Do you ever wonder if your life is cursed?? Sometimes I do...not in a bad way but in a funny sort of sick sense of humor way.
We hosted the provincial tournament for Graham's baseball league. Watched the weather for almost two weeks and everything looked great until TS Danny decided to descend on's a little article about the weekend in the paper:
Aside from the weather issues, the weekend went well until the very end. The kids were sliding down the hill on their butts and one of the boys from Sydney did as they were leaving and the poor little thing broke his femur when his leg caught. He ended up having surgery at the IWK but his father says he's doing well and thankfully is expected to make a full recovery.
We had a great visit with Tracey, Kaylie and Hannah visiting from BC. My dad took the opportunity to visit all his grand kids at once and he showed up as well. It was a great surprise.
At the end of the visit, I was at mom's house with a couple of the kids. They had wanted ice cream sandwiches from the freezer problem you would think. Only mom's freezer had broke and everything had thawed. If you have ever seen my mother's freezer (the stand up kind) you will know just how full it is. All the meat had thawed and the blood had dripped through all the levels. Of course with all the garbage "laws" you cannot simply put the stuff in a bag, you have to open it all and put the garbage in the appropriate place - GROSS!! There was no cold coming out of the freezer so I decided to un plug it...big hands were wet. Yes, you know where this is going...if my hair wasn't curly before it certainly would be now. I got the shock of my life! I screamed, Elysia came flying into the room to check on me...all in all, an eventful day. I cannot imagine what my mother's green bin smells like right now. I also told her she is grounded from the club pack meat section of the grocery store.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
911 Again!
What is it with the men in my house and calling 911...? We have this old phone in the kitchen, Graham pressed one of the buttons on it that holds a preprogrammed number...well, guess which number is preprogrammed in...yes, that's right, 911! They called back and he answered and told them it was an accident but of course, they still have to send someone to the house to make sure he's okay. He was in a panic, so he told his sister and then I pulled in from work and he told me so we waiting for the RCMP. The officer was great, she explained that he was not in trouble that she just wanted to check on him and to tell him not to be afraid to call 911 should he need it. The drama that is my life!!
On the weekend we went to Risser's beach with the Ross family. It was the most spectacular beach day, the sun was shining, the waves were awesome, the company was great...only problem was the temperature of the water...holy freaking cold!! I have never been swimming in water that cold! It was that painful type of entry into the water, the type that goes right into the bones and takes your breath away! David Ross thinks they used to take prisoners to Risser's to throw them in as a form of punishment! Perhaps we will try warmer water elsewhere...the hint should have been the wetsuits on the lifeguards. Mike and I have decided we are no longer packing a big cooler to listen to : "can you get me this" "can you pass me that"...each person will get a cooler pack and be responsible for what they put in it (it will have to pass the mother inspection) and they will have to carry it.
Sunday was soccer. Graham has his last soccer of the year, he scored a couple of goals and had lots of fun.
Now it's back to baseball. Apparently we may be having two double headers this weekend that were not the lady who runs the canteen, from buying stuff to packing to loading the car to running it to unloading it, I am not thrilled!
Mike left for PEI yesterday, he is in charge of the food service for the Canada Games...good thing we are not there with him because he is full out until they get this thing going. We are heading over on the 22nd to meet him and spend a few days there.
On the weekend we went to Risser's beach with the Ross family. It was the most spectacular beach day, the sun was shining, the waves were awesome, the company was great...only problem was the temperature of the water...holy freaking cold!! I have never been swimming in water that cold! It was that painful type of entry into the water, the type that goes right into the bones and takes your breath away! David Ross thinks they used to take prisoners to Risser's to throw them in as a form of punishment! Perhaps we will try warmer water elsewhere...the hint should have been the wetsuits on the lifeguards. Mike and I have decided we are no longer packing a big cooler to listen to : "can you get me this" "can you pass me that"...each person will get a cooler pack and be responsible for what they put in it (it will have to pass the mother inspection) and they will have to carry it.
Sunday was soccer. Graham has his last soccer of the year, he scored a couple of goals and had lots of fun.
Now it's back to baseball. Apparently we may be having two double headers this weekend that were not the lady who runs the canteen, from buying stuff to packing to loading the car to running it to unloading it, I am not thrilled!
Mike left for PEI yesterday, he is in charge of the food service for the Canada Games...good thing we are not there with him because he is full out until they get this thing going. We are heading over on the 22nd to meet him and spend a few days there.
Monday, August 3, 2009
My husband is 40!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
Okay...I have been a bad blogger, I admit it!!
No defence, could try the busy thing but it really does not take that long to do.
We've enjoyed alot of baseball. Last weekend we were in Dartmouth for a tournament. We were suppose to camp in Dartmouth on Friday night and play as well, but guess rained. In fact, it poured!! Our game was delayed and we did not camp until Sat. We had a great camping trip. Sarah was able to come and keep Elysia company. They even set up the tent for us (rather than watch another game of baseball). We had all the camping players and their families to our site for a great campfire that included smores, Jiffy pop popcorn, fire crackers and mystical fire. It was a super time.
I have no problem camping and sleeping on an air mattress but I would prefer my own air mattress...nothing against my husband. But once Mike lays on the air mattress my soft squishy bed has now risen several inches and is rock hard. I wonder if they have a double air mattress but with each side having their own air baffle...hmmm....have to look into that.
A few weeks ago, Mike's family was able to visit. We had a great time, and Elysia and Graham love when they get to see their "Cape Breton" family. We had some good food and lots of great chuckles. Sheila's girls, Hannah and Kenna are getting so big and grown up.
We are off to Dartmouth for another baseball game tonight. Their is a big commitment to playing rep ball but Graham really enjoys it so it's worth it. Elysia is even getting into it, as long as I bring my camera and let her take pictures.
No defence, could try the busy thing but it really does not take that long to do.
We've enjoyed alot of baseball. Last weekend we were in Dartmouth for a tournament. We were suppose to camp in Dartmouth on Friday night and play as well, but guess rained. In fact, it poured!! Our game was delayed and we did not camp until Sat. We had a great camping trip. Sarah was able to come and keep Elysia company. They even set up the tent for us (rather than watch another game of baseball). We had all the camping players and their families to our site for a great campfire that included smores, Jiffy pop popcorn, fire crackers and mystical fire. It was a super time.
I have no problem camping and sleeping on an air mattress but I would prefer my own air mattress...nothing against my husband. But once Mike lays on the air mattress my soft squishy bed has now risen several inches and is rock hard. I wonder if they have a double air mattress but with each side having their own air baffle...hmmm....have to look into that.
A few weeks ago, Mike's family was able to visit. We had a great time, and Elysia and Graham love when they get to see their "Cape Breton" family. We had some good food and lots of great chuckles. Sheila's girls, Hannah and Kenna are getting so big and grown up.
We are off to Dartmouth for another baseball game tonight. Their is a big commitment to playing rep ball but Graham really enjoys it so it's worth it. Elysia is even getting into it, as long as I bring my camera and let her take pictures.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
What are Hooters?!
Yes...that's son asked "what are Hooters?" last night while I was driving the car and drinking tea...I near spit the tea onto the windshield. I could not look at Mike and Elysia and her friend, Kieran were dying laughing in the back...I didn't say a whole lot so Graham's answer was "that's okay, I'll look it up on the internet"...OMG, can you imagine the search results on that? So we had a little discussion about the restaurant and what the slang was for, we will have to keep a watch on his internet usage over the next few days.
Last night Graham played ball in the city, they won their game and did well. We have a double header on Saturday, three soccer games on Sunday and a ball game in Dartmouth on Monday...busy few days to say the least. In the middle of all that, Mike's parents, sisters, brother in law and nieces are coming for a visit. It will be nice, the kids don't often get to see their grandparents, aunts, uncle and cousins and they are quite excited for it. They are landing in the middle of our mayhem but that's just the way it is...they will come out and watch some ball on Saturday and for those of you who know Graham, know that he will be busting for a hit while they are watching. Elysia will be dragged out of bed again on Sat to work the canteen...not sure if she is loving this whole baseball experience or not.
I got myself a Credit Card...I had given up my credit card a few years ago to be "fiscally responsible" had not bothered me to this point. Not until my grandmother passed away and I was unable to rent a car in my name to go to her funeral. Apparently to rent a car, you must have a major credit card and it must be in the name of the person leasing the car...needless to say, the card is in the mail on it's way to me. If something happened to Mike while he was away I would have no way to get to him...
