Monday, March 3, 2008

Roast Beef

Local Chef chokes on own cooking!! Not exactly a headline we would like to see but it happened.

Mike was doing some "quality control" on Friday...took a pc of the hip of beef to "taste test" it and it got stuck. He was able to breath but since Friday had been unable to eat anything and only drink in small finally after my gentle persuasion (some may call it nagging) he went to the clinic in Wolfville yesterday and they sent him straight to the hospital. He was put on IV and they gave him some stuff in it to make his esophagus relax...then they gave him nitro to make his vessels dilate...this made him really sick but he had nothing to throw up. I felt bad for him (yes, that's right Mike). He managed to swallow some barium so they could xray him and they could see that there was almost a complete blockage just above his stomach. At that point they told us that he would have to spend the night and they would put a scope down and push the beef through. They said that roast beef and steak are the two worst choking things they see. Anyway long story made short (or is it too late for that), they repeated the IV stuff and the nitro and it went down and he was able to drink and eat last night so they gave us the boot. But he does have to follow up because they said anyone who has had a blockage should be scoped anyway but as an elective procedure...the kids were very upset when I said I had to meet him at the hospital...Graham was crying. I explained to them this morning more of what went on, I don't like to keep things from them or lie to them, Elysia told me she was very worried about him. Although they did get to go Grandma's house and play with little Sofie, so it wasn't a hardship to whole way around.

My freaking nerves...just so my family is aware, I would like to go one week without a hospital visit...keep that in mind please.

Mike told me it wasn't necessary to mention him in my blog long has he known me?!

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