It's the last day of school today, mind you it's only half a day. It's also field day for the younger kids. Graham left all excited about that. He was wearing his new Ronaldo soccer outfit Grandma got him. The older kids help out the younger ones on field days, Elysia said they get paired up with their book buddies to help out.
Graham had a good birthday, was only sent to his room twice. Once for hitting his sister (she ended up there also for hitting back) and then for having temper with his mother (he must know I will always win on that one).
Must go and wait on the step for the bus to go by and embarrass my children!!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Birthday Boy
Graham turns 8 today!! Last night when he was going to bed and I hugged him, he told me it was my last 7 yr old hug ever. When his father looked in on him this morning before he left for work the first thing Graham said was "birthday"...didn't even give Mike a chance to say anything to him. Graham also thinks that since it's his birthday he should get to decide what time Elysia goes to bed tonight, if that happens, Elysia will be hitting the bed at 6.
Last night Graham had his friend Connor sleep over. They watched the Blue Jays play on TV, they had signs made and everything. They can cheer rather loud though. Tonight we are having a little BBQ and cake. Graham will have his official birthday party on July 6th, he and his friends will be going to the mini putt. Happy Birthday Graham!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
We had a good day in the city yesterday. The kiddies had a good time. Finally got Graham's hair cut, he was getting a little scraggly. The kids got a chance to visit their friends for a while, I had to do some birthday shopping. There will be an 8 yr old in my house tomorrow.
Had a chance to stop by Russel Metals. As always, I truly miss the people there (some more than others...haha).
Mike went to PEI yesterday, some big function there, he's back today. Mike's dad has been having a little trouble with his health lately. He had heart attacks many years ago, but lately has not been feeling well and his cholesteral is way up. The dr has put him on some medication and he will have a stress test in a couple of weeks. The kids were very upset when they heard that Papa wasn't feeling well and they are very worried about him. I'm sure he's driving poor Nann nuts though. I am hoping we can take a quick trip up to CB while Mike is off and maybe the grandkids can guilt Papa into taking better care of himself.
Had a chance to stop by Russel Metals. As always, I truly miss the people there (some more than others...haha).
Mike went to PEI yesterday, some big function there, he's back today. Mike's dad has been having a little trouble with his health lately. He had heart attacks many years ago, but lately has not been feeling well and his cholesteral is way up. The dr has put him on some medication and he will have a stress test in a couple of weeks. The kids were very upset when they heard that Papa wasn't feeling well and they are very worried about him. I'm sure he's driving poor Nann nuts though. I am hoping we can take a quick trip up to CB while Mike is off and maybe the grandkids can guilt Papa into taking better care of himself.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Off to Halifax
We are heading to Halifax today. Compass wants Mike to do a function in PEI but they have a big sports gala Thurs night he needs to be back for so they are flying him over. We are dropping him off at the airport and then heading into Halifax to spend his hard earned money. Poor Elysia needs some shorts for summer and I may do a little birthday shopping for my boy who turns 8 on Thursday (and get his hair cut before it gets longer than his cousin (Connor's) hair...haha).
Elysia team had their game last night, they were suppose to play Wed but it's the prom and graduation at one of the schools. They tied Bridgetown 1-1, it was a good game, one of their players was hurt and was on her way to the hospital to have it checked out. Hope she's fine... we go to spend Mike's dough!!
Elysia team had their game last night, they were suppose to play Wed but it's the prom and graduation at one of the schools. They tied Bridgetown 1-1, it was a good game, one of their players was hurt and was on her way to the hospital to have it checked out. Hope she's fine... we go to spend Mike's dough!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Last Day of School!!
Technically, it's the last full day here, the kids go back for a half day on Friday. They are quite excited to be done, I am looking forward to it too, it's the first time I have not been working. I am looking forward to having someone home during the day, I am going a little shack whacky.
Mike had his first go at beer can chicken last night. Actually it was PC Diet Cola can chicken. We only had bottled beer so we had to clear another can and fill it with beer. It was delicious and the kids got a kick out of having chicken with actual beer in it.