Last night Graham played ball in the city, they won their game and did well. We have a double header on Saturday, three soccer games on Sunday and a ball game in Dartmouth on Monday...busy few days to say the least. In the middle of all that, Mike's parents, sisters, brother in law and nieces are coming for a visit. It will be nice, the kids don't often get to see their grandparents, aunts, uncle and cousins and they are quite excited for it. They are landing in the middle of our mayhem but that's just the way it is...they will come out and watch some ball on Saturday and for those of you who know Graham, know that he will be busting for a hit while they are watching. Elysia will be dragged out of bed again on Sat to work the canteen...not sure if she is loving this whole baseball experience or not.
I got myself a Credit Card...I had given up my credit card a few years ago to be "fiscally responsible" had not bothered me to this point. Not until my grandmother passed away and I was unable to rent a car in my name to go to her funeral. Apparently to rent a car, you must have a major credit card and it must be in the name of the person leasing the car...needless to say, the card is in the mail on it's way to me. If something happened to Mike while he was away I would have no way to get to him...
Friday, July 3, 2009
Goodbye Grandma!!
Talked to dad early this morning, my grandmother passed away. Lillian Roy lived a long good life...only the last few years had she started to "get old". I'll always have the picture of her fishing in my mind. My grandparents had cottages on Lac Gatineau in Quebec that they rented. We would go visit and swim during the summer at the lake and snowmobile in the winter. After my grandfather passed away, Grandma kept the cottage by the boathouse...and always had a line in the water and would go running down the dock if the bobble went under water...bye Grandma!! Love you!! She's somewhere now with her line in the water, waiting for a big pike to take a bite!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Double Digits
Graham has turned 10!! Hard to believe it but he is now in the double digits. Graham's highlight so far has been the wrestling belt Grandma gave him, he liked it so much he went and bought a second one...he is having a wrestling themed party tonight...8 boys and Mike is in NFLD...God help me!
I sometimes get a little emotional on his birthday as I realize how easily this could have marked a solemn occassion...then I get over it and remember that he's happy and healthy (well, reasonably so :)) I had my "moment" this morning while I was talking to Josee on the phone. I was telling her that I had a hard time keeping it together while we sang him Happy Birthday at mom's last night. Well, enough of that.
Yesterday Graham had a double header, they won both their games...our canteen did well. Elysia even got up and helped out all day and I had a great day with her.
Mike is NFLD...he is in a cooking competition with all the different food service companies...he was the captain of his team. They took silver but more importantly they got the people's choice me that means more because that's who they are trying to please in the long run...of course, I asked him if they were cash prizes...not so lucky!!
It's been a busy few weeks...Elysia had her grade 8 prom and graduation. The night of the graduation it was humid and hot and you can imagine what that gym was like. Each student had to stand on the stage while someone said a blub about them...needless to say, Elysia did not enjoy this part, she was shaking. Next year it's off to Central Kings High soul, where did the time go.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
R.I.P. Sebastian
So poor little Sebastian met his demise. He was my yellow budgie bird that Mike gave me for Christmas one year...he was sunny side up in the cage this morning, sounds callous but I cried none the less. He was not feeling well the last little bit, they tend to get all puffy and sleepy when they are sick. Yesterday, Antoine (the white budgie) was not being very friendly to him, I think the instincts were kicking in. Bye little Sebastian, I know Mike in particular will miss your lovely squawking!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Graham's Checkup
Yesterday Graham's cardiology visit went well. He does has some extra ventricular beats, more than last time, so they will do another exercise test to make sure his heart rate is speeding up and slowing down when it needs to. He can still continue with his sports. His heart function has not gone down any but it hasn't gone up, so he's still on the low side of that but he tolerates it well. His valve shows some calcification (hardening and narrowing) but no worse than last time. He explained that if they only have to replace the valve they can do that through a catheter in the leg if it's the whole root (which it may well be) then it's open heart. He said that we have at least a year before that but he cannot give exact numbers.and he needs to start wearing a medic alert where we are not always with him now. Graham said it was a little freaky to hear us talk with the dr about his surgery. It's funny because they ask all the questions to Graham now and you know him, he's more than willing to answer questions. He lists all his medications, talks about the heart beats, he's learning. I want him to always be comfortable when he talks to the dr so that he will continue to do it even when him mommy is not in the room (we don't talk about that day)
Elysia is thrilled to be coming with us to Dartmouth tonight for Graham's baseball game. It's just too long for her to be by herself, not that we don't trust her but we don't want to give her too long of a leash that she chokes herself on it. We remember what it's like to be that age (okay, maybe we think we remember that long ago). Bribed her with telling her she could take my laptop to watch a movie...
Off yesterday to take Graham to the dr, leaving today at 3 to go to the ballgame and then again tomorrow at 3 for Elysia's prom...these hours are great!!!!
Did I mention my husband Mike...he gets upset if I don't mention him...Mike, Mike, Mike!!!
Elysia is thrilled to be coming with us to Dartmouth tonight for Graham's baseball game. It's just too long for her to be by herself, not that we don't trust her but we don't want to give her too long of a leash that she chokes herself on it. We remember what it's like to be that age (okay, maybe we think we remember that long ago). Bribed her with telling her she could take my laptop to watch a movie...
Off yesterday to take Graham to the dr, leaving today at 3 to go to the ballgame and then again tomorrow at 3 for Elysia's prom...these hours are great!!!!
Did I mention my husband Mike...he gets upset if I don't mention him...Mike, Mike, Mike!!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Birthdays Birthdays Everywhere!!!!
Tonight I am heading to the Relay for Life in's an all night relay to raise money for cancer research. This year it has hit close to my heart, only 2 months ago, young Christopher Coady lost his battle with cancer...I bought a luminary in his memory. I'm sure I'll shed a tear or two but that's okay, I can handle that.
Tomorrow is Graham's second double header. I am running the canteen again...yes, that's right...walking all night and then running the canteen...sometimes I forget that I am not 18 anymore. I think Elysia told her grandmother she was going to sleep at a friend's house Sat night for safety. I think Mike and Graham may hide somewhere as well. Did I mention the forecast?? Rain until midnight tonight...just what this old girl needs-rain and cold!!
Mike and I went to see Russell Peters the other night. He's a comedian...he was funny. He was up for two hours and well worth it.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Life is a Whirlwind
Life seems to be a whirlwind lately...
Graham had baseball this weekend, his first double headed and their season opener...they lost but made a decent showing...Graham said it was his best day of baseball ever. He made some good plays, caught a few balls, pitched a little...
Elysia managed to squeak out of working the canteen. She spent the weekend in Halifax at her friend, Kaylee's house and was quite excited to see the girls. It's been two years but they are still as tight as ever. I'm sure there was some squealing and giggling going on.
I have volunteered to run the fund raiser canteen. A fair amount of work to set up but the on going part seems to be okay...between ticket sales on a small draw and the canteen, we sold over $400...couldn't believe it...BBQ was the big hit and those cursed ring pop candies (I hate them).

Mike had a great time at the Chef Master's competition in Toronto, I think it was a little more relaxing as a judge.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Connor's a Teenager
Elysia is at her practice day at CK...yes, that's right, my daughter is at high school today. I know, you are thinking that I'm not old enough to have a daughter in high school but I am, I just don't look old enough!! It's the Oil of Olay!
It's been a busy week. Graham has had lots of baseball practice/try outs and made the "development" rep team. Basically it's the rep players for next year and after. They will play against the other rep teams...may lose alot of games but it's about the development and as the coach put it, it's more about learning at the practices this year than winning the games. Should be an interesting summer. Graham is thrilled because his best buddies are also on the team.
Elysia and Graham had their band/choir concert last week. Being the inept mother that I am, I hope sort of forgotten about the day and didn't even remember to tell my mother (so mother...if you are reading this...sorry). I was a great concert! Ms Quinton does an amazing job with those kids.
Mike heads off to Toronto next week to be a judge at the Chef Masters competition (the one he won last year). I made him a book about it through Creative Memories as an anniversary gift. He really liked the book. Mike has a busy June, he's in another competition in NFLD and then in August he's in PEI for quite a while, he's in charge of the food service for the Canada Games. The kids and I are going to go over for a week while he's there.
The flower gardens are coming along great...lots of pretty tulips. Had these beautiful double tulips that got too heavy with the rain and the heads snapped rude!! Guess I won't plant more of those. Spent a few hours at the garden centre, spent the gift certificate I got for Mother's Day (and maybe a few pennies more...Mike ignore that part). Got the baskets done and just need to fill some more planters. Still need to plant the veggie garden, have some stuff started but need to get my poop in a group.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Happy Anniversary
Today, it's our wedding anniversary!! 15 years and I haven't killed him...haha, just kidding you!! Just think it's only another 50 years of putting up with me!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there!!
