the boys were excited, Ottawa won and made it to the Stanley Cup playoffs. Actually, Josee, Sarah, Elysia and I watched the end of the game with Graham and Connor. We brought the supper downstairs so they didn't have to move. They were jumping around when the puck finally went in. Connor hopes that they end up playing Anaheim, I am hoping for Detroit so there is no late games on.
Not much on the go's raining of course. Josee and Jeff got the trampoline together yesterday. Graham says the next time he is there he is not doing chores, he's jumping. Elysia is there now, whenever her and Sarah get together there is a sleepover involved. Last time I talked to Josee, she was on the trampoline, they even went on last night in the rain, I think it would be fun.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Game Day!!
Elysia got her new bedroom furniture yesterday, she was quite excited. It arrived before she got home from school. I saw her bounding up the hill and she asked me if it was here yet so I told her that it was left off the truck and it would be two more weeks (what a mean mommy) and could she help me put her old dresser back in. Her little shoulders sagged and I thought she was going to cry. I ran ahead of her and was sitting on the bed when she came up, she was pretty excited about the room and told me I was horrible for lying to her...sometimes as a mother, you just have to take advantage of the situation.
Enjoy the rain!!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Back from the dance!!
While she was dancing, Mike, Graham and I spent some money. We bought some new furniture for our living room and dining room. For those of you who know my husband you know how he hates to spend money. I thought he was going to throw up when we left Ashley furniture...but I am excited. Our present table and chairs are not my cup of tea, the chairs need some work too. So we got a new table and chairs and a server for the dining room. We also go a new couch and chaise for the living room. I cannot wait to see how they will look.
Elysia's birthday present from her grandmother arrives today (yes, her birthday is in October). She is getting a new bed and dresser, she quite excited, "grown up" furniture.
Must go and clean up, I have been putting the last few things on hold. If it ever stops raining, maybe I can play outside, so I want to be ready for that.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Dance Night!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Rainy Day in the Valley
Josee and I picked up the big birthday gift, it was a trampoline for her two children, Sarah and Connor. They know about it as they saw the boxes but now they are hoping to get it put together, apparently last night they took out the instructions and decided that they did need adult help to put it together. I am sure that Graham and Elysia will be bugging to get up there. When we got to Costco, the sign showed that there was 100.00 off the trampoline if you get the coupon book. Well, we didn't have the coupon book so I pulled the sign down and took the coupon off that for Josee. Hey, it's 100.00 dollars! We could have bought more but we were limited on room, so if it wasn't able to go in the back of Josee's truck it had to come in the cab with it was I had four pizzas on my lap, there was clothes and two big boxes of cereal between us, it was a picture.
Don't want the kiddies to get wet waiting for the bus so I am going to run them to school (might make a Timmies run too).
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Off to Halifax
Well all the garbage is gone...there wasn't much left after the "scavengers" came through. They didn't take the old dryer but they cut the cord off the back, which I thought was bizarre.
Gotta go and get ready for Josee to pick me up!!
Monday, May 14, 2007
13th Anniversary
My friend, Dawn-Marie came for a visit the other day. As she is knocking on the side door looking into the dining room, I am standing on the dining room table putting up my new light fixture...quite the picture. We had a long chat (I don't mind taking a break). She loves the valley and her family has a beautiful spot in Windemere (just outside of Berwick).
Graham and I (well he contributed about 5 mins of work), started our vegie garden. We just stared some seeds off in peat pots. We are hoping to grow a couple of pumpkins too. I still have to prepare the soil but it's still a little cold to put it into the ground.
It's spring cleanup in the our area of the valley, basically meaning, you can put out your big garbage. In Halifax, you can put it out any regular garbage day, but here, it's only twice a year. It's funny, just like Halifax, most of the stuff gets picked over. Half of my garbage is gone and the other half is really garbage.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
This morning, Elysia, Graham and I went to Grandma's house for a quick visit and lunch. Mike was working (on Mother's Day...imagine that?!). I guess since most of the those students at Acadia spent four years working they are allowed to graduate, I just wish they would pick a better weekend... We tried calling Nan this morning but no luck there. We will try again later.
I am taking Elysia to the dance at her old school (Ridgecliff) this Thursday, she's trying to convince me to let her stay with one of her friends for a day or two...hmmmm...not decided yet. Gotta go and clean the kitchen--how Mother's Dayish is that?!
Friday, May 11, 2007
BBQ Complete!!
Last night we all went to the Family Dance at the kids school. It was to raise money for Elysia's class trip. Graham was pretty upset there wasn't many of his friends there. I explained to him that most boys his age don't go to dances unless their sister is raising money. Needless to say, him and Mike bugged out early for ice cream. The dance seemed to go well and I think they raised enough money to pay for the bus, which was their goal. So Elysia will have her first school trip back to Halifax (she thinks that is kind of funny).
Heading over to Josee's house to raid her garden and thin out her perennials.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
BBQ Saga Continued...
Elysia, Graham and I then went to supper at Josee's house. Mom came for supper and hugs from her grandchildren. The kids played outside with Connor and Sarah's cousins after supper. They played "barefoot" soccer...their feet were horrid when we left, Graham left a ring in the tub after his bath. It was sooooo nice to just go for a dinner and visit and realize we can do it again next week.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Another Day, Another Post
Mike and I went to try and get a BBQ last night...did not realize it would be so disheartening. Mike had his sights set on a stainless steel one of course. I don't really care, just so long as he's happy. We had looked around a little before so we decided to try Zellers first (may as well get the points for it). After 10 minutes of playing with switches and flipping "pretend" food, Mike finally decided on one. Then we had to find some worker to get us one out back since there were none in boxes on the floor. Finally found a young fella, who disapeared to get the BBQ, once we had waited 20 minutes for him, we got p*&&^% off and left. So next we went to Walmart, guess what?? No prices on anything, so we tracked down someone to get us a book with the prices but they didn't have the BBQ we wanted. Will try again tonight because if I have to have one more burger cooked in a frying pan I will scream!! old (and I mean old!) boss Ed Peckham turns 50 today!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I did it!!
Patti, you can be happy now and stop nagging me...I finally got this done, have no idea what I am doing but I will try. I will have to have Josee over for lessons to teach me what to do and to make it look like I know what I am doing.