Friday, April 25, 2008


Oh...thank goodness...for my sanity, it needs to be Friday...

Mike and Graham are on their way to Halifax this morning...and there was snow showers up there so Mike was not impressed...those who know him will realize that the roads will be "treachurous"...

Elysia is having friends over tonight to watch a girl and two boys...hmmm...I'm pretty good at math...I asked if this was a boyfriend/girlfriend thing and she gave me that look~like I am a complete and utter idiot for even asking~and said no. Whatever~I am still going to put a huge roaring fire on and make the room really hot and hide all the blankets! Mike was a little freaked about it, my point is, if I said no, then they will go somewhere else, so at least at my house I can delude myself into thinking I have some control over the situation...yeah, I know...deluded!

Grampie Morse is still stable, they did have to move his chest tube yesterday because it kinked...but he's still doing pretty good considering the beating he took.

1 comment:

Josee said...

you are as slow blogging as I am