Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Four Eggs!!

Now there are four eggs and the little bird is now nesting on them. It's quite cute, here's a picture of the eggs and the little bird...anyone know what it is??
Graham had his first soccer last night. Here the U8's play with boys and girls on the team. There were quite a few kids on the team that have never played before. Anyone who knows Graham, knows that he was more than willing to show them his "moves".
Elysia had her first soccer game in Bridgetown last night, they played a pretty good game but lost 1-0. Elysia's team had a problem keeping their forwards up. Elysia has another practice tonight and is then done for the week. It works out pretty well. Elysia's practices are on Mondays, Grahams are on Tuesdays, Elysia's games are usually on Wed and Graham's games are usually on Thurs. That way if Mike has to work into an evening it's not a big deal. On occassion Elysia may have a game on Tues but that's not too bad. We haven't had this work out this way in a loooong time.

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