Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Something Exciting

Graham's cardiologist called today and when I heard that I was panicked...why was he calling, there must be something wrong?! Actually it was good!! Good news is great.

The cardiologist says that Graham's heart is getting good blood supply and any damage is old damage and there is nothing new. So basically it was a best case scenerio and Graham can continue to play sports. When we told Graham he jumped up and down and now his "dream of playing in the English Premier is still alive". So Graham doesn't need any more visits than he has been having and they will continue his medication because it's not doing any harm. We'll take it!!

I was very emotional when I found out because we have been very up and down over the last few months with this. We don't really know why his function went down a little but it will still be monitored.


Taryn said...

Oh, Annie...such great news! I am not suprised your emotions went into overdrive...it is called relief.

Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaaaay, so glad to hear your great news. colette

Anonymous said...

That is such great news. I often wonder how Graham is doing. So nice to know that his health is still strong!