Yesterday...Mother's Day luck was on my side. My safety is due on the black's going today. Yesterday coming off the highway into New Minas, they are doing a spot check...well, when I saw that I near crapped! Graham and his friend, Connor are in the car with me and I'm telling them to keep their little yappers shut about anything I may say. I haven't decided whether I will play stupid or tell them I have the appt today. The first officer waves me to the second officer because alot of cars are coming off the highway. There is one car in front of me when I get to the second officer...the guy in the car is reaching for his license, etc and the cop is trying to wave him on...he's already checked the tags, etc. The guy took so long and the line up was getting longer that the officer just waved me through...OMG! I could not believe it! Connor, Graham and I were highfiving it!
Saturday, we went to Halifax to get Elysia's prom dress. We were all malled out by the time we got done. We accomplished what we set out to do though...she has a cute little dress, that according to Mike required more material...guess that's the father in him.
Graham made the first cut for the rep baseball team. Their practice was yesterday at 2, guess what time the rain and wind arrived at...yup...2! The field was already flooded so we tried the other field...the kids went out to throw the ball around while the parents and coaches huddled in the dugouts. Needless to say, they cut it short.
After baseball we went for a visit to Grandma's house. Mom had her bathroom redone a while ago and the guy just kind of biffed everything into a pile in her garage. Well, it was big garbage day so mom and I went through the pile, got it all bundled, bagged and out to the curb...what a mess!!
Did I mention my breakfast?? Yesterday, Graham was bound and determined he was going to make me breakfast in bed. Mike was working, it's convocation at Acadia and there is no way Elysia will rise that early. When I got out of bed, Graham sent me back. Mike had gone to Tim Horton's in the morning and bought some tea and donuts. Graham made me toast though, really dark toast with jam...mmm...and an apple, and a yogurt and two exta large teas, and a box with 3 donuts and two croissants in it...he somehow managed to carry this all upstairs in one trip. I had trouble taking it downstairs, not sure how he did it.
Yesterday...Mother's Day luck was on my side. My safety is due on the black's going today. Yesterday coming off the highway into New Minas, they are doing a spot check...well, when I saw that I near crapped! Graham and his friend, Connor are in the car with me and I'm telling them to keep their little yappers shut about anything I may say. I haven't decided whether I will play stupid or tell them I have the appt today. The first officer waves me to the second officer because alot of cars are coming off the highway. There is one car in front of me when I get to the second officer...the guy in the car is reaching for his license, etc and the cop is trying to wave him on...he's already checked the tags, etc. The guy took so long and the line up was getting longer that the officer just waved me through...OMG! I could not believe it! Connor, Graham and I were highfiving it!
Saturday, we went to Halifax to get Elysia's prom dress. We were all malled out by the time we got done. We accomplished what we set out to do though...she has a cute little dress, that according to Mike required more material...guess that's the father in him.
Graham made the first cut for the rep baseball team. Their practice was yesterday at 2, guess what time the rain and wind arrived at...yup...2! The field was already flooded so we tried the other field...the kids went out to throw the ball around while the parents and coaches huddled in the dugouts. Needless to say, they cut it short.
After baseball we went for a visit to Grandma's house. Mom had her bathroom redone a while ago and the guy just kind of biffed everything into a pile in her garage. Well, it was big garbage day so mom and I went through the pile, got it all bundled, bagged and out to the curb...what a mess!!
Did I mention my breakfast?? Yesterday, Graham was bound and determined he was going to make me breakfast in bed. Mike was working, it's convocation at Acadia and there is no way Elysia will rise that early. When I got out of bed, Graham sent me back. Mike had gone to Tim Horton's in the morning and bought some tea and donuts. Graham made me toast though, really dark toast with jam...mmm...and an apple, and a yogurt and two exta large teas, and a box with 3 donuts and two croissants in it...he somehow managed to carry this all upstairs in one trip. I had trouble taking it downstairs, not sure how he did it.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Movies I Should Only Watch Alone!
I have determined that there are certain movies I should only watch alone...because I turn into a blubbering matter how many times I see them. The Notebook is one, I will watch the whole thing except that last five minutes and anyone who has seen it knows why. Steel Magnolias, when the mother is in the ICU with her daughter and has to turn the machines off...need I say more?! So last night, being the fool that I am, I decided to watch all of A Walk to was pitiful! I had snot and tears down to my armpits and it starts half way through the movie and keeps right on going. I know it's going to happen but being the sappy fool that I am, I watch it anyway.
Graham has started his baseball, he's really enjoying it! He's pretty intense as anyone who has seen him play can attest we practiced some in the yard yesterday. Elysia spent Sat afternoon and night with her cousin, Sarah. Who is doing amazingly well. She looks great, almost all the swelling and bruising is gone, she's allowed to eat real food but she still has to take it somewhat easy...definitely no chewing gum!!
Started a new flower bed on the side of the house, this side is south facing and gets lots of sunlight. I "recycled" my existing plants. Split some hostas, lillies and irises and some other green things that I can only figure out once they start to really come up, who knows, I may have transplanted weeds....eventually I will continue the bed right to the's a picture...

I have also included some pictures of my tulips...these are the first ones to show their flowers. Tulips are by far my favorite flower, they seem like the sign of good things to come!

I drove to Kingston today to pickup Elysia and as I was driving down the highway, I heard this funny noise on the windshield...I could not figure out what it was bugs hitting the windshield...the blackflies are coming out and they are hungry!! The bugs will be enough to make my husband hide indoors!
So being the organized mother that I am...haha...I had it all arranged to take the kids for their appointments in the city on the 14th. Elysia for her breathing test and visit to the allergy specialist and Graham to get a monitor put on for 24 hours. I had put in the request for some bond money for shopping for all of us. Had made the necessary arrangements with the school so the kids could still participate in the spring concert that night. It's amazing how much difference a 1 makes...the appointment is for the I had to scramble to make sure I could get the day off, rearrange Graham's monitor. The bond money is not here yet so the kids and I are going to go back to Halifax on Sat this week to get shorts, etc for summer. My great day of organization has gone to the crapper!!
Graham has started his baseball, he's really enjoying it! He's pretty intense as anyone who has seen him play can attest we practiced some in the yard yesterday. Elysia spent Sat afternoon and night with her cousin, Sarah. Who is doing amazingly well. She looks great, almost all the swelling and bruising is gone, she's allowed to eat real food but she still has to take it somewhat easy...definitely no chewing gum!!
Started a new flower bed on the side of the house, this side is south facing and gets lots of sunlight. I "recycled" my existing plants. Split some hostas, lillies and irises and some other green things that I can only figure out once they start to really come up, who knows, I may have transplanted weeds....eventually I will continue the bed right to the's a picture...
I have also included some pictures of my tulips...these are the first ones to show their flowers. Tulips are by far my favorite flower, they seem like the sign of good things to come!
I drove to Kingston today to pickup Elysia and as I was driving down the highway, I heard this funny noise on the windshield...I could not figure out what it was bugs hitting the windshield...the blackflies are coming out and they are hungry!! The bugs will be enough to make my husband hide indoors!
So being the organized mother that I am...haha...I had it all arranged to take the kids for their appointments in the city on the 14th. Elysia for her breathing test and visit to the allergy specialist and Graham to get a monitor put on for 24 hours. I had put in the request for some bond money for shopping for all of us. Had made the necessary arrangements with the school so the kids could still participate in the spring concert that night. It's amazing how much difference a 1 makes...the appointment is for the I had to scramble to make sure I could get the day off, rearrange Graham's monitor. The bond money is not here yet so the kids and I are going to go back to Halifax on Sat this week to get shorts, etc for summer. My great day of organization has gone to the crapper!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Spectacular Weekend
What a gorgeous weekend we had!! The weather was great and there was really no where that we needed to be! I got to play in the dirt alot...there's lots of green in the garden coming through.
Saw a 2 million dollar barn on the weekend. In Berwick a family built a new barn and milking parlour...lots of stainless steel in the parlour, cha-ching!! I think my brother in law, Jeff has "barn envy" now. In the barn there are these spinning brushes that the cows rub up against to get a scratch...lovely to see one rubbing her face on one side of the brush while another cow is rubbing her ass on the other side.
Had the Ross family (and mymother) over for BBQ Sat night, the evening was lovely, the weather was great, sat on the deck after supper, watched the kids have a water fight. But then the mosquitos came out...yes, the mosquitos...they chased us in the house.
