Thursday, June 21, 2007


Last night, my niece, Sarah had her semi-formal dance at her school. Her girlfriends all went to the duck pond to have pictures taken. Elysia, Graham and I went to check them out. I must admit that when I saw Sarah all done up in her dress, hair and makeup, I got a little misty eyed. It's hard to watch them grow up so fast. Here's a picture of Sarah and Elysia, they are very close cousins. Graham did not want his picture taken, I'm not sure if he thought his cousin had cooties or something.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how old and beautiful both of them are. Thank God I don't have any girls.....good luck to both of you with that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming Annie, you were misty eyed, I was a wreck inside trying to not show it. Your day is coming and we will all be there too.