Mike and Graham did a little golfing yesterday, then we played baseball in the front yard and have discovered that Elysia is quite the little hitter....hmmm...something for next year.
Mike had his first go at beer can chicken last night. Actually it was PC Diet Cola can chicken. We only had bottled beer so we had to clear another can and fill it with beer. It was delicious and the kids got a kick out of having chicken with actual beer in it.
Mike and Graham did a little golfing yesterday, then we played baseball in the front yard and have discovered that Elysia is quite the little hitter....hmmm...something for next year.
Friday, June 22, 2007
It's Friday!!
Well, the kids are excited because after today, they only have one full day of school left...Monday and then only a half day on Friday. Nothing on the go this evening, only had Graham's soccer practice last night. Next week is busy, Mike is going to PEI for a night for work and the kids have alot going on and Graham turns 8 on Thursday. We are not having his party until the 6th of July. Mini Putt and KFC, what more could a kid want (oh yeah, cake and presents).
We were thinking of heading to Halifax today, but that doesn't seem to work out, which is really okay with me. I have to take Mike to the airport Tuesday so the kids and I will visit while we are up there.
Have a good weekend all!
We were thinking of heading to Halifax today, but that doesn't seem to work out, which is really okay with me. I have to take Mike to the airport Tuesday so the kids and I will visit while we are up there.
Have a good weekend all!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Last night, my niece, Sarah had her semi-formal dance at her school. Her girlfriends all went to the duck pond to have pictures taken. Elysia, Graham and I went to check them out. I must admit that when I saw Sarah all done up in her dress, hair and makeup, I got a little misty eyed. It's hard to watch them grow up so fast. Here's a picture of Sarah and Elysia, they are very close cousins. Graham did not want his picture taken, I'm not sure if he thought his cousin had cooties or something.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Game Day
Graham had his first soccer game with his new team last night. They won 9-0. Graham scored twice and was excited that someone gave him sunflower seeds so he could spit them out...lovely!! Graham's team has a couple of players who have played before but there are alot of kids who have never played before and seem so tiny so it's pretty funny to watch. Elysia decided to opt out of the game and stayed home so I asked her to vaccuum (sp?) her room, she cleaned the whole thing, almost could not recognize it.
Here's a little picture of the hungry baby birds. If I make chirping noises when I look in the basket, they poke their heads up looking for food. I notice the mother going in and out of the basket alot more, getting food.
Went for a walk yesterday and saw the old Coldbrook #34 School house, someone should make that into a nice house...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Good Game!!
Last night Sarah and Elysia faced off in their first ever soccer game against one another. After seeing Elysia's team's first two games and watching Sarah's team on the weekend, I thought for sure Elysia's team would get creamed. They ended up winning 1-0. It was an excellent game, I am not sure who the girls were on the field last night because they were not the same ones I had been watching. They played an awesome game. I'm not sure if it's because Elysia had gone there and said how good Sarah's team was or not. Fun was had by all and poor Grandma didn't know whether to say "Get the ball out of there" or "Get it in the net"...
Cannot wait until school is done, it's hard to get the kids to bed early right now with it still being so light out so they are hard to get out of bed in the morning...yes, even Graham.
Graham played ball last night and according to him, he dominated. Mike said he did play well. He had his first soccer game tonight. Keep you updated.
Cannot wait until school is done, it's hard to get the kids to bed early right now with it still being so light out so they are hard to get out of bed in the morning...yes, even Graham.
Graham played ball last night and according to him, he dominated. Mike said he did play well. He had his first soccer game tonight. Keep you updated.
Monday, June 18, 2007
I'm a Mother!!
I am a mother...the eggs started to hatch yesterday. I think there is still some to hatch. The little mother came out when I went to look but she would not go far and she let me know that she wasn't pleased with me. I will try to be good and stay away for a while, I don't want to scare her off. The kids are pretty excited about it. Yesterday when I looked the mother wasn't around and the little babies all had their mouths up and open waiting for food. The
mother had just left this morning so I think they were still snug and
warm so they were sleeping. Here's some pictures I took this morning.
We went to Sarah's game, the lost in the final and took the silver. It was a great game though, they tried hard and had some real good shots on net. They were disapointed but took it well.