Mike has headed to the city to cook. El Divo is performing this week at the Metro Centre...they offer packages that include a dinner or reception before hand so Mike goes up to cook for that. Don't worry Mike, I won't sleep in the middle of the bed!!
Saw a 2 million dollar barn on the weekend. In Berwick a family built a new barn and milking parlour...lots of stainless steel in the parlour, cha-ching!! I think my brother in law, Jeff has "barn envy" now. In the barn there are these spinning brushes that the cows rub up against to get a scratch...lovely to see one rubbing her face on one side of the brush while another cow is rubbing her ass on the other side.
Had the Ross family (and mymother) over for BBQ Sat night, the evening was lovely, the weather was great, sat on the deck after supper, watched the kids have a water fight. But then the mosquitos came out...yes, the mosquitos...they chased us in the house.
Mike has headed to the city to cook. El Divo is performing this week at the Metro Centre...they offer packages that include a dinner or reception before hand so Mike goes up to cook for that. Don't worry Mike, I won't sleep in the middle of the bed!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
One Tough Cookie!!
My niece, Sarah is one tough cookie...yesterday she had surgery to have her jaw broken and wisdom teeth removed. Today she is home! I knew she came from good stock!!
These are before and after photos of her xrays that I "facebooklifted". She's much cuter in person, although right now she says from the neck up she could compete on the Biggest Loser show because of all the swelling.

When it's all said and done and she's allowed to eat solid food again, Uncle Mike has agreed to cook her whatever she wants!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Weekend
Sat was Graham's last baseball in the indoor soccer facility...they had a little pickup game and he really enjoyed that.
Sunday was Easter...the bunny bought treats for the kids...then Graham took his eggs from the egg hunt on Friday and used the "candy he didnt' like" and make an egg hunt for Mike and was pretty cute but he doesn't just open the closet and set an egg in he hides it in a shoe and then hides the shoe. Took us a while to get all the eggs.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Rough Weekend
Well...let's just say this is not a weekend I would like to repeat...although it did have some highlights. Graham had batting practice Sat morning with Ian Mosher of the Kentville Wildcats and he was great and Graham batted really well afterwards. Elysia had a soccer game last night, made some beautiful passes and they won their game. That's the highlights.
Sat was Christopher Coady's funeral. He had only turned 13 a few days before. The church was absolutley packed, there was no more room left in that place. When I first got there the first person I saw was one of the Russel Metals truck drivers. He is very close to Christopher's parents and to have that man grab me and hug me and cry on my shoulder...phew...that's a hard one to take. He was also a pall bearer. They all had a Montreal Canadiens jersey on with Coady on the back and his favorite player's number. Little things get to Tim walked by the hearse with his son's casket in it...he rubbed his hand on the window. I gave Tim and big hug and he said "you came"...of course I did. Christopher had already been ill when Graham became ill and Tim was always my sounding board at work about the doctors and the hospitals. I hope that I never have to see the funeral of another child, or to see parents in that much anguish.
Sat night, Mike was at the Relay for Life at Acadia. When I went to bed, my stomach started burning...I ended up in the bathroom in the least favorite know it, we've all done it...sat on the toilet with the bucket between the legs because there are things coming out of everywhere. Only lasted about three hours but it was violent...I don't think I have ever had it that bad. The last time I was in the bathroom, I started to pass out. It started going dark...saw stars...hearing clouded...arms heavy. I fell off the toilet onto the floor and laid there for a minute and thought what a lovely picture that would be. Got back up on the toilet and managed to get my head down between my knees and with all that was going...not the best place to put it...haha. Sorry, had to interject some humor. Mike got home about 2 and I told him what was going on and he said "don't be offended if I sleep downstairs" and I said "don't be offended if I want you to". Had two naps today but managed to stay out of the bathroom. My stomach is rotted out though, still burning but certainly better. Sorry for the shi&&^ story but that's my life this weekend.
The good part is most of the snow is gone and there are green things sprouting up in the garden everywhere!!
Sat was Christopher Coady's funeral. He had only turned 13 a few days before. The church was absolutley packed, there was no more room left in that place. When I first got there the first person I saw was one of the Russel Metals truck drivers. He is very close to Christopher's parents and to have that man grab me and hug me and cry on my shoulder...phew...that's a hard one to take. He was also a pall bearer. They all had a Montreal Canadiens jersey on with Coady on the back and his favorite player's number. Little things get to Tim walked by the hearse with his son's casket in it...he rubbed his hand on the window. I gave Tim and big hug and he said "you came"...of course I did. Christopher had already been ill when Graham became ill and Tim was always my sounding board at work about the doctors and the hospitals. I hope that I never have to see the funeral of another child, or to see parents in that much anguish.
Sat night, Mike was at the Relay for Life at Acadia. When I went to bed, my stomach started burning...I ended up in the bathroom in the least favorite know it, we've all done it...sat on the toilet with the bucket between the legs because there are things coming out of everywhere. Only lasted about three hours but it was violent...I don't think I have ever had it that bad. The last time I was in the bathroom, I started to pass out. It started going dark...saw stars...hearing clouded...arms heavy. I fell off the toilet onto the floor and laid there for a minute and thought what a lovely picture that would be. Got back up on the toilet and managed to get my head down between my knees and with all that was going...not the best place to put it...haha. Sorry, had to interject some humor. Mike got home about 2 and I told him what was going on and he said "don't be offended if I sleep downstairs" and I said "don't be offended if I want you to". Had two naps today but managed to stay out of the bathroom. My stomach is rotted out though, still burning but certainly better. Sorry for the shi&&^ story but that's my life this weekend.
The good part is most of the snow is gone and there are green things sprouting up in the garden everywhere!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Angel in Heaven
Today there is a young angel in heaven and his name is Christopher Coady...he passed away early this morning at the age of 13. He fought a long and hard battle with cancer that started before he was even 2 years old. I know his parents Tim and Dana are heart broken.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Kaylie's Birthday
Busy Days
This was a busy weekend. Friday night, I had a Digital Scrapbooking get together with Creative good friend Reta is a consultant and I asked her to come up and give a demonstration that was based on the digital products that CM sells. She brought along her "trusty sidekick" Patti and away we went. I had some friends over and Reta was able to tell them all about the digital side of things. I am highly addicted to it and love it and really wanted to share how great it is. The evening was great, we had some good laughs, some delicious brownies (what my daughter didn't manage to eat) and we all learned alot. Sales were good and I think everyone realized how great the products are! Reta and Patti were spending the night so we stayed up past our bedtime for a few more giggles...Graham was so kind to come down and tell us that we better be done by midnight...
Saturday morning started with baseball of course. I think it's great that they have this little spring training program, Graham is learning alot from it. After baseball they were having a football practice in the indoor soccer facility, it's great to see it used for other sports as well. Elysia was at her friend's house, Mike was working so I had a babysitter for Graham and off I went to the Old O for a day of scrapbooking with friends. I only take my laptop with me...the cruel part of me gets a chuckle out of people carrying in their bags of stuff and I show up with my one or two bags...plug in my computer and away I go. Patti, Reta, Alice and Sonya were all there. Sonya has just begun to finally see the "scrapbooking light", of course being the technical person, the light is from her computer screen. I think she really enjoyed it!
I only stayed until about 5 and then the kids and I went to see Grandma. We stayed for supper and a quick visit. I wanted to see all the work she had done in the bathrooms. Yes, I forgot to tell you about my lovely Friday night at mother's house last weekend. Mike and I had striped some border off mom's walls in the rec room. We were unable to get the border off in the bathroom by hand. So I called my mother on Friday and ask what she's doing and she says she's rented a steamer and intends to take the border off that night...agh!! Mothers!! I "volunteered" my services...had I only known. I will never, ever in my entire life strip wallpaper that has to come off with a steamer (unless there are copious amounts of cash or alcohol involved). Three hours later, it was off. I am sure her painter still had quite the job to do taking the paste off before he painted but I don't know him and I didn't have to do I don't care!
We had a great visit with Maria! She was suppose to head out on Tuesday morning but the 20+ cms of snow put a stop to that, so she didn't end up going until Wed you know how early you have to get up to make a 6:30 flight in Halifax?! The sun wasn't even coming up until I was almost home! Maria had alot of fun and saw some things she doesn't get to see in Ottawa...Hall's Harbour, a calf autopsy, a mink farm (she did not like that smell!)
