Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ceiling Fan

Off to get a new ceiling fan for the bedroom. I managed to break our old one (boohoo). It had this ugly ceramic angel hanging down that you would pull on to start the fan part. Well...Graham and I were playing with a ball in the house (which usually I am quite adament does not happen). I went to throw it to him and it hit the angel, which flung up into the fan which was running, rips right out of the fan, flies across the room and embeds her wing into my dresser (in the wood about 1/4 inch above the mirrow). Now I have a dent in my new dresser, which I will take over a shattered mirror and a ceiling fan that you cannot turn off unless you disconnect the power source. of my finer mother moments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch out for those flying angels! I wish I could have been there.

Bruce says "no wonder Mike works so much"!!!

We had a good laugh.