Wednesday, June 27, 2007


We had a good day in the city yesterday. The kiddies had a good time. Finally got Graham's hair cut, he was getting a little scraggly. The kids got a chance to visit their friends for a while, I had to do some birthday shopping. There will be an 8 yr old in my house tomorrow.
Had a chance to stop by Russel Metals. As always, I truly miss the people there (some more than others...haha).
Mike went to PEI yesterday, some big function there, he's back today. Mike's dad has been having a little trouble with his health lately. He had heart attacks many years ago, but lately has not been feeling well and his cholesteral is way up. The dr has put him on some medication and he will have a stress test in a couple of weeks. The kids were very upset when they heard that Papa wasn't feeling well and they are very worried about him. I'm sure he's driving poor Nann nuts though. I am hoping we can take a quick trip up to CB while Mike is off and maybe the grandkids can guilt Papa into taking better care of himself.

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