Saturday morning started with baseball of course. I think it's great that they have this little spring training program, Graham is learning alot from it. After baseball they were having a football practice in the indoor soccer facility, it's great to see it used for other sports as well. Elysia was at her friend's house, Mike was working so I had a babysitter for Graham and off I went to the Old O for a day of scrapbooking with friends. I only take my laptop with me...the cruel part of me gets a chuckle out of people carrying in their bags of stuff and I show up with my one or two bags...plug in my computer and away I go. Patti, Reta, Alice and Sonya were all there. Sonya has just begun to finally see the "scrapbooking light", of course being the technical person, the light is from her computer screen. I think she really enjoyed it!
I only stayed until about 5 and then the kids and I went to see Grandma. We stayed for supper and a quick visit. I wanted to see all the work she had done in the bathrooms. Yes, I forgot to tell you about my lovely Friday night at mother's house last weekend. Mike and I had striped some border off mom's walls in the rec room. We were unable to get the border off in the bathroom by hand. So I called my mother on Friday and ask what she's doing and she says she's rented a steamer and intends to take the border off that night...agh!! Mothers!! I "volunteered" my services...had I only known. I will never, ever in my entire life strip wallpaper that has to come off with a steamer (unless there are copious amounts of cash or alcohol involved). Three hours later, it was off. I am sure her painter still had quite the job to do taking the paste off before he painted but I don't know him and I didn't have to do I don't care!
We had a great visit with Maria! She was suppose to head out on Tuesday morning but the 20+ cms of snow put a stop to that, so she didn't end up going until Wed you know how early you have to get up to make a 6:30 flight in Halifax?! The sun wasn't even coming up until I was almost home! Maria had alot of fun and saw some things she doesn't get to see in Ottawa...Hall's Harbour, a calf autopsy, a mink farm (she did not like that smell!)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hall's Harbour
The kids had fun climbing on the rocks, taking pictures...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Maria in Town
The kids are on March break this week. They are quite happy, I am having a bit of a March break myself, I am off for 3 days and it's glorious!! Elysia went to Halifax for the weekend to visit her friends. We picked her up this morning on our way to pickup Maria (my sister) at the airport. Dad and Evanice have allowed to come down for the week. As Graham says "we get her first". We explained that she's not a dog! We are at Josee's house now and I am on her little MacBook, rather liking it I must say, may end up in my car...:) Just kidding, Josee.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Sign of Spring
This is a picture of mom's dog, Sofie, she loves to curl up on the back of mom's couch and watch out the window...or course, she's well dressed.
We went to mom's to help her take down some border...yeah, sounds like fun doesn't it. Here's a great picture of mom and Elysia...there was a better one of both of them with their tongues hanging out but I thought my mother would kill me if I posted it.
We then went to Connor's hockey game and boy, was it exciting, they were down 5-2 with only about 12 minutes to go and they ended up winning 10-5, what a turn around. I may have screamed once or twice.
Here's a picture of Graham collecting kindling in the woods in the was such a great spring day today.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Back Door Barf
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Ever Continuing Saga of the Ice, Snow and Rain
So...last night when I got home from work, it had snowed and rained and was continuing to rain...and the snowplow had gone by and made a mess at the end of the driveway. Rather than drive over it, I shovelled it away and let me tell you, it was heavy!! All fine and dandy because we had invested the money in paving the driveway last summer so it wasn't too bad...hmm...should have seen that as an omen of things to come!
Last night, Mike and I relaxing in the tv room, nice fire going...watching the Cosby show...enjoying the evening. Then I say "I think I hear water running"...we opened the back door and realized that it was quickly filling up with water that was gushing down the side of the house and filling in the concrete area and was about to overflow in our back door...our EMO plan kicked in :) What that means is panic and running, Mike pulled his rubber boots on and I ran upstairs to get my boots and the shovel. We went out side in the pouring rain to bail out the water. In the water is a lovely collection of leaves and sand that the water has washed away. This is all being thrown in the back yard.
At first we thought the gutter had overflowed as it had done once before, I went up the hill to look and realized that was not the case. Since we paid all that money to pave the driveway, it had a created a smooth surface for all the water flowing down the road to come down, it was pooling at the end of the driveway and it's quickest was down was under the steps on the side of the house, along the foundation and around the corner where it ran to the back door. I ran next door to get the ice beater upper thing and another shovel. I managed to carve out a path in the ice and snow with Mike (oh yeah, there was an ax involved in there as well) to redirect the onslot of water away from the back door down into the yard.
We then decided to get the sandbags out of the shed to reinforce the back door to keep the water out...guess what? The door was blocked with ice between bailing and carving a path, we now had to get the ice away from the front of the doors to get the shed open. I think there may be some dents in the bottom of the door as our rage and frustration had mounted at this point and I was damned if I would unscrew those doors in the pouring rain. We finally managed to get the doors opened and hauled up the sandbags, sandbagged the back door.
We both went into the house exhausted and soaked to the skin...but the disaster was averted! Mike went out once more to bail that night but our tactics seemed to have worked for now but we have to find a better solution until it all thaws and we can have someone come in and find a way to permanently redirect the water.
We both looked outside this morning to see how our work looked in the light and to be quite honest, it now looks like our back door threw up!
Last night, Mike and I relaxing in the tv room, nice fire going...watching the Cosby show...enjoying the evening. Then I say "I think I hear water running"...we opened the back door and realized that it was quickly filling up with water that was gushing down the side of the house and filling in the concrete area and was about to overflow in our back door...our EMO plan kicked in :) What that means is panic and running, Mike pulled his rubber boots on and I ran upstairs to get my boots and the shovel. We went out side in the pouring rain to bail out the water. In the water is a lovely collection of leaves and sand that the water has washed away. This is all being thrown in the back yard.
At first we thought the gutter had overflowed as it had done once before, I went up the hill to look and realized that was not the case. Since we paid all that money to pave the driveway, it had a created a smooth surface for all the water flowing down the road to come down, it was pooling at the end of the driveway and it's quickest was down was under the steps on the side of the house, along the foundation and around the corner where it ran to the back door. I ran next door to get the ice beater upper thing and another shovel. I managed to carve out a path in the ice and snow with Mike (oh yeah, there was an ax involved in there as well) to redirect the onslot of water away from the back door down into the yard.
We then decided to get the sandbags out of the shed to reinforce the back door to keep the water out...guess what? The door was blocked with ice between bailing and carving a path, we now had to get the ice away from the front of the doors to get the shed open. I think there may be some dents in the bottom of the door as our rage and frustration had mounted at this point and I was damned if I would unscrew those doors in the pouring rain. We finally managed to get the doors opened and hauled up the sandbags, sandbagged the back door.
We both went into the house exhausted and soaked to the skin...but the disaster was averted! Mike went out once more to bail that night but our tactics seemed to have worked for now but we have to find a better solution until it all thaws and we can have someone come in and find a way to permanently redirect the water.
We both looked outside this morning to see how our work looked in the light and to be quite honest, it now looks like our back door threw up!
Monday, March 2, 2009
My friend from work, Don has launched a new the link on my blog page. He is having a photo contest, you could win a digital camera, etc. Check it out!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
How NOT to Spend a Night
So, we have been trying to teach Graham all about his medication and his condition. When we went to Heart Talk last year they talked about how boys in particular did not know enough about their condition, etc and as they turned to adults and they no longer had their mamas there to take care of them all the time, they stopped taking meds and going for we are determined that does not happen. Graham helps me sort his weekly medication into one of those weekly AM/PM sorters...I sometimes get him to call in his prescriptions as well and we are quite frank with him in our discussions about his heart condition. So last night I said...Graham go get your fault for not going with him and watching. He accidently took the AM medication for this morning as opposed to the PM for last night...what that meant was he doubled up on two of his medications for the day. So I called the Kentville hospital, they referred me to Poison I called them and they said that the doses for each individual medication was fine, but I still didn't feel all that great about it, so I called the cardiologist on call at the IWK...he was great. He said that it was no one dose that he was concerned about but a combination of all the higher doses. We took his pressure at home and the dr felt it was a little low so he said he would feel better if Graham was observed at the hospital for a couple of off we went...the nurse at Emerg was the one I had talked to earlier and she was great with him. We went right back and they hooked him up to a monitor for a couple of hours, checked his pressure and did a couple of EKG's...anyway, long story short...he's fine, it was after midnight when we got home so he was tired this morning.
He was upset with what he had done but I told him we were to blame for not helping him with it and that he was very smart to realize he had made the mistake and very brave to tell us. Anyone who knows Graham knows how much of a ham he can be while he's dealing with this sort of stuff...answered all the dr's questions about his medication...the names etc and the questions about when he has his checkups etc. I think they were slightly amused with him and it was a good break from what they were dealing with there. They were excellent and treated us very well.