We came back for supper here. Mike had a coupon for Clearwater Seafood he had been given. So when I went to get Elysia in the morning in Halifax, I stopped and picked up some lobster. Josee, Jeff and the kids had supper and turf, little lobster and steak (yeah, I know, life is rough). The kids (all but Graham) had fun opening the lobster and trying it. Connor got his all apart and then decided he didn't want to eat it. His father took it, he likes to eat it but hates to pull it apart. We put the bodies in a container and Liz popped over for them...
Elysia and Sarah play in the same division in soccer (Elysia's team did not enter the tournament this weekend) and they are playing tonight...let ya know.
We went to Sarah's game, the lost in the final and took the silver. It was a great game though, they tried hard and had some real good shots on net. They were disapointed but took it well.
We came back for supper here. Mike had a coupon for Clearwater Seafood he had been given. So when I went to get Elysia in the morning in Halifax, I stopped and picked up some lobster. Josee, Jeff and the kids had supper and turf, little lobster and steak (yeah, I know, life is rough). The kids (all but Graham) had fun opening the lobster and trying it. Connor got his all apart and then decided he didn't want to eat it. His father took it, he likes to eat it but hates to pull it apart. We put the bodies in a container and Liz popped over for them...
Elysia and Sarah play in the same division in soccer (Elysia's team did not enter the tournament this weekend) and they are playing tonight...let ya know.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Father's Day
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Great Check Up!!
Checkup Day's that time again. Graham has his cardiology checkup today. He is having an exercise/stress test (which he thinks is pretty cool) and the other usual. The kids only have a half a day of school today and his appt is in the afternoon so he doesn't miss any school. Elysia had the option and is going to come with us, she's interested to see what goes on.
The kids only have another two weeks of school left and then Mike is on vacation as well the first two weeks of July. Not really going anywhere on vacation but we might try to hit Magic Mountain and Upper Clements Park...just day trips.
Will keep you posted on the checkup!!
The kids only have another two weeks of school left and then Mike is on vacation as well the first two weeks of July. Not really going anywhere on vacation but we might try to hit Magic Mountain and Upper Clements Park...just day trips.
Will keep you posted on the checkup!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
No birthdays today that I know of.
Went and had some cake at Sarah's last night. She's growing up waaay too fast.
Graham had nightmares last night so he scared the crap out of me when I rolled over and there he is standing right beside the bed. Our bed is so high that his face is pretty much where mine is when I am laying down. He curled up in our bed for a while and then we went to his bed when daddy's snoring was bothering him. I think he ended up giving me his nightmares because once I got back to bed I had horrible dreams.
Not much on the go today, have to get the living room and dining room ready since our new furniture is finally coming...cannot wait. We will finally have a couch in our living room. We also bought a big chaise chair that will be great for curling up with a good book in.
Have a good day!!
Went and had some cake at Sarah's last night. She's growing up waaay too fast.
Graham had nightmares last night so he scared the crap out of me when I rolled over and there he is standing right beside the bed. Our bed is so high that his face is pretty much where mine is when I am laying down. He curled up in our bed for a while and then we went to his bed when daddy's snoring was bothering him. I think he ended up giving me his nightmares because once I got back to bed I had horrible dreams.
Not much on the go today, have to get the living room and dining room ready since our new furniture is finally coming...cannot wait. We will finally have a couch in our living room. We also bought a big chaise chair that will be great for curling up with a good book in.
Have a good day!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Lots of birthdays to celebrate today!!
My niece Sarah is turning 14 today. This completely freaks me out. I was at the hospital when she was born and it seems like yesterday that Tracey and I sat there and played cards and waited for what seemed like forever. Sarah was about a month old when I moved to Halifax. I was upset when I had to say goodbye to my mom and sister but it was saying goodbye to Sarah that broke my heart. Sarah is soooo like her mother some days that it's scarey. Her and Elysia have such a special bond. Happy Birthday Sarah!!

Monday, June 11, 2007
Well, it's a Monday, it's raining but I guess it's better than rain on the weekend. It was pretty muggy last night and I am thinking an air conditioner upstairs might not be a bad idea.
