Monday, May 14, 2007

13th Anniversary

Today is my 13th Wedding Anniversary...who would have thought it that first night we met...Mike had been working at the Irving gas station and had come back to the "Pink" house to find us all there (the "Pink" house at Acadia was never lacking for company). He ran upstairs to have a shower and bath in Polo cologne as I remember...then he sat in front of his fan and kept offering me beer. For those of you who know me, you know how much I hate when people insist on offering me drinks when I have decided not to drink...wasn't too impressed with him that night. Awww...but he wooed me!! And here we a new house, back in the Valley with two great children. Okay, enough of the mushy!
My friend, Dawn-Marie came for a visit the other day. As she is knocking on the side door looking into the dining room, I am standing on the dining room table putting up my new light fixture...quite the picture. We had a long chat (I don't mind taking a break). She loves the valley and her family has a beautiful spot in Windemere (just outside of Berwick).
Graham and I (well he contributed about 5 mins of work), started our vegie garden. We just stared some seeds off in peat pots. We are hoping to grow a couple of pumpkins too. I still have to prepare the soil but it's still a little cold to put it into the ground.
It's spring cleanup in the our area of the valley, basically meaning, you can put out your big garbage. In Halifax, you can put it out any regular garbage day, but here, it's only twice a year. It's funny, just like Halifax, most of the stuff gets picked over. Half of my garbage is gone and the other half is really garbage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, what are you gonna do tonight?????