Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day

We are heading to Josee's house for lunch. They are arriving back from BC at noonish, they have been travelling all night. The kids and I are going to get some stuff for subs so they don't have to worry about it. Josee said it was hard leaving BC, she really enjoyed her time there. I send hugs to Tracey and the girls.
Did put up the new ceiling fan the other day. What a pain. Decided to get one with a remote control, in theory it sounds great. But the problem is that not only do you have to stuff all the wires into the pc that attaches to the ceiling but now you also have to try and fit a remote box in there as well. After an hour of turning it this way and that and sweating and cursing, it's up and quite honestly looks great. It doesn't make a sound and yes, it is working.
The rabbits are going home today!!! The kids have enjoyed them and I will admit, they are cute. I was going to clean the cage before they went but I thought I would share that little moment with Sarah and Connor. The neighborhood kids have enjoyed the rabbits also. Yesterday, Graham's friend sat with one on his lap for the longest time.
Graham took a tumble on his bike yesterday but is fine. One of the neighborhood parents sent him home with bandages, which always makes such a difference.
I am sure Elysia will be behind closed doors with Sarah to discuss all now that she's back. They are closer than ever since we have moved here.
Mike is working, the frosh are at university now. Mike had to feed them and their parents the other day. He said the kids arrivingt looked no older than Elysia.

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