He was upset with what he had done but I told him we were to blame for not helping him with it and that he was very smart to realize he had made the mistake and very brave to tell us. Anyone who knows Graham knows how much of a ham he can be while he's dealing with this sort of stuff...answered all the dr's questions about his medication...the names etc and the questions about when he has his checkups etc. I think they were slightly amused with him and it was a good break from what they were dealing with there. They were excellent and treated us very well.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Calm before the Storm
What a great day!! The sun was shining and the sun was warm...sat on my swing for a while today, the sign of things to come. Pulled some wood out of the shed, gotta be ready for the big storm. I talked to Tracey and her girls and they are wearing t shirts in BC! Nor so much here.
Elysia had a soccer game today. She played well, had a beautiful cross for goal...almost got one herself but her and the keeper had a bit of a collision...she ate some turf, Elysia said if it had been grass, she would have been eating some.
Graham had an off weekend but next weekend he plays in a little basketball tournament and then the following weekend he starts his "spring training" for baseball. They are holding some indoor training for the upcoming baseball season.
Josee is coming to stay for the night. She works at 7 am tomorrow and it's a quicker drive from our house...especially if we get alot of snow...who knows how much we will get, sometimes the predictions are soooo far off.
Our cold water tank had a small leak the other morning. Our Mr Fixit neighbor will have a look at it for us. May have to replace it, there's always something to be done. Last year we put new rain gutters on the front, could use them on the back too. We need to recaulk a windown in back that leaked a little when it rained really hard...
We are still trying to get Graham to clean his's a slow process but I want him to be responsible for it. I cannot imagine what it would look like without us nagging at would require a shovel.
Elysia had a soccer game today. She played well, had a beautiful cross for goal...almost got one herself but her and the keeper had a bit of a collision...she ate some turf, Elysia said if it had been grass, she would have been eating some.
Graham had an off weekend but next weekend he plays in a little basketball tournament and then the following weekend he starts his "spring training" for baseball. They are holding some indoor training for the upcoming baseball season.
Josee is coming to stay for the night. She works at 7 am tomorrow and it's a quicker drive from our house...especially if we get alot of snow...who knows how much we will get, sometimes the predictions are soooo far off.
Our cold water tank had a small leak the other morning. Our Mr Fixit neighbor will have a look at it for us. May have to replace it, there's always something to be done. Last year we put new rain gutters on the front, could use them on the back too. We need to recaulk a windown in back that leaked a little when it rained really hard...
We are still trying to get Graham to clean his's a slow process but I want him to be responsible for it. I cannot imagine what it would look like without us nagging at would require a shovel.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
What a day...I get migraines...not often, about 3 to 4 a some ways I am follow a very specific pattern. It starts with an aura...basically an aura is a freakout of the nerves in the brain that usually cause visual symptoms. Mine is usually just a spot at first, like when someone takes your picture with a bright flash. It gradually grow to obstruct my vision about 50%, usually always the vision on the left side...the edges of the "blind spot" flash, I cannot read or drive at this point (it did happen once while I was driving and that was not pleasant). It does make me quite nauseaus (can never spell that word). Once the aura stops (usually lasts about half an hour), the pain sets in. It does not last long but it's usually quite intense and completely wipes me out. I came home today after the aura had stopped, thinking I would put a fire on and lay on the the time I got home, I was beat, I headed upstairs and buried my head under the pillows and went to sleep, I woke about two hours later when the kiddies got home. I felt much better, not 100%, but certainly better. Now it's time to feed the animals at the zoo.
PS...for my birthday I asked for money so I could pool my resources and buy a new arrived yesterday...Canon Power Shot SC 10 IS, 10.0 mega pixels and 20 x optical zoom...I now need a tutorial to use it. Played with it last night for a while, maybe some more later.
Snow coming tomorrow, my goal is to have the snowblower up from the shed tonight...and guess what, Mike is working later...hope I won't need the Manwich can!! Shouldn't need it, Mike went down and beat up the ice last week.
PS...for my birthday I asked for money so I could pool my resources and buy a new arrived yesterday...Canon Power Shot SC 10 IS, 10.0 mega pixels and 20 x optical zoom...I now need a tutorial to use it. Played with it last night for a while, maybe some more later.
Snow coming tomorrow, my goal is to have the snowblower up from the shed tonight...and guess what, Mike is working later...hope I won't need the Manwich can!! Shouldn't need it, Mike went down and beat up the ice last week.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Lies of Ommission
My daughter learned a lesson in Lies of Ommission today. Friday night she slept at her friend's house and apparently they went to see a big deal, right...but when you don't tell your mother before you go, or call her when you are going or tell her when she calls to say good night and she has asked you what you did...that's a lie of ommission. What's the worse thing you can do to a 14 year old...take her cell phone. It's in a "safe place" for a few days and hopefully lesson learned.
Graham had a bball game on Sat against the other KMBA team...big rivalry, so apparently there had been a little trash talk at school between the boys. Testosterone kicking in early! Anyway, Graham's team pulled out a win...they were pretty excited. To tell the truth I was a little excited as well. I admit that I stacked the last line but I did that first and worked the rest of the game around it. So no one played extra.
Elysia had a soccer game today and her team got creamed. They did not play their best but as I pointed out to Elysia, every time she battled for the ball, she won it and did something good with it.
We went to Josee's last night for candle light Valentines dinner...yummy roast beef and some birthday cake for dessert...guess when you turn 39 for the second time, you get two for me!
Did make it to Halifax on Wed (yes, my birthday)...what a great day! Took the day off work and headed to Halifax wit Josee and mom. We had some retail therapy in mind. We met Patti and Reta for lunch at East Side Marios and I had some Linguine Chicken Tetrazini...Mike and I use to go there for lunch when he was off when we lived in Halifax. It was delish!! Josee and mom had the same and thoroughly enjoyed it. Reta even went back with her husband that night for his birthday supper and had it. Bruce (Reta's husband) and I share the same birth date...certainly not the same birth year :) Bruce is much older than me! I like to remind him that he's the same age as my mother.
Gotta go and eat some ham and potatoe favorite!!
Graham had a bball game on Sat against the other KMBA team...big rivalry, so apparently there had been a little trash talk at school between the boys. Testosterone kicking in early! Anyway, Graham's team pulled out a win...they were pretty excited. To tell the truth I was a little excited as well. I admit that I stacked the last line but I did that first and worked the rest of the game around it. So no one played extra.
Elysia had a soccer game today and her team got creamed. They did not play their best but as I pointed out to Elysia, every time she battled for the ball, she won it and did something good with it.
We went to Josee's last night for candle light Valentines dinner...yummy roast beef and some birthday cake for dessert...guess when you turn 39 for the second time, you get two for me!
Did make it to Halifax on Wed (yes, my birthday)...what a great day! Took the day off work and headed to Halifax wit Josee and mom. We had some retail therapy in mind. We met Patti and Reta for lunch at East Side Marios and I had some Linguine Chicken Tetrazini...Mike and I use to go there for lunch when he was off when we lived in Halifax. It was delish!! Josee and mom had the same and thoroughly enjoyed it. Reta even went back with her husband that night for his birthday supper and had it. Bruce (Reta's husband) and I share the same birth date...certainly not the same birth year :) Bruce is much older than me! I like to remind him that he's the same age as my mother.
Gotta go and eat some ham and potatoe favorite!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Chapped Lips
So this week, I ended up with chapped lips...who knows why. So I thought I would put some cream on them, the only thing I could find was this Spectro Gel I use for Graham's eczema...yeah, big mistake! It burnt my lips and I ended up with the worse chapped lips of my life. Not only are they chapped but they swell in the morning so I look like a cross between a trout and Angelina Jolie. Now I am getting a cold sore, I think the smooching on Valentine's Day will be kept to a minimum unless something drastic happens. Right now I am the Blistex queen.
Graham had a basketball game yesterday and they played well and won their game. Elysia had two soccer games last night with only an hour in between. They won both their games and she played really well in the second game. She was fairly pooped at the end of it and I don't think it took her long to fall asleep last night. It's kind of nice now that all the weekend activities were on Sat, Sunday will be fairly quiet...Man United plays today at noon, so it will be enjoyable to watch it then as I usually end up watching the replay.
Had to have bloodwork done...I've had it from the summer. Just some baseline stuff now that I am the big 4-0. It's great to have a sister who is a lab tech. I was able to sneak in on Sat morning and go right to the lab so she could jab me. Graham thought that it was Auntie Josee's greatest jab her sister with a needle.
