Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Day has Come

I knew eventually we would take Graham to the cardiologist and it wouldn't be all roses...well, that day was yesterday.
The pressure they measure on the valve is up a little but that was not unexpected, it's still fine but Graham has a new problem. The function in his left ventricle has deteriorated a little, not much but enough for someone with his problems to cause a concern. They are sending him for more testing...he's have a heart scan and metabolyic stress stress. Basically he gets injected with dye and pictures of the blood flow in his heart are taken, then they exercise him but this time with an oxygen mask on to measure his oxygen inflow and outflow then they take pictures of his heart again. They want to make sure that when he had the blockage in his coronary artery as a baby that it didn't cause more damage than what they are aware of. Needless to say it was unexpected and quite a blow. He's fine, he did inform the nurses that he was having trouble playing his PSP game with constant interruptions of tests. Today he is hooked up to a Holter Monitor, which he was going to have anyway.
We explained to Elysia and Graham the jist of what was going on...


Anonymous said...

Wow Annie...were you expecting this this trip? Please keep us posted. colette

Jill MacDonald said...

Thinking of all of you...positive thoughts.