Monday, April 7, 2008


It's Monday and the sun is shining and it's suppose to shine all week...God, I wish it was last year and I wasn't working...I miss EI!

Elysia got her hair cut this weekend and loved it until she had to try and do it's too short, it won't go in a ponytail, it's sticking out....AGH! I tried the "it will grow back" help. At least her mother gave her money for lunch today, so she didn't have to try and fit it in her bag.

Graham had a fever Friday and Saturday but seems fine now, I do think the poor kid was tired. I still don't think he's sleeping the best...lots of talking in his sleep.

Did I mention my husband, Mike...for the record he didn't watch movies all day Friday, he cleaned and did laundry.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Poor Elysia...little does she know that hair frustrations will plague her from now until the end of time. Oh, life lessons DO suck.