Last night Graham was telling his friend Connor a story and was talking about being at his "second aunt's" house...I asked who that know mom, Auntie Diane...he thinks Diane, Kathy and David are his second aunts and uncles...too cute! The kids are close to them and all the Morse cousins and have a special place for Grammie and Grampie Morse.
Graham had a basketball game yesterday and they played well and won their game. Elysia had two soccer games last night with only an hour in between. They won both their games and she played really well in the second game. She was fairly pooped at the end of it and I don't think it took her long to fall asleep last night. It's kind of nice now that all the weekend activities were on Sat, Sunday will be fairly quiet...Man United plays today at noon, so it will be enjoyable to watch it then as I usually end up watching the replay.
Had to have bloodwork done...I've had it from the summer. Just some baseline stuff now that I am the big 4-0. It's great to have a sister who is a lab tech. I was able to sneak in on Sat morning and go right to the lab so she could jab me. Graham thought that it was Auntie Josee's greatest jab her sister with a needle.
Last night Graham was telling his friend Connor a story and was talking about being at his "second aunt's" house...I asked who that know mom, Auntie Diane...he thinks Diane, Kathy and David are his second aunts and uncles...too cute! The kids are close to them and all the Morse cousins and have a special place for Grammie and Grampie Morse.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Saga of the Snowblower
So when I got home tonight about 20 cms of snow had fallen and it was starting to get dark, I thought it was better to get the snowblower out of the shed...oh...good idea in thought. First I had to get by the ice at the bottom of the doors, I could not open the doors as there was ice holding them shut. So I took out the ice breaker in the McKinnon house...our hammer. There I was on my hands and knees after I had walked through the knee deep snow to get the hammer. I am pounding the ice away (yeah, I thought it was going away), shards are flying in my hair. I could not get the doors open, the ice was too thick, so then it was time for plan B. I came back into the house and got the power drill only to realize it was not plugged in and was dead. So I grabbed a screwdriver and went down and took the doors off the shed (not exactly a great security system). I discovered after I had the first door off that the front of the snowblower would not fit through so I had to remove the other door.
So now I have the snowblower out...I follow the instructions for a "cold" start, but I cannot make it start. So back up to the house I go to get the extension cords to try a "warm" start. The cords were outside so they were frozen in a tangled mess. I managed to get them untangled enough and plugged it, get back to the shed and then realize I do not have the removable cord that goes into the snowblower...I look all over the shed by flashlight, look in the house and cannot find it. I guess my rage at that point paid off as I was able to pull the cord hard enough at that point to get it started. So I now have to go back and get the extension cord out of the I have to go back up the hill in the snow. Now I have to go back down the hill to get the snowblower so I can blow my way up the hill into the driveway, I cannot come up the side by the door because the well cover is under snow and the Christmas tree which has never made it's way down the back bank is somewhere under the snow and I don't want to try to turn the snowblower into a mulcher.
I had to come in and change out of my pants. I still had my jeans on from work and they were frozen solid from the knees down. Elysia helped me untie my boots because my hands were frozen from trying to get the screws out of the shed door. My legs were red from the cold. So now I put on snow pants and headed back out.
Snowblowing the driveway was easy once I remembered which handle made the snowblower move and which one threw the snow, takes a little coordination. I get it all blown out and now want to keep the snowblower up and locked to the deck. The locks are frozen from being left outside so I have to bring them back into the house. I also need the tarp which is back in the shed at the bottom of the hill. Back I go down through the knee deep snow. When I had changed my pants, I lost my socks in the exchange so now I have snow going into my boots under the snowpants. I manage to get the tarp but have to screw the doors back onto the shed. Well guess what? The snow that has been fallen has cemented itself to the ice where the doors were so I am unable to properly attach the doors so I put in enough screws to prevent the doors from flying away (I hope). I go back up the hill with the tarp and go up on the deck to get the extention cord out of the plug and put it in the basement so it can thaw. I then go up around the house with the tarp to cover the snowblower...we do this with a bungee cord...well, to add injury to insult, the cord is frozen to the cement by the deck. Guess where the ice breaker/hammer the shed that has just had the doors screwed back on. Well, I am not going back down the hill and unscrewing the doors to get the ice breaker/hammer out. So I use the next best thing...a can of Manwich sauce...that's right, Manwich sauce. I ended up on the hands and knees by the side deck with a can of Manwich sauce, pounding the ice so I can get the bungee cord out.
At this point, I am fairly frustrated and pooped but feeling slightly accomplished. I come in the house and strip off my coat and snow pants and run up the stairs in my underwear (not a pretty picture). I cannot get the head band I wear to keep my ears warm off because it is frozen in my lovely beast of a hairdo...well at least that would melt.
All in all, if I had been smart I would have recorded the events of the evening and made one of those time lapse photography videos and posted it on Youtube and I would have had millions of hits--40 Yr old vs Snowblower.
So now I have the snowblower out...I follow the instructions for a "cold" start, but I cannot make it start. So back up to the house I go to get the extension cords to try a "warm" start. The cords were outside so they were frozen in a tangled mess. I managed to get them untangled enough and plugged it, get back to the shed and then realize I do not have the removable cord that goes into the snowblower...I look all over the shed by flashlight, look in the house and cannot find it. I guess my rage at that point paid off as I was able to pull the cord hard enough at that point to get it started. So I now have to go back and get the extension cord out of the I have to go back up the hill in the snow. Now I have to go back down the hill to get the snowblower so I can blow my way up the hill into the driveway, I cannot come up the side by the door because the well cover is under snow and the Christmas tree which has never made it's way down the back bank is somewhere under the snow and I don't want to try to turn the snowblower into a mulcher.
I had to come in and change out of my pants. I still had my jeans on from work and they were frozen solid from the knees down. Elysia helped me untie my boots because my hands were frozen from trying to get the screws out of the shed door. My legs were red from the cold. So now I put on snow pants and headed back out.
Snowblowing the driveway was easy once I remembered which handle made the snowblower move and which one threw the snow, takes a little coordination. I get it all blown out and now want to keep the snowblower up and locked to the deck. The locks are frozen from being left outside so I have to bring them back into the house. I also need the tarp which is back in the shed at the bottom of the hill. Back I go down through the knee deep snow. When I had changed my pants, I lost my socks in the exchange so now I have snow going into my boots under the snowpants. I manage to get the tarp but have to screw the doors back onto the shed. Well guess what? The snow that has been fallen has cemented itself to the ice where the doors were so I am unable to properly attach the doors so I put in enough screws to prevent the doors from flying away (I hope). I go back up the hill with the tarp and go up on the deck to get the extention cord out of the plug and put it in the basement so it can thaw. I then go up around the house with the tarp to cover the snowblower...we do this with a bungee cord...well, to add injury to insult, the cord is frozen to the cement by the deck. Guess where the ice breaker/hammer the shed that has just had the doors screwed back on. Well, I am not going back down the hill and unscrewing the doors to get the ice breaker/hammer out. So I use the next best thing...a can of Manwich sauce...that's right, Manwich sauce. I ended up on the hands and knees by the side deck with a can of Manwich sauce, pounding the ice so I can get the bungee cord out.
At this point, I am fairly frustrated and pooped but feeling slightly accomplished. I come in the house and strip off my coat and snow pants and run up the stairs in my underwear (not a pretty picture). I cannot get the head band I wear to keep my ears warm off because it is frozen in my lovely beast of a hairdo...well at least that would melt.
All in all, if I had been smart I would have recorded the events of the evening and made one of those time lapse photography videos and posted it on Youtube and I would have had millions of hits--40 Yr old vs Snowblower.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
February 1's a new month. January went by fairly quickly. Lots going on.
Graham's team played Port Williams in Bball yesterday and they got creamed. The coaches from PW were a little intense, their players were good for sure. I told Graham that the sign of a good player is not how he wins a game, but how he loses Connor played hockey and his team did not do their best so it was a one sided affair also. Elysia's soccer was an off weekend for some reason again but next Sat she has two games.
We went to watch a soccer game today. One of Elysia's friends Adam, made the U14 boys tier 1 this winter...what a good game, it's so fast.
Mike has a few friends over for Superbowl, chili and wings...yeah, throw some beer in that...those are not mating scents to say the least.
