Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Here are some pictures of my fall decorations...I am planning on some more (dont' roll your eyes Mike). These are not the pumpkins we grew, they are still in the garden turning orange. Hoping for lots of sun today to turn them orange. Once they are done, they will be added to the "display".
Heading to Halifax for a quick trip today, have a hair appt to take my hair back to it's natural state as I like to call it.
Elysia had her second hip/hop class last night and she loves it, she came home showing us some of the moves to the dances they are learning. Seems to be quite the workout for them too, she was showing me some of the different types of crunches they have to do while warming up.
Graham has his first cross country practice today. He has decided to join the cross country team. He's going to try it but I let his coach know all about his little ticker and that if he got dizzy, etc to stop. In the past, at his appts at the dr, his heart works best while he is exercising so we will see how this goes.


Anonymous said...

Great decorations! Are there going to be any pumpkin people in the next lot?
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Looks awesom... my sister in law is so talented...really. isn't this prime apple season in the valley... colette

Ardith said...

looks good

Jill MacDonald said...

It looks so great!