The garden is looking good, I don't think I killed anything and I think the pumpkin plants are looking bigger already, mind you I don't need to pick anything just yet. Heading over to Josee's tomorrow to help her put in her garden.
Sarah and Elysia may have their first soccer game against one another tonight, there is some mix up with the fields so it may not happen and plus the rain may delay it. Graham has his first baseball practice tonight.
We did end up making it to the Kentville Wildcat games. We watched about 6 innings of the first game and caught the last 6 innings of the second game. Elysia went to Sarah's for the night, baseball watching is not quite her thing. We brought Graham's friend, Connor with us. They both brought their gloves. If the ball is foul and the kids bring it back to the entrance they get a pc of candy, needless to say, free candy is quite the incentive. Graham and Connor were running for all the fouls they could get to. It was good baseball.
This past weekend was the girl's getaway weekend at Russel Metals. Not that I had always gone in the past, but I did miss going this year. With the kids getting older, it was getting easier to go. I do miss the people there.
The garden is looking good, I don't think I killed anything and I think the pumpkin plants are looking bigger already, mind you I don't need to pick anything just yet. Heading over to Josee's tomorrow to help her put in her garden.
Sarah and Elysia may have their first soccer game against one another tonight, there is some mix up with the fields so it may not happen and plus the rain may delay it. Graham has his first baseball practice tonight.
We did end up making it to the Kentville Wildcat games. We watched about 6 innings of the first game and caught the last 6 innings of the second game. Elysia went to Sarah's for the night, baseball watching is not quite her thing. We brought Graham's friend, Connor with us. They both brought their gloves. If the ball is foul and the kids bring it back to the entrance they get a pc of candy, needless to say, free candy is quite the incentive. Graham and Connor were running for all the fouls they could get to. It was good baseball.
This past weekend was the girl's getaway weekend at Russel Metals. Not that I had always gone in the past, but I did miss going this year. With the kids getting older, it was getting easier to go. I do miss the people there.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Bad Bloggers
Since my loving sisters have not posted for a while, I will keep all up to date...bad, bad!!
Hannah got only good results from her blood work but is still not feeling 100 percent, so now she will be seeing a pediatrician. Tracey, Corey and the girls went out on the boat last weekend and had a super time. Tracey said it was perfect weather, that the water was really calm. They went to an island that has about 10 thousand people living on it and there is a really cool market there.
Connor finished his play and did a super job. Sarah did the relay for life last night (as did Grandma)...way to go!! I am sure Sarah and Grandma will both be napping today.
Yesterday we put our garden in...who knows if it will grow or not. We are no experts. We have raspberries, strawberries, pumpkins (regular and giant), cucumbers, sunflowers, beans, peas, carrots, tomatoes, peppers and lettuce. Some stuff was started a while ago, some is seed and some we cheated and bought already started at the nursery.
Elysia had her first sleep over with a friend here. It was at Felicity's house, she was the first person who Elysia bonded with when we moved here. We have met her parents and they seem very nice. Felicity's family just put in a pool so they had their first swim last night. Now, if I can only get Elysia home.
Graham took a tumble in the driveway last night and skinned his knee pretty good, blood and everything. Graham cries the same for a paper cut as he would for an amputation so the whole neighborhood, I am sure, knows that he hurt himself.
Mike is suppose to be home soon and we may take in a Wildcats baseball game this afternoon. He mowed the lawn yesterday and that's quite the workout in itself.
The little bird laid another egg, now we have five. She's not too happy when I have to water the flowers in the basket but I am not going to let the flowers die because she's in there, it'll be interesting to see what happens when they hatch.
Enjoy the sunshine!!
Hannah got only good results from her blood work but is still not feeling 100 percent, so now she will be seeing a pediatrician. Tracey, Corey and the girls went out on the boat last weekend and had a super time. Tracey said it was perfect weather, that the water was really calm. They went to an island that has about 10 thousand people living on it and there is a really cool market there.