So work has been interesting. I am attempting to do the year end...we have made some great changes over the last while but I think the owners expect that to show in the numbers in the first didn't want to talk about it on a Friday afternoon...okay, so stick your head in the sand for the weekend. I even worked at it a little today and I cannot make it look any better. They told me they want me to "own" the inventory, I really don't think they want that. I told them that someone could park their truck outside the door and load up and they probably wouldn't know the difference....any time they have discrepancies they just adjust the inventory...Agh! I gave them my ideas about how it should be handled...we'll see how that goes over and then how long it will last.
I have to take our financials to the accountants, I wonder if it would be obvious if I slipped my resume in there in between the balance sheet and income stmt. A girl can always try.
I am going to take my birthday off. I have to, I turn 39! As you recall, last year when I hit the big 4-0, I decided that I would start working my way backwards from now on, so 39 it is! Josee and I are going to go to Halifax for the day. I need some retail therapy...
Heard of this great website the other day...okay, so I admit, it was on Oprah...anyway, it's the largest on line shoe store~ I ordered red Sketcher sneakers for Mike to give me for my birthday. I know he would want me to have something I liked...:)
Graham's team played Port Williams in Bball yesterday and they got creamed. The coaches from PW were a little intense, their players were good for sure. I told Graham that the sign of a good player is not how he wins a game, but how he loses Connor played hockey and his team did not do their best so it was a one sided affair also. Elysia's soccer was an off weekend for some reason again but next Sat she has two games.
We went to watch a soccer game today. One of Elysia's friends Adam, made the U14 boys tier 1 this winter...what a good game, it's so fast.
Mike has a few friends over for Superbowl, chili and wings...yeah, throw some beer in that...those are not mating scents to say the least.
So work has been interesting. I am attempting to do the year end...we have made some great changes over the last while but I think the owners expect that to show in the numbers in the first didn't want to talk about it on a Friday afternoon...okay, so stick your head in the sand for the weekend. I even worked at it a little today and I cannot make it look any better. They told me they want me to "own" the inventory, I really don't think they want that. I told them that someone could park their truck outside the door and load up and they probably wouldn't know the difference....any time they have discrepancies they just adjust the inventory...Agh! I gave them my ideas about how it should be handled...we'll see how that goes over and then how long it will last.
I have to take our financials to the accountants, I wonder if it would be obvious if I slipped my resume in there in between the balance sheet and income stmt. A girl can always try.
I am going to take my birthday off. I have to, I turn 39! As you recall, last year when I hit the big 4-0, I decided that I would start working my way backwards from now on, so 39 it is! Josee and I are going to go to Halifax for the day. I need some retail therapy...
Heard of this great website the other day...okay, so I admit, it was on Oprah...anyway, it's the largest on line shoe store~ I ordered red Sketcher sneakers for Mike to give me for my birthday. I know he would want me to have something I liked...:)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I Had Better Blog I have been a little lax lately in my blogging...I would like to say it's because I have been been so busy but I cannot say that...when I think of it the computer is somewhere else in the house and I cannot be bothered going to get it at that point...I'll do it later I think...and then it doesn't happen. So I guess the reason is laziness, guess at least I am honest about it.
Not much going on. Graham had basketball yesterday. Mike and I ran the scoresheet and the clock and we think we are bad luck...they lost and the only other time they lost was when Mike and I did the scoresheet and clock...hmmm...
Elysia has an off weekend for soccer but next weekend she has two games on Sat night, should be a busy evening.
My kitchen is a scarey mess, I am hoping if I ignore it long enough the kitchen ferries will clean it...maybe, Mike will. So today it's laundry, laundry, and more laundry and the kitchen. I blame my mother for the kitchen mess, she hired Mike to make ribs and bruschetta for her get together, he's a great cook but he's use to not cleaning up after himself. He's a long as it's a neat pile, he thinks it's clean. Actually usually he's pretty good about cleaning the kitchen, maybe he's hoping for the kitchen ferries too.
Did go to a couple of basketball games at Acadian...great basketball. I like watching the ladies play, I find they dig a little harder for the ball. Graham's team was invited to play during half time, they didn't get alot of play because the radio stations were having some promotions but they had fun and enjoyed the crowd cheering for them.
Mike and Graham are heading off skating today, Elysia doesn't want to go but she "offered" for me to take her to the kind of her. Her and her friends went to see Marlie and Me the other night. They bawled, Elysia said there was a man behind her crying.
Not much going on. Graham had basketball yesterday. Mike and I ran the scoresheet and the clock and we think we are bad luck...they lost and the only other time they lost was when Mike and I did the scoresheet and clock...hmmm...
Elysia has an off weekend for soccer but next weekend she has two games on Sat night, should be a busy evening.
My kitchen is a scarey mess, I am hoping if I ignore it long enough the kitchen ferries will clean it...maybe, Mike will. So today it's laundry, laundry, and more laundry and the kitchen. I blame my mother for the kitchen mess, she hired Mike to make ribs and bruschetta for her get together, he's a great cook but he's use to not cleaning up after himself. He's a long as it's a neat pile, he thinks it's clean. Actually usually he's pretty good about cleaning the kitchen, maybe he's hoping for the kitchen ferries too.
Did go to a couple of basketball games at Acadian...great basketball. I like watching the ladies play, I find they dig a little harder for the ball. Graham's team was invited to play during half time, they didn't get alot of play because the radio stations were having some promotions but they had fun and enjoyed the crowd cheering for them.
Mike and Graham are heading off skating today, Elysia doesn't want to go but she "offered" for me to take her to the kind of her. Her and her friends went to see Marlie and Me the other night. They bawled, Elysia said there was a man behind her crying.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy New Year!
Wow it's 2009, I remember (barely) 1980 and how odd that it's does happen in the blink of an eye. We had a great eve, we went as a family to our friends' house with most of the was great, we could walk there and not have to worry about driving, babysitters, cabs...
We were invited to a New Years Levee in the Chester area but needless to say with the weather we did not make it out...somehow 30 cms of snow will do that...but Mike did have fun with his new toy. We broke down and bought a snowblower, neither one of us is getting any younger but I swear the driveway is getting bigger. I did get the opportunity to use it for a couple of swipes but Mike looked like a kid who had his new bike taken away.
So it's back to "normal" life. The kids head back to school tomorrow and are not particularly thrilled about it. Elysia was given the first two of the Twilight series of books for Christmas, well, following in her mother's reading footsteps, she has read both, bought the third and should be done that tonight. So tomorrow evening it will be a trip to New Minas to the book store. I told her I hoped she would put that much effort into studing for her exams in January :)...yeah, deluded aren't I? Elysia says she doesn't know how she will be able to get out of bed so early for school, I told it's nothing a cold glass of water won't cure, not so funny to her.
Graham had basketball today, he had new shoes and a new mouthguard to try out. He had the mouthguard in when he got out of the car, maybe he felt the driveway was slippery or something. Anyway, he had a good game, scored 5 baskets, which is almost triple his season total so far. The team did well with their passing and rebounds and at this age, it makes all the difference.
My husband was off for two weeks and the day before he goes back he starts a cold...sniffling, coughing and generally not feeling well. So his first day back was a short one. With his blood pressure medication, he's limited to what he can take for relief, I always like those night time cold remedies that make you feel all wonky.
So Happy New Year to all, I hope 2009 is happy and healthy for all!
We were invited to a New Years Levee in the Chester area but needless to say with the weather we did not make it out...somehow 30 cms of snow will do that...but Mike did have fun with his new toy. We broke down and bought a snowblower, neither one of us is getting any younger but I swear the driveway is getting bigger. I did get the opportunity to use it for a couple of swipes but Mike looked like a kid who had his new bike taken away.
So it's back to "normal" life. The kids head back to school tomorrow and are not particularly thrilled about it. Elysia was given the first two of the Twilight series of books for Christmas, well, following in her mother's reading footsteps, she has read both, bought the third and should be done that tonight. So tomorrow evening it will be a trip to New Minas to the book store. I told her I hoped she would put that much effort into studing for her exams in January :)...yeah, deluded aren't I? Elysia says she doesn't know how she will be able to get out of bed so early for school, I told it's nothing a cold glass of water won't cure, not so funny to her.
Graham had basketball today, he had new shoes and a new mouthguard to try out. He had the mouthguard in when he got out of the car, maybe he felt the driveway was slippery or something. Anyway, he had a good game, scored 5 baskets, which is almost triple his season total so far. The team did well with their passing and rebounds and at this age, it makes all the difference.
My husband was off for two weeks and the day before he goes back he starts a cold...sniffling, coughing and generally not feeling well. So his first day back was a short one. With his blood pressure medication, he's limited to what he can take for relief, I always like those night time cold remedies that make you feel all wonky.
So Happy New Year to all, I hope 2009 is happy and healthy for all!
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