Friday, March 28, 2008

Breath Right--Amended

So Mike picked up some of those Breath Right strips because he has a slight tendancy to snore (or as Graham says...sound like a lawn mower) and let me tell you...they work!!!!! Mike told me not to blog about them but when have I ever listened?? And why not spread the joy!! I highly recommend these...Elysia ran downstairs and said "mom, dad's asleep and I don't hear him", I did on occassion check to make sure he was still alive because he was so quiet, just rolled over and poked him in the back until he moved. I would think it would provide him with a better sleep. Well done, my husband!!

Had to pickup Graham yesterday at school, his ear was sore...basically he has "swimmer's ear" from laying in the bathtub too long. He will lay in there for an hour with his head under water...oh yeah, there's goggles involved too. The infection is just in the canal and not the ear drum so we have to put in ear drops. I told him he had to lay with his ear up for a minute after the drops go in and he said "mom, if I can lay in the heart machine for 45 minutes with my hands over my head and not move, I think I can handle this..."

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