Connor finished his play and did a super job. Sarah did the relay for life last night (as did Grandma)...way to go!! I am sure Sarah and Grandma will both be napping today.
Yesterday we put our garden in...who knows if it will grow or not. We are no experts. We have raspberries, strawberries, pumpkins (regular and giant), cucumbers, sunflowers, beans, peas, carrots, tomatoes, peppers and lettuce. Some stuff was started a while ago, some is seed and some we cheated and bought already started at the nursery.
Elysia had her first sleep over with a friend here. It was at Felicity's house, she was the first person who Elysia bonded with when we moved here. We have met her parents and they seem very nice. Felicity's family just put in a pool so they had their first swim last night. Now, if I can only get Elysia home.
Graham took a tumble in the driveway last night and skinned his knee pretty good, blood and everything. Graham cries the same for a paper cut as he would for an amputation so the whole neighborhood, I am sure, knows that he hurt himself.
Mike is suppose to be home soon and we may take in a Wildcats baseball game this afternoon. He mowed the lawn yesterday and that's quite the workout in itself.
The little bird laid another egg, now we have five. She's not too happy when I have to water the flowers in the basket but I am not going to let the flowers die because she's in there, it'll be interesting to see what happens when they hatch.
Enjoy the sunshine!!
Friday, June 8, 2007
It's Friday, it's always soooo hard to get the kids out of bed on Friday, more Elysia than Graham though. Last night the kids' school had their Spring Fling. They had alot of fun, there was one of those big blow up slides and a bounce kingdom, a BBQ and lots of little games.
The weather looks good for the weekend so we should have the veggies in by the time the weekend is done. I also have raspberries and strawberries to plant (don't worry Reta, I won't save you any...haha).
Elysia wanted to go to Halifax for the weekend but I am trying to explain to her that it costs about 20 dollars in gas each trip, which basically is 40 dollars a visit. We are already going to Halifax next week for Graham's checkup and if he is put on a Holter Monitor then we have to take it back the next day as well. Trying to instill a little appreciation for the cost of things in the kids. Hmmmm....we'll see how that works.
The weather looks good for the weekend so we should have the veggies in by the time the weekend is done. I also have raspberries and strawberries to plant (don't worry Reta, I won't save you any...haha).
Elysia wanted to go to Halifax for the weekend but I am trying to explain to her that it costs about 20 dollars in gas each trip, which basically is 40 dollars a visit. We are already going to Halifax next week for Graham's checkup and if he is put on a Holter Monitor then we have to take it back the next day as well. Trying to instill a little appreciation for the cost of things in the kids. Hmmmm....we'll see how that works.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Ducks won the cup
Well...I know my son was hanging his head this morning when he saw that the Senators lost, I was disapointed as well, it's fun to watch the kids get so excited about watching a game.
Went yesterday to see my nephew, Connor in his school play. They were performing Alice in Wonderland. He was the White Rabbit and made quite the entrance, he was perfect for the role, although his hair stuck out under his rabbit ears but I am told this will be remedied on June 11. I may sneak to the barber shop and help out...haha...just kidding, Connor.
Tonight is the Spring Fling at the kids' school, you know, where they play games and bring home crap that you find all over the house.
Someone who bought a ticket in New Minas won 17.5 million dollars last night and it wasn't me!!
Went yesterday to see my nephew, Connor in his school play. They were performing Alice in Wonderland. He was the White Rabbit and made quite the entrance, he was perfect for the role, although his hair stuck out under his rabbit ears but I am told this will be remedied on June 11. I may sneak to the barber shop and help out...haha...just kidding, Connor.
Tonight is the Spring Fling at the kids' school, you know, where they play games and bring home crap that you find all over the house.
Someone who bought a ticket in New Minas won 17.5 million dollars last night and it wasn't me!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Four Eggs!!
Now there are four eggs and the little bird is now nesting on them. It's quite cute, here's a picture of the eggs and the little bird...anyone know what it is??
Graham had his first soccer last night. Here the U8's play with boys and girls on the team. There were quite a few kids on the team that have never played before. Anyone who knows Graham, knows that he was more than willing to show them his "moves".
