Monday, March 31, 2008

Mardi Gras

Went scrapbooking at the Old O on the weekend. I have started with digital scrapbooking through a great program through Creative Memories. I really enjoyed using it, you can add papers, use your pictures as's pretty cool. There was a Mardi Gras theme so Nicole, Reta and Patti got all decked's some pictures...Nicole is in the red, Patti is in the white with the big feather coming out of her head and Reta is the Jestor. What a bunch of nuts I hang out with...

Yesterday was Connor's hockey team's last home game...they won 2-1 and it was a hard fought game, they were getting quite choppy at the end and one guy hit Connor quite hard from behind...but Connor sucked it up and got off the ice...we could see him at the side of the bench walking it off. It's hard as an aunt to watch that happen, cannot imagine as a parent...

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