Friday, May 11, 2007

BBQ Complete!!

I did it! I put the BBQ together. They are certainly much easier than they used to be. I remember our first BBQ we got when we were married, it took Mike and I hours to put together. This one took me in total about an hour and a half and would have been quicker. There always seems to be one little thing go hole that just doesn't quite line up...don't worry, I "made" it fit. Now all I need is propane. Up next are the lighting fixtures in the kitchen and dining room...
Last night we all went to the Family Dance at the kids school. It was to raise money for Elysia's class trip. Graham was pretty upset there wasn't many of his friends there. I explained to him that most boys his age don't go to dances unless their sister is raising money. Needless to say, him and Mike bugged out early for ice cream. The dance seemed to go well and I think they raised enough money to pay for the bus, which was their goal. So Elysia will have her first school trip back to Halifax (she thinks that is kind of funny).
Heading over to Josee's house to raid her garden and thin out her perennials.


Anonymous said...

Tracey wants me to show you how to set up so anonomys people can post. Fire up the BBQ soon, we are dying for "Uncle Mike's" famous ribs.

Anonymous said...

NICE mom i thinkit's funny now do i that i'm going back to halifax no i think it's soooo cool
