These pictures are from Graham's checkup today. Elysia came with us and watched all the tests as well. The picture with Graham and Elysia was taken just after the echo. The other picture is Graham before he got on the treadmill for real, he was just pretending. I didn't want the flash to go off while he was running and make him fall. They get him up to running on quite an incline and I was afraid if he fell he would shoot off the treadmill into the wall. It was a good visit. Graham's problem with the extra beats disapears as he gets his heart working faster and his heart slows down after the workout like it should. Dr Finley said that it showed he was very fit. He said that soccer and baseball were still okay but Graham asked him about hockey again...and was told that it would not be good for him. I'm sure he'll ask again in six months when we go back again. The kids were really good, playing together while we waited and as soon as we got in the car, they started to fight--all is normal.
Way to go Graham.
hello again, glad to hear about grahms checkup... frankie is roaring at the mess of grahms knees in the picture...typical male huh? anyway ttyl colette
That's my boy !Gramma
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