Elysia had her first soccer game in Bridgetown last night, they played a pretty good game but lost 1-0. Elysia's team had a problem keeping their forwards up. Elysia has another practice tonight and is then done for the week. It works out pretty well. Elysia's practices are on Mondays, Grahams are on Tuesdays, Elysia's games are usually on Wed and Graham's games are usually on Thurs. That way if Mike has to work into an evening it's not a big deal. On occassion Elysia may have a game on Tues but that's not too bad. We haven't had this work out this way in a loooong time.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Three Eggs!!
We now have three eggs in the little nest...funny part is that I never see the bird.
Elysia had her second soccer practice last night, she's still holding back but it was a little better. She has her first game tonight in Bridgetown. Graham has his first practice tonight as well and he's quite excited. Have to make a quick trip to New Minas tonight to get him soccer cleats that fit.
Mike and I played in the dirt yesterday before the rain got going too much. Got most of the grass dug out of the garden. Hope to finish that today and get the compost put into it and hopefully have it planted by this weekend.
My niece Sarah played her first soccer game last night and they won 6-1...better watch out when Elysia's team plays them on the 20th...should be fun to see the two of them play together. I asked Grandma who she was going to cheer for...
Elysia had her second soccer practice last night, she's still holding back but it was a little better. She has her first game tonight in Bridgetown. Graham has his first practice tonight as well and he's quite excited. Have to make a quick trip to New Minas tonight to get him soccer cleats that fit.
Mike and I played in the dirt yesterday before the rain got going too much. Got most of the grass dug out of the garden. Hope to finish that today and get the compost put into it and hopefully have it planted by this weekend.
My niece Sarah played her first soccer game last night and they won 6-1...better watch out when Elysia's team plays them on the 20th...should be fun to see the two of them play together. I asked Grandma who she was going to cheer for...
Monday, June 4, 2007
Two Eggs!!
A little finch has decided to nest in one of our hanging baskets out front. It was the basket by the door, so I switched it to the other one at the end (I was afraid of the parent birds once the little ones hatched, they can be quite protective). I was worried that the little bird would not find the nest once I moved it but it did and laid two little eggs in it. The kids think it's pretty cool. I will try to take a picture of it.
Yesterday, my brother in law, Jeffie (as I like to call him) came and tilled up an area for a garden in the back for us. I wanted to go and play in the dirt this morning but now it's raining. Have to wait until tomorrow. I have some stuff already planted in little pots ready to go. We are also trying for a giant pumpkin or two.
The boys were quite happy with the hockey results on Sat night. We knew when Ottawa scored because they ran through the house screaming, I said ok for that time but I didn't want to hear them at 11:30. Graham and Connor had set up the cots in the basement and were going to sleep there. Graham made it to the end of the game but Connor dozed off just before the end ( I think his sleep over the night before and golf game that day did it). Graham still managed to be up before 7 to watch sports centre. He is upset the game is on late tonight (too late for him anyway). Hoping it goes to at least a game six so they can watch another game. Sarah and Elysia buried themselves in Elysia's room as girls do.
Yesterday we all went to the family day at Scotian Gold in Coldbrook. It's becoming a bigger and bigger event every year. The kids had fun and it was neat to see them talking to their new friends from school . Sarah and Connor, as members of 4H helped out. We also watched Connor do a Woodsman demonstration, it's a little scarey to watch them handle those big saws.
Mike is home today and I was hoping to use his muscles to help me play in the dirt but it's raining out so now I will have to find something else for him to boxed to empty, no lights to hang, maybe we can get the office finished...or we could just watch a movie...that works for me, this not working for a living thing is okay...
Yesterday, my brother in law, Jeffie (as I like to call him) came and tilled up an area for a garden in the back for us. I wanted to go and play in the dirt this morning but now it's raining. Have to wait until tomorrow. I have some stuff already planted in little pots ready to go. We are also trying for a giant pumpkin or two.
The boys were quite happy with the hockey results on Sat night. We knew when Ottawa scored because they ran through the house screaming, I said ok for that time but I didn't want to hear them at 11:30. Graham and Connor had set up the cots in the basement and were going to sleep there. Graham made it to the end of the game but Connor dozed off just before the end ( I think his sleep over the night before and golf game that day did it). Graham still managed to be up before 7 to watch sports centre. He is upset the game is on late tonight (too late for him anyway). Hoping it goes to at least a game six so they can watch another game. Sarah and Elysia buried themselves in Elysia's room as girls do.
Yesterday we all went to the family day at Scotian Gold in Coldbrook. It's becoming a bigger and bigger event every year. The kids had fun and it was neat to see them talking to their new friends from school . Sarah and Connor, as members of 4H helped out. We also watched Connor do a Woodsman demonstration, it's a little scarey to watch them handle those big saws.
Mike is home today and I was hoping to use his muscles to help me play in the dirt but it's raining out so now I will have to find something else for him to boxed to empty, no lights to hang, maybe we can get the office finished...or we could just watch a movie...that works for me, this not working for a living thing is okay...
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Hockey Night in Coldbrook
Connor and Sarah are over for the night. Graham and Connor are all set up for the hockey game. They are going to sleep in the basement in front of the big tv, it's about to start.
Today was a great day!! Elysia, Graham and I took in the Apple Blossom Parade. The weather was perfect for it. The parade itself, lasted for about 1 1/2 hrs from start to finish. The kids enjoyed it and Elysia was happy she saw her friends in the parade (they are in majorettes). Before the parade, I thought I would mow the lawn and surprise my husband who is working this weekend...holy crap...that's a big yard!! Got it done though and felt seriously accomplished. Although I thought it would be a good idea to wear my steel toed shoes that I still had from Russel Metals...OHG, the blisters are HUGE!!
Last night Graham and I went to the fireworks. Elysia was too tired and Mike had been working and wasn't in the mood for it. An hour wait for 10 whole minutes of excitement. I will say they were quite good and Graham really enjoyed it. I wish Elysia and Mike had come I think they would have enjoyed them too.
Today was a great day!! Elysia, Graham and I took in the Apple Blossom Parade. The weather was perfect for it. The parade itself, lasted for about 1 1/2 hrs from start to finish. The kids enjoyed it and Elysia was happy she saw her friends in the parade (they are in majorettes). Before the parade, I thought I would mow the lawn and surprise my husband who is working this weekend...holy crap...that's a big yard!! Got it done though and felt seriously accomplished. Although I thought it would be a good idea to wear my steel toed shoes that I still had from Russel Metals...OHG, the blisters are HUGE!!
Last night Graham and I went to the fireworks. Elysia was too tired and Mike had been working and wasn't in the mood for it. An hour wait for 10 whole minutes of excitement. I will say they were quite good and Graham really enjoyed it. I wish Elysia and Mike had come I think they would have enjoyed them too.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Yes...I do have a's his latest obsession, his website
Breathing Test
Well, Elysia passed her breathing test...she knows how to breath..haha. Actually it went well. Basically they measure the amt of air you can take in, the amt you can push out and the speed at which you do it. They do this as you are when you arrive and then once they have given you ventalin (they measure a few other things too). They compare the difference between the two. Yesterday, Elysia had her best results ever and the dr was quite excited about it, because it's a bad time of year for her normally. I was also concerned because we have moved to the valley and there are kids in her class with horses. The dr always told us that the better control we had on her asthma as she was younger, the better it will be for her as an adult. They measure her height when we get there, she's now 5' 2 1/2" (the half is very important you know). Anyway, all in all a good visit. Next it's Graham to the cardiologist on the 14th of flippin nerves.
Might take the kids to see the fireworks tonight for Apple Blossom. We are going to the parade tomorrow, some of Elysia's friends are in Majorettes and they will be in the parade.
We have birds who have nested in the hanging baskets on the front step. They took the moss from around the baskets and used that. Be interesting to see what happens.
Might take the kids to see the fireworks tonight for Apple Blossom. We are going to the parade tomorrow, some of Elysia's friends are in Majorettes and they will be in the parade.
We have birds who have nested in the hanging baskets on the front step. They took the moss from around the baskets and used that. Be interesting